August 2004

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August 2004 : January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
See also: August 2004 in sports

[edit] Events

< August 2004 >
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31        

[edit] Deaths in August 2004

30 Fred Whipple
26 Laura Branigan
24 Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
18 Elmer Bernstein
15 Amarsinh Chaudhary
14 Czesław Miłosz
13 Julia Child
8 Robert Bootzin
8 Fay Wray
7 Bernard Levin
7 Red Adair
6 Rick James
3 Arturo Tolentino
3 Henri Cartier-Bresson

Other recent deaths

[edit] Ongoing events

2004 Atlantic hurricane season
Reconstruction of Iraq
Occupation & Resistance
Trials of high-ranking Ba'athists
Standoff in Najaf
Afghanistan timeline August 2004
Darfur conflict in Sudan
Israeli-Palestinian conflict
War on Terrorism
US Presidential Campaign
Republican National Convention
Swift Boat Controversy
USA 9-11 Commission
Same-sex marriage debate in the USA
AIDS epidemic
Abu Ghraib investigation
Ongoing wars

[edit] Election results in August 2004

15: Venezuela: Hugo Chávez recall
3: Missouri: Same-sex marriage ban
1: Mexico: three states

[edit] Ongoing trials

USA: Scott Peterson
USA: Kobe Bryant
USA: Michael Jackson
Iraq: Saddam Hussein

[edit] Related pages

About this page
Year in...
Wikipedia Announcements

[edit] August 31, 2004

[edit] August 30, 2004

[edit] August 29, 2004

[edit] August 28, 2004

[edit] August 27, 2004

[edit] August 26, 2004

[edit] August 25, 2004

[edit] August 24, 2004

[edit] August 23, 2004

[edit] August 22, 2004

[edit] August 21, 2004

[edit] August 20, 2004

[edit] August 19, 2004

[edit] August 18, 2004

[edit] August 17, 2004

[edit] August 16, 2004

[edit] August 15, 2004

[edit] August 14, 2004

*ZED Corporation Officially Opened.

[edit] August 13, 2004

[edit] August 12, 2004

[edit] August 11, 2004

[edit] August 10, 2004

[edit] August 9, 2004

[edit] August 8, 2004

[edit] August 7, 2004

UFO seen over Tinsley park IL USA

[edit] August 6, 2004

[edit] August 7, 2004

[edit] August 4, 2004

[edit] August 3, 2004

[edit] August 2, 2004

[edit] August 1, 2004

[edit] News collections and sources

See: Wikipedia:News collections and sources.

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