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David Frankel on cinema's great journalists

David Frankel on cinema's great journalists

The director of 'Marley and Me' selects his favourite movies set in the world of journalism


Il Divo
Rated 5 star(s)

Paolo Sorrentino cracks the enigma of Giullio Andreotti

Il Divo

Lesbian Vampire Killers
Rated 1 star(s)

Horne and Corden's calamitous big screen outing

Lesbian Vampire Killers

Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Rated 2 star(s)

A low-laughter count in this poor US comedy

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

The Age of Stupid
Rated 4 star(s)

Franny Armstrong's stirring eco doc

The Age of Stupid

Rated 3 star(s)

Tony Gilroy's lighter follow-up to 'Michael Clayton'


Flash of Genius
Rated 2 star(s)

A cautionary tale for the ‘Dragon’s Den’ set

Flash of Genius

Still running

Marley & Me

Marley & Me

The latest in a long line of dog-based movies is solidly entertaining stuff


Love it or hate it, 'Watchmen' demands to be seen

The Young Victoria

Frilly and frothy tale of the early romantic life of the infamous monarch


Jennifer Lynch bounces back with this gripping, good looking serial killer thriller

Gran Torino

Clint Eastwood’s follow-up to ‘Changeling’ is a funny and tender examination of race relations

Slumdog Millionaire

Danny Boyle's awards darling continues to dominate London's cinemagoing scene

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Don't believe the anti-hype: David Fincher's soulful life-lived-backwards movie has subtly, depth and passion

Critics' choice

In the City of Sylvia

In the City of Sylvia

The latest from Catalan iconoclast José Luis Guerin is a moody and magical trip around the streets of Strasbourg

Wendy and Lucy

A quiet and intensely moving tale of American disillusion and poverty

The Class

Laurent Cantet's superb Palme d'Or winner is a realist drama about life in the 'blackboard jungle'

Anvil! The Story of Anvil

Bittersweet fly-on-the-wall doc about the has-been Canadian metal band

Che: Part Two

Steven Soderbergh’s two-part essay on the vagaries of violent, class-based uprising

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Woody Allen’s European tour heads south to Spain


Gus van Sant directs a wondrous performance from Sean Penn in the first great film of 2009

News & Features

Paolo Sorrentino on 'Il Divo'

Paolo Sorrentino on 'Il Divo'

Wally Hammond talks murder, corruption and political intrigue with Paolo Sorrentino, director of 'Il Divo'

Spielberg and Jackson's 'Tintin' is go!

Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are hard at work on their mammoth 'Tintin' trilogy

New Jim Jarmusch Movie 'The Limits of Control' trailer

The trailer for 'The Limits of Control', the new film by indie auteur Jim Jarmusch, is now online

Interview with Jennifer Lynch

Director Jennifer Lynch, daughter of David, returns with sophisticated thriller 'Surveillance'. Time Out meets her

Cinema's maverick sports coaches

Brian Clough had a unique management style – but there are plenty of cinema sports coaches who make him seem positively orthodox...

Film production preview 2009

Dave Calhoun and David Jenkins pick out the most promising UK, European, US and Asian films in production right now

Classic Film Club

Classic Film Club: 'Blowup'

Classic Film Club: 'Blowup'

Each week Tom Huddleston watches a classic film he's never seen before. This week: Michelangelo Antonioni's 'Blowup'(1966)

Classic Film Club: ‘Hiroshima, Mon Amour’

Last week's film: Alain Resnais's 'Hiroshima, Mon Amour' (1959)

British Cinema

Michael Sheen on ‘The Damned United’

Michael Sheen on ‘The Damned United’

Time Out meets Michael Sheen – the man who has inhabited the skin of Tony Blair, Kenneth Williams, David Frost, and now football icon Brian Clough.

Interview: Gerald McMorrow

Read our interview with Gerald McMorrow, debut director of bizarre British sci-fi movie 'Franklyn'

London cinemas

The essential guide to filmgoing in London

The essential guide to filmgoing in London

Hate popcorn? Like to drink wine in the cinema? Need Bollywood? Love short films? We present Time Out’s essential guide to London filmgoing


Film set visit: ’Bronson‘

Film set visit: ’Bronson‘

David Jenkins braves blood and bare-knuckle brawls on the set of ’Bronson‘, a new film about a British jailbird

Anvil: audio interview

Anvil: audio interview

Time Out sat down with members of the band Anvil and director Sacha Gervasi to discuss their rockin' (and sweetly funny) new doc, 'Anvil! The Story of Anvil'

Berlin Film Festival 2009 report

Berlin Film Festival 2009 report

Our verdict on the best and worst new cinema from the 2009 Berlin Film Festival

Dad Movies

The return of the 'Dad Movie'

The return of the 'Dad Movie'

Bryan Singer's 'Valkyrie' heralds a return to the old-fashioned historical suspense thrillers that were popular in the '70s. Time Out takes a deep look at the stalwarts of the Dad Movie genre

A Bond a day

A Bond a day

Join Time Out as we revisit the 21 official James Bond movies – from 'Dr No' via 'For Your Eyes Only' and 'Goldeneye'


2-for-1 IMAX tickets

2-for-1 IMAX tickets

Get two tickets for the price of one for selected screenings at BFI IMAX cinemas