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Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM)

CPM monitors local educational agencies (LEAs) for compliance with categorical program and fiscal requirements. LEAs are responsible for maintaining compliant categorical programs.


State and federal laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor the implementation of categorical programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs). CDE monitoring is accomplished in part through the Categorical Program Monitoring process. CPM is a combination of data and document review and onsite visits of categorical programs administered by LEAs. The purpose of CPM is to monitor LEAs for compliance with requirements for each categorical program; including fiscal requirements. CDE monitoring is conducted every year for one quarter of all the LEAs in California. This allows for each LEA to be monitored once every four years by state staff knowledgeable in one or more of these programs. LEAs are responsible for creating and maintaining compliant categorical programs.

August 29,2008 Letter to the Field Regarding 2008-09 Cycle C Webcast (Posted 03-Sep-2008)

Video presentations, PowerPoints, and Narratives (Outside Source) from the CPM Webcast broadcast on October 9 and 10, 2008.

LEA Monitoring Cycles (Revised 2-Sep-2008; DOC; 322KB; 15pp.)
Every year one quarter of all LEAs are monitored and subject to an onsite visit. LEAs are assigned to one of four cycles: Cycle A, Cycle B, Cycle C, or Cycle D.

Criteria for LEA and Site Selection
This document provides information on the objective, statutory criteria used in selecting sites for CPM monitoring visits.

2008-09 Monitoring Schedule (Revised 8-Jan-2009; DOC; 655KB; 83pp.)
This document identifies the LEAs and sites scheduled for a CPM visit, the date of the visit, and the programs being monitored.

2007-08 Monitoring Schedule (Revised 30-May-2008; DOC; 1,242KB; 76pp.)
This document identifies the LEAs and sites scheduled for a CPM visit, the date of the visit, and the programs being monitored.

Questions and Answers
This page provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding CPM.

2008-2009 Instruments and Ongoing Program Self-Evaluation Tools (OPSETs)

The 20 CPM Instruments consist of state and federal legal requirements and are used by CDE monitoring staff to determine program compliance. The legal requirements are configured into seven dimensions representing major program requirements and sequences so that each dimension builds upon and informs the one preceding it. The CPM Instruments include core items and supporting statutory items. The core and supporting items combined determine a compliance finding.

The 20 CPM OPSETs are designed to assist LEAs in creating and maintaining compliant state and federal categorical programs. Each OPSET is organized around the same seven dimensions as the CPM Instrument to help an LEA answer the question: "What must a program do to be considered compliant under this program dimension?"

2007-2008 Instruments and Ongoing Program Self-Evaluation Tools (OPSETs)

The 20 CPM Instruments consist of state and federal legal requirements and are used by CDE monitoring staff to determine program compliance. The legal requirements are configured into seven dimensions representing major program requirements and sequences so that each dimension builds upon and informs the one preceding it. The CPM Instruments include core items and supporting statutory items. The core and supporting items combined determine a compliance finding.

The 20 CPM OPSETs are designed to assist LEAs in creating and maintaining compliant state and federal categorical programs. Each OPSET is organized around the same seven dimensions as the CPM Instrument to help an LEA answer the question: "What must a program do to be considered compliant under this program dimension?"


LEA General Information Form (Revised 30-May-2008; DOC; 40KB; 1p.)
This form should be completed by each LEA office including:

  • Migrant education regional offices
  • Districts
  • Direct funded charter schools
  • County Offices of Education
  • Agencies with administrative responsibility for a cooperative.

Inventory of Program Documents (Revised 25-Aug-2008; DOC; 641KB; 11pp.)
This inventory identifies documents listed in the CPM instruments and OPSETs. For LEAs scheduled for a monitoring visit, the inventory also identifies documents that are requested to be sent to CDE and those which are already at CDE.

Resolution of Non-Compliance (Revised 24-Apr-2008; DOC; 64KB; 3pp.)
Proposals for resolving noncompliance issues are to be prepared by the LEA’s CPM coordinator and submitted to CDE within 45 calendar days of the CPM exit.


CPM Narrated Presentations (Outside Source)
These are the first in a series of modules on the CPM process, instruments, and OPSETs. The modules are narrated PowerPoint presentations to assist in establishing and maintaining compliant categorical programs that are part of the CPM process.

Links to CDE Web pages for specific categorical programs:

Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
The school-level plan required for programs operated at the school and funded through the Consolidated Application, the School and Library Improvement Block Grant, and the Pupil Retention Block Grant. The SPSA planning process is an integral part of the ongoing CPM cycle.

Categorical Program Monitoring Mailing List

Subscribe (it's free!) to the Categorical Program Monitoring mailing list! Maintained by the California Department of Education, the list will be used to notify subscribers of news related to California's Categorical Program Monitoring process including new or updated information, answers to frequently asked questions, and changes in categorical program legislation. Simply provide us with your name and e-mail address (you can unsubscribe at any time.)


March 23, 2009 Notice of Suspension of all Non-Mandated Onsite Monitoring Visits (Posted 25-Mar-2009)

Notice of Online Reporting System for the Categorical Program Monitoring (Posted 15-Aug-2008)
This letter announces that the California Department of Education (CDE) and the California Comprehensive Center (CACC) at WestEd have been working cooperatively to develop and implement an enhanced and streamlined Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) system through the use of technology. The goal of this system is to allow local educational agencies (LEAs) to prepare for their CPM onsite visits by completing program instruments online and uploading documents as evidence of compliance. The letter also announces that this fall, CDE will pilot the web-based CPM reporting system in regions 4 and 10.

Local Translation of Parent Notifications to be Monitored dated February 23, 2007
Letter and Enclosures from the California Department of Education to County and District Superintendents Regarding Assembly.

  • Enclosure A: The text of Assembly Bill 680
  • Enclosure B: Information for the Implementation of California Education Code Section 48985
Questions: Patrick McMenamin | | 916-319-0357 
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