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  • Boris, charity and the Olympics

    Dave Hill's revelation that the much trumpeted Mayor's Fund – Boris Johnson's idealistic if somewhat Victorian charitable foundation in which private companies were to invest vast sums of money for noble causes - has not exactly raked in the lolly, reminded me of something I wrote for Time Out's most recent London guide (and please excuse the puff).

    'Where Livingstone tried to run London as if it was a European city-state with the state paying, Johnson wants to run it like the US with private money replacing state funding – his admiration for New York mayor Mike Bloomberg is well known. But just as Livingstone discovered that England isn’t Sweden and...

  • London Through A Moving Lens: Five views of Henry VIII

    London is about to go Tudor crazy, so here are five very different looks at the cult and character of Henry VIII from You Tube.

    1 Seeing the funny side of execution, Sid James says goodbye to one of his wives at the Tower in 'Carry on Henry'.

    2 A lusty Robert Shaw in the Thames mud from 'A Man For All Seasons'.

    3 Lustier still, it's some hardcore bodice ripping from Jonathan Rhys Meyers in the extraordinary 'The Tudors'.

    4 Homer Simpson belts out 'I'm Enery The Eighth, I am'.

    5 Harry Hill's hilarious take on...

  • Ten tips for seeing stars in London

    It is 400 years since Galileo picked up a telescope and pointed it at the sky. To celebrate 2009 is International Year of Astronomy (IYA). Greenwich’s Royal Observatory is running a year-long programme of events, including next week’s Spring Moonwatch. We asked Dr Marek Kukula, the Observatory’s public astronomer, for his advice on sky-watching in London.

    1 Get a telescope the size of a bus
    'For public events such as Moonwatch, we use this 28-inch refracting telescope, which has a lens 28 inches across. It is the biggest of its kind in the UK and was at the cutting edge of technology when it was made in the late-nineteenth century.’

    2 Small can be beautiful too
    ‘For public events, we’re also...

  • Druids in London

    It seems like interest in paganism in London is on the rise. Perhaps it's the state of the world - financial armageddon, the catastrophe of climate change and the never-ending religious strife – or perhaps it's delayed feedback from the Ackroyd/Sinclair quasi-mystical way of looking at the city, but London's lost folklore, its recently invented ancient history, is experiencing a revival.

    Two books have recently been published on the subject - 'London Lore' by Steve Roud and 'The Folklore of London' by Anthony Clayton - and it is also the subject of a sold-out all-day conference at the...

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  • Want to live like common people?

    'The good news is, common people are very nice and can't wait to meet you'. Award-winning Time Out columnist Michael Hodges makes the case for the credit crunch

Read Michael Hodges' Slice of Life column
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