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Contacts : Find an OCLC library

Find an OCLC library

Find an OCLC participating library or its symbol. Enter whatever you know—part of a name, city, etc. To enter multiple search terms, type a comma (,) between multiple keywords or phrases within the same field. For example, “DC,MD,VA” in the State field will retrieve OCLC libraries within: District of Columbia, Maryland and/or Virginia.


Results are limited to a display of 50 institutions.

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Institution Name   
Institution Type   
Member Status   
OCLC Symbol   
State or Province   

Use postal codes. (Includes Puerto Rico (PR) and the U.S. Virgin Islands (VI).)
ZIP or Postal Code   
Regional service provider or OCLC regional office   
MARC 21 Organization Code    
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  match any keyword(s)

Find it in the WorldCat Registry

Institutions around the world are listed in the WorldCat Registry.

The Registry offers a basic search by institution name. Advanced search options include: geographic location, institution type, OCLC symbol, NCES number, and other industry-wide identifiers.

Looking for Resource Sharing information?

Find it in the Policies Directory

The OCLC Policies Directory is a source of lending and copying policies of libraries participating in WorldCat Resource Sharing. In addition to searching by OCLC institution symbol or name, you may also search by group symbol or name, or by unit name (for example, branch). Using the Policy Directory’s advanced search, you may additionally qualify those searches by library type, OCLC supplier and International Lender status.

Learn more about the Policies Directory.