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Consumer Reports


03/12/09: Are ‘hope’ and ‘change’ still tax-deductible?
03/05/09: Olbermann's plastic ivy
02/22/09: The Cal Ripken president
02/19/09: Why we don't celebrate ‘historians day’
02/12/09: Goodbye, America! It was fun while it lasted
02/05/09: Secondhand children
01/29/09: Liberal Victimhood: A Game You Can Play at Home
01/22/09: More boos than balls
01/15/09: Murder spree by people who refuse to ask for directions
01/01/09: Teaching Dems new tricks
12/18/08: One plus one equals 20 extra votes for Franken
12/11/08: Minnesota ballots: Land of 10,000 fakes
12/04/08: The cleanest state meets the pushiest person
11/27/08: Terrorists' Restless Leg Syndrome
11/20/08: Genius, thy name is Obama
11/13/08: GOP vote declines less than NYT profit
11/06/08: The reign of lame falls mainly on McCain
10/30/08: Red hoax blue hoax
10/23/08: Ayers: Radical loon when Obama was only 47
10/16/08: 84% Say they'd never lie to a pollster
10/02/08: Media doesn't let us know the real Joe
09/26/08: They gave your mortgage to a less qualified minority
09/18/08: Obama: Lucifer is my homeboy
09/11/08: Bush 7, Terrorists 0
09/04/08: The best man turned out to be a woman
08/28/08: Joe Biden: Plagiarist as Veep? Does America know the real him?
08/21/08: Constitutional scholar Obama questions legality of slavery ban
08/14/08: Even by trial lawyer standards, Edwards a real sleazebag
08/07/08: Only his hair dresser knows for sure!
07/31/08: A baby daddy for both Americas
07/24/08: But will they respect him in the morning?
07/17/08: This is not a drill
07/10/08: The New York Times vs. Helms, Part 529,876
07/03/08: MCCAIN: PUMP THIS!
06/26/08: You can't fuel all of the people all of the time
06/19/08: Justice Kennedy: American Idle
06/12/08: Bush's America: 100 percent al-Qaida free since 2001
06/05/08: Obama was selected, not elected
05/29/08: You can't appease everybody
05/22/08: If we could talk to the animals
05/15/08: Phony hayseed, gun-toting Dems and their hybrid pickup trucks
05/08/08: Our long national nightmare is over
05/01/08: WHEW!
04/24/08: If only Hillary weren't a Clinton!
04/17/08: Obama woos gun-toting religious nuts
04/10/08: Dreams from my father, lame excuses from my grandfather
04/03/08: Obama's autobiography is a must-read
03/20/08: Throw grandma under the bus
03/13/08: Whoreable behavior
03/07/08: Hillary: Stand by some other man
02/28/08: William F. Buckley: R.I.P., enfant terrible
02/21/08: How to keep Reagan out of office
02/14/08: There's a Dem behind door No. 1, 2 and 3
02/07/08: From Goldwater Girl to Hillary Girl
01/31/08: GOP to Edwards: How much for that concession speech?
01/24/08: ‘Straight Talk’ Express takes scenic route to truth
01/17/08: The elephant in the room
01/10/08: My dad
01/03/08: Kwanzaa: Holiday from the FBI
12/27/07: Libs sing ‘Huckelujah’
12/20/07: There's a Huckabee born every minute
12/13/07: Joe McCarthy invented the Internet
12/06/07: They'll never forgive you
11/29/07: NYT: An undocumented newspaper
11/22/07: NYT: Suicide manual for Dems
11/15/07: Musharraf: the Tolstoy of the Zulus
11/08/07: Groundbreaking book publishes never-before-seen government files proving McCarthy was right after all
10/25/07: Have you hugged an Islamo-facist today?
10/18/07: Another liberal noose-ance
10/11/07: Fred Sawyer and Huckabee Finn
10/08/07: Pretend to be all that you can be
10/01/07: TASE HIM, BRO!
09/20/07: Is there a trial lawyer in the House?
09/17/07: From the halls of Malibu to the shores of Kennedy
09/06/07: Cruising while Republican
08/30/07: Reno 911
08/23/07: 1 down, 11,999,999 to go
08/16/07: If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again
08/09/07: Absolutely fabulist
08/02/07: Did I miss the ‘hip’ part?
07/26/07: Obama hails a unicorn
07/04/07: Studies show: Felons smarter than libs
06/29/07: That was no lady — that was my husband
06/21/07: Duke and Marmaduke
06/14/07: ‘No drug smuggler left behind!’
06/07/07: Bush's America: As long as we're adopting an open borders policy for immigration, how about opening the borders for emigration?
05/31/07: A green card in every pot
05/25/07: Importing a slave class
05/17/07: Falwell — say hello to Reagan!
05/10/07: C'est si bon
05/03/07: No wonder they're afraid of Brit Hume
04/26/07: Nuts in the crosshairs
04/19/07: Let's make America a ‘sad-free zone’!
04/12/07: HO HO HO, MERRY IMUS!
04/05/07: If at first you don't appease — cry, cry again
03/29/07: “Sorry” doesn't seem to be the hardest word
03/22/07: Scratch a global warming “scientist” and you get a religious fanatic
03/15/07: In Washington, it's always the Year of the Rat
03/08/07: Shooting elephants in a barrel
03/01/07: LET THEM EAT TOFU!
02/22/07: John Murtha: Caving in to arabs since 1980
02/15/07: Jonathan Livingston Obama
02/08/07: Yellowcake and yellow journalism
01/25/07: I am woman, hear me bore
01/18/07: The stripper has no clothes
01/11/07: Skank lied ... white boys fried
01/04/07: They're still wrong about Ford
12/28/06: Kwanzaa: Holiday from the FBI
12/07/06: Incoming Congress prepares to launch ‘Operation Surrender’
11/30/06: Imam spokesman is great example of why airport security ought to be profiling Arabs
11/22/06: What can I do to make your flight more uncomfortable?
11/16/06: Desperate Congresswomen of Hysteria Lane
11/09/06: Historic victory for diebold!
10/26/06: Dems' favorite halloween costume: Patriot
10/19/06: O.J. trials for terrorists
10/12/06: Clinton's new glow job
10/05/06: Who knew Congressman Foley was a closeted Democrat?
09/28/06: I did not have sex with that nomad, Osama bin Laden
09/21/06: Are videotaped beheadings covered by Geneva?
09/14/06: If only bin Laden had a stained blue dress ...
09/07/06: Joe Wilson: The end of an error
08/31/06: Why is the Republican Party debasing itself?
08/24/06: What part of the War on Terrorism do they support?
08/17/06: Terrorists win: Deodorant banned from airplanes
08/10/06: Big Foot, Scoop Jackson Dems and other myths
08/03/06: What I did on my summer vacation
07/27/06: More of Kerry's retroactive campaign promises
07/20/06: Born to run
07/13/06: N.Y. Times: Better dead than read
06/29/06: 12 down: Top secret war plans, 36 across: Treason
06/22/06: Be patient, I am working as fast as I can to offend
06/15/06: I'm getting a little fed up with people trying to make money off my book
06/08/06: My review of my book
06/01/06: Se puede get two years tax-free!
05/25/06: Apple-polisher shows P.O.W. real courage
05/11/06: Conservatives need 12-Step Program to manhood
05/04/06: Tuition soars due to knowledge shortfall
04/27/06: It's hard out here for a pump
04/21/06: Lie down with strippers, wake up with pleas
04/12/06: As hardworking as illegals are when they come here, they are immediately demagogued by liberals into adopting the victimhood pose so popular on college campuses
04/06/06: Liberal war on terrorism heats up: Delay finally captured
03/30/06: Sometimes the N.Y. Times is correct
03/23/06: They won't report this poll
03/16/06: Welcome to my world, Claude Allen
03/09/06: It's hard out here for a wimp
03/02/06: Speaking truth to dead horses: My Oscar predictions
02/23/06: So, three Muslims walk into a port
02/16/06: Muslim bites dog
02/09/06: Calvin and Hobbes — and Muhammad
02/02/06: ALITO ... BOO!
01/26/06: Abortion stops a bleeding heart
01/19/06: ‘Chocolate City’ sprinkled with nuts
01/12/06: Fork replaces donkey as Democratic Party symbol
01/05/06: Why we don't trust you with national security
12/29/05: Bush paying homage to Kwanzaa: A holiday from the FBI
12/22/05: Live and let spy
12/15/05: Why can't I get arrested?
12/08/05: Delay hammers Earle of Austin
12/01/05: We like you! We really, really like you!
11/25/05: Aid and comfort to the enemy for no purpose other than giving aid and comfort to the enemy
11/17/05: Are you now or have you ever been a second-rate filmmaker?
11/10/05: Danny Ocean defends the Rather network
11/03/05: Aito nominated; Democrats hide from base
10/28/05: It's morning in America!
10/27/05: ‘Scratch-off’ Miers
10/20/05: Who was the second choice?
10/14/05: Does this law degree make my resume look fat?
10/06/05: This is what ‘advice and consent’ means
09/29/05: Bob Shrum with a good cause
09/22/05: What would Reagan do?
09/15/05: Actually, ‘Judicial Activism’ means ‘E=mc2’
09/08/05: The perfect alibi ... I'll drink to that! (Part II)
09/01/05: Ted Kennedy's private parts: Part I
08/25/05: Conservatives cause global warming and liberal press
08/18/05: Cindy Sheehan: Commander in grief
08/11/05: It's ‘let's roll,’ not ‘let's roll over’
08/04/05: Read my lips: No new liberals
07/28/05: Fool me eight times, shame on me
07/21/05: Souter in Roberts' clothing
07/14/05: Mission implausible
07/07/05: Reagan's biggest mistake finally retires
06/30/05: Thou shalt not commit religion
06/23/05: Guantanamo loses five-star rating
06/16/05: Losing their heads over Gitmo
06/09/05: Woodward does Washington
06/02/05: Seven ‘extraordinary’ idiots
05/26/05: What left-wing P.B.S. bias?
05/19/05: ‘Newsweek dissembled, Muslims dismembered!’
05/12/05: Ever have one of those millennia?
05/05/05: The devil is out of details
04/28/05: Drag liberals into the light
04/21/05: Pies, lies & videotape
04/14/05: It's only funny until someone loses a pie
04/07/05: The purpose-driven left
03/31/05: The Emperor's new robes
03/24/05: Starved for justice
03/17/05: Freeze! I just had my nails done!
03/10/05: Come back, Liberals!
03/03/05: Calling the kettle gay
02/24/05: Republicans, Bloggers and Gays, Oh My!
02/17/05: Not Crazy Horse, just Crazy
02/10/05: The little Injun that could
02/03/05: Iraq the vote
01/27/05: Where's that religious fanatic we elected?
01/20/05: It's our party, you can cry if you want to
01/13/05: Liar, liar, now you're fired
01/06/05: They love America like O.J. loved Nicole
12/30/04: 2004: Highlights and lowlifes< b r > 12/23/04: Happy giving tree festival to all, and to all a good night!
12/16/04: We're the ‘lose-lose’ people!
12/09/04: The New And Improved Racism
12/02/04: It's Dr. Rice, not Dr. Dre
11/25/04: 'It's wabbit season!'
11/18/04: The loss that keeps on giving!
11/04/04: One last flip-flop
10/28/04: 40 excuses and a mule
10/21/04: Inmates ‘have a plan’ to run the asylum
10/14/04: Fall fashion preview: Cowboy boots in, flip-flops out
10/11/04: Heart Patient Outruns Ambulance Chaser
09/29/04: Parlez-vous political free fall?
09/23/04: Dan Rather: Fairly unbalanced
09/20/04: C-BS
09/09/04: The more John Kerry changes, the more he stays the same
09/02/04: Hanoi John?
08/26/04: Admitted war criminal cries foul
08/12/04: Brothers band together against Kerry
08/05/04: I'll have the Sandy Berger and a side of lies
07/29/04: Dems' New Slogan: No Teacher Left Behind
07/22/04: It's never a good idea to take advice from your enemies
07/15/04: Wilson lied, kids died!
07/08/04: Edwards' father was a millworker, and that's all you need to know
07/01/04: Saddam in custody — domestic America harmers still at large
06/24/04: Bubba bashers of the world, unite?
06/17/04: Let's rewrite one for The Gipper!
06/03/04: This is History calling — quick, get me Rewrite!
05/28/04: Tit for Tet
05/20/04: The other lame 'Times'
05/13/04: Crazy-Like-A-Fox News Viewer
05/06/04: Even with hindsight they can't see straight
04/30/04: Arab hijackers now eligible for pre-boarding
04/22/04: Donkey trapped in elephant's body
04/15/04: Thank you for choosing United, Mr. bin Laden
04/08/04: Hannity's homerun
04/01/04: How 9-11 happened
03/25/04: Chair-warmer on the hot seat
03/18/04: The reign in Spain falls mainly on the lame
02/26/04: AFL-CIO motto: Kick me again!
02/19/04: File under: 'Omission accomplished'
02/12/04: Political grenade dropper can't get a permanent pass just because he's a vet
02/05/04: Boobs in the news
01/29/04: Cash and Kerry
01/22/04: In search of the better ‘phony American’
01/15/04: The Dems' idea of a general
01/08/04: The Jesus thing
01/02/04: Place your right hand on the Koran and repeat after me
12/26/03: When blue states attack
12/18/03: It's like Christmas in December!
12/12/03: Vegan computer geeks for Dean
12/05/03: Massachusetts Supreme Court abolishes capitalism!
11/27/03: Massachusetts Supreme Court abolishes capitalism
11/20/03: The party of ideas
11/13/03: Remove Dennis Kucinich's feeding tube!
11/06/03: 'The Plan'
10/30/03: The 'mainstream' is located in France
10/23/03: Bush official caught in church dragnet
10/16/03: With half his brain tied behind his back
10/09/03: Answering my critics
10/02/03: General Democrat
09/25/03: It's the winter solstice, Charlie Brown!
09/18/03: HERE'S A TRAITOR!
09/11/03: How to lose a war
08/28/03: Liberal arguments: Still a quagmire
08/14/03: The Dems' laboratory: The host organism dies
08/07/03: When good historians go bad
07/31/03: Closure on nuance
07/24/03: Pots and kettles
07/17/03: Taking liberties
07/10/03: We'll let you know when you're being censored
07/03/03: Liberal alternative patriotism
06/26/03: I dare call it treason
06/19/03: YOU DON'T SAY
06/12/03: True grit
06/05/03: We don't care
05/29/03: Global warming: The French connection
05/22/03: The weather's great, wish I were here
05/15/03: The Old Gray Liar
05/08/03: American women to Kerry: We don't think you're so hot
05/01/03: Libs meet unexpected resistance
04/25/03: Will the 'true' imperialist religion please stand up?
04/10/03: Shock and awe campaign routs liberals
04/03/03: The Viet Cong Admiration Society retreats
03/27/03: The enemy within
03/20/03: Kissing cousins: New York literati and Nazis
03/13/03: Libs trade crusading anger for hard-headed realism
03/06/03: The real pea is under Dems' heads
02/27/03: Firemen beware!
02/20/03: Give us 22 minutes, we'll give up the country
02/13/03: Casting-couch Bolsheviks
02/06/03: Will of Allah' pre-empts Iraq invasion
01/30/03: War-torn Dems
01/23/03: Dems don't have the constitution for racial equality
01/16/03: Dems beat the Bushes for another terrorist attack
01/09/03: Axis of stupidity
01/03/03: Journalism: Where even the men are women
12/26/02: Kwanzaa: A holiday from the FBI
12/19/02: Dems: A Lott of trouble
12/12/02: CBS could show Augusta how to really discriminate
12/05/02: Media support citizenship awards for Central Park rapists
12/02/02: Beauty pageants can be murder
11/21/02: Great Gray Lady in spat with saloon, ahem, "woman"
11/21/02: The Democratic party: The gift that keeps on giving!
11/07/02: Saddam charges voter intimidation
10/31/02: Media Muslim makeovers!
10/24/02: Anti-death penalty zealots have turned to lying about proof of guilt
10/17/02: NYTimes goes wilding on "Central Park Jogger"
10/10/02: New global warming threat: Hot air on Iraq
10/03/02: Only crooks who lose are unethical
09/26/02: Why we hate them
09/19/02: So three Arabs walk into a bar ...
09/12/02: My name is Adolf
09/05/02: Murder for fun and prophet
08/29/02: Battered Republican Syndrome
08/22/02: Deploying the marines for gays, feminism and peacekeeping
08/15/02: Make liberals safe, legal and rare
08/08/02: Nuclear annihilation can't be confined to the outer boroughs
08/01/02: Working for the Poor from Malibu to East Hampton with Citizen Gore
07/25/02: What are libs upset about? It's just about money
07/18/02: Call her Mrs.
07/11/02: More slander
07/04/02: Liberalism and terrorism: Different stages of same disease?
06/28/02: Murdering The Bell Curve
06/20/02: Bush pays homage to the fetishistic rituals of liberalism
06/13/02: This whistle-blower they like
06/06/02: Build them back
05/30/02: Would Mohamed Atta object to armed pilots?
05/23/02: What do Dems know now?
05/16/02: All the news we heard from a guy at Handgun Control, Inc.
05/09/02 Forget Roe -- what's his stand on cow-tipping?
05/02/02: French voters tentatively reject dynamiting Notre Dame
04/18/02: Nine out of 10 Caribou support drilling
04/11/02: Not moving on, Part II
04/05/02: The Rube Goldberg Clinton Rehabilitation Project
04/01/02: I like black people too, Julia!
03/21/02: Should gay priests adopt?
03/14/02: An honest reporter on Bush
03/07/02: To steal or not to steal: Ask the professor
02/28/02: Mineta's Bataan Death March
02/21/02: Put the tax cut in a lock box
02/14/02: The Robert C. Byrd Bridge to Poverty
02/07/02: Being liberal means never having to say you're sorry
01/31/02: Lookin' for love in all the wrong places
01/24/02: Get your class warfare agenda straight!
01/17/02: The color of demagogy
01/10/02: If the profile fits ...
01/03/02: I'm calling the Pentagon
12/27/01: We'll pay them reparations later
12/20/01: Surrendered Nation I.S.0. imperialist victor
12/13/01: When Johnny comes slinking home
12/06/01: Women we'd like to see in burkas
11/29/01: The hun is at the gate
11/22/01: The new Roman arena: Airports
11/15/01: The mind of a lib
11/08/01: HillaryCare for the airports
11/01/01: The eunuchs are whining
10/25/01: Dressing for distress: In Hoc Signo Vinces
10/18/01: Mothers Against Box Cutters speak out
10/11/01: Affirmative action for Osama
10/04/01: Detainment isn't enough
09/28/01: Future widows of America: Write your congressman
09/20/01: Where's Janet Reno when we need her?
08/30/01: Condit hits another 'home run!'
08/23/01: The Beazley Boys: A ready smile and a ready gun
08/17/01: Queen nation
08/09/01: The ACLU's speech exception to the pornography amendment
08/02/01: Disgusting doesn't make it 'speech'
07/26/01: Stem cell low, buy high
07/19/01: National Organization for Worms
07/12/01: The Democratic dream team: Clinton-Condit in 2004
07/05/01: The swampland-of-government clause
07/03/01: Justice intrudes in mascot fray
06/28/01: Shouting 'Souter' in a crowded theater
06/21/01: Jefferson met Hemings in Vietnam
06/14/01: Disestablish the cult of liberalism
06/07/01: Supreme Court conquers the PGA
05/31/01: Abraham Jeffords
05/24/01: J'accuse Ted Olson!
05/17/01: Keep your laws off my Judiciary!
05/10/01: 'Centrist' in liberal-speak
05/03/01: Pulitzer's P.C. surprise: To h-ll with good writing
04/26/01: 'All the news we get from the ACLU'
04/19/01: The abortion exception to the Flynt Amendment
04/12/01: Tell him there's a stopover in Bangkok
03/29/01: Racial profiling in university admissions
03/29/01: Bizarre political sect ousted from nomination process
03/22/01: The trillion-dollar loophole in 'campaign finance reform'
03/15/01: The liar is gone but the lying continues
03/08/01: More facts, fewer liberals
03/01/01: Mary Jo White-wash
02/22/01: How to talk to a liberal
02/15/01: Bill Clinton does the Harlem shuffle
02/08/01: Eight more Clarence Thomases
02/01/01: This just in: Price controls cause shortages
01/25/01: People United for Swindles and Hucksterism
01/18/01: Ashcroft and the blowhard discuss desegregation
01/04/01: Liberal pimps for Clintonism
01/02/01: Kwanzaa: Holiday from the FBI
12/28/00: If Americans support abortion, let's vote
12/26/00: Gore, him and her
12/21/00: Channeling Jackie O
12/14/00: My Court is bigger than your Court
12/11/00: HANG IN THERE, AL!
12/07/00: National Lampoon's Florida Supreme Court Vacation
12/04/00: It's past time for GOPers to quit being good at losing
11/30/00: Things only a Dem will say with a straight face
11/27/00: Certify the electors, then the judges
11/23/00: Kangaroo coup
11/20/00: This is what the Electoral College is supposed to prevent
11/16/00: The liar next time
11/09/00: JUST GO!
11/06/00: Hail Mary past
11/02/00: As the nose grows: The scripture according to Gore
10/30/00: Clinton sure can pick 'em
10/26/00: Gore's 'Nam flashbacks
10/23/00: Courting George Orwell
10/20/00: The three faces of Al
10/17/00: Must Christian conservatives be fascists?
10/13/00: Oil good; Dems bad
10/10/00: Al Gore: Serial fibber
10/06/00: Sigh of the crook
10/03/00: So who's the 'dumb guy' now?
09/29/00: Don't do drug legalization
09/26/00: I'd burn down my neighbor's house
09/22/00: Democrats worship the money shot
09/19/00: Other film footage we'd like to see
09/15/00: Bush can name the **^%*
09/12/00: The Supreme Court ratchet
09/08/00: Our mistake -- keep polluting
09/05/00: Bubba protects and serves
09/01/00: AlGore's 'going out of business!' tax plan
08/29/00: Bush's compassionate conservatism
08/25/00: Space alien tells funny jokes in bathtub
08/22/00: Dems view world only in black and white, not in color
08/18/00: Another Damascus Road conversion
08/15/00: The viagra cotillion
08/11/00: The hand-wringing Hamlet from Hartford
08/07/00: The Democratic party's white face
08/04/00: Hillary's potty mouth
08/01/00: The hole in the story
07/28/00: Cheney's detractors can't get their story straight
07/25/00: AlGore: Elmer Blandry
07/21/00: The tyranny of non-objectivity
07/18/00: The state's religion
07/14/00: Reform it back
07/11/00: Keating for veep
07/07/00: Gore invented 'Clueless'
07/04/00: The stupidity litmus test
06/30/00: O.J. was 'proved innocent' too
06/27/00: The last guys 'proved innocent'
06/23/00: Serious Republican candidates don't get serious press
06/19/00: They weren't overzealous this time
06/16/00: Evolution of the strumpet
06/13/00: Actual journalistic malpractice
06/09/00: I did not have sexual
relations with that ... man!
06/06/00: IRS turns Bubba's screw
05/30/00: Too corrupt to be an Arkansas lawyer
05/26/00: Choose liberalism
05/24/00: Violence against coherence
05/22/00: Developmentally disabled Republicans
05/16/00: For womb the bell tolls
05/12/00: Asylum from Georgetown
05/10/00: The truth is out there, even for the clueless
05/08/00: Barbie is a liberal Democrat
05/02/00: Moving the goalpost
04/28/00: The bastardization of justice
04/25/00: How Monica Lewinsky saved the constitution
04/24/00: It's sunny today, so we need gun control
04/19/00: No shadow of a doubt -- liberal women are worthless
04/14/00: It takes a Communist dictator to raise a child
04/11/00: The verdict is in on Hillary
04/07/00: Vast Concoctions III
04/04/00: 'Horrifying' free speech in New York
03/31/00: Check-Off Box For Pimp Suits
03/28/00: All the news that fits -- we print!
03/24/00: Net losses all around
03/20/00: To protect, serve --- and be spat on
03/16/00: Thank Heaven for the consigliere
03/13/00: Vast concoctions II
03/09/00: The bluebloods voted against you
03/07/00: The Tower of Babble
03/03/00: Vast concoction
03/02/00: Hillary's sartorial lies
02/28/00: You have to break a few eggs to make a joke
02/22/00: I've seen enough killing to support abortion
02/18/00: A liberal lynching
02/15/00: McCain and the flag
02/11/00: The Shakedown Express
02/08/00: To mock a mockingbird
02/05/00: Summing up Campaign 2000: 'Oh, puh-leeze!'
02/01/00: A Confederacy of Dunces
01/28/00: Dollar Bill's racist smear
01/24/00: How high is your freedom quotient?
01/21/00: Numismadness
01/18/00: How dare you attack my wife!
01/14/00: The Gore Buggernaut
01/10/00: The paradox of discrimination law