Republican Party (United States) presidential candidates, 2008

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This article lists officially declared Republican candidates for the President of the United States in the 2008 election.

In accordance with the 22nd Amendment, incumbent President George W. Bush is required to leave office in 2009 due to term limits, and Vice President Dick Cheney chose not to run for President.[1]

On March 4, 2008, John McCain obtained the 1,191 delegates necessary to receive the party's nomination.[2] Mike Huckabee announced his withdrawal from the race later in the evening.[3] McCain's last remaining competitor in the race, Ron Paul, withdrew on June 12, 2008.[4]


[edit] Delegate race count

This chart shows the total number of delegates committed to each candidate from the Primaries/caucuses/state conventions (different state parties use varied methods for electing delegates).

2008 Republican presidential primaries delegate count
As of June 10, 2008
Candidates Actual
pledged delegates1
(1,780 of 1,917)
Estimated total delegates2
(2,159 of 2,380;
1,191 needed to win)
John McCain 1,378 1,575
Mike Huckabee 240 278
Mitt Romney 148 271
Ron Paul 14 35
Color key: 1st place Candidate has
1 "Primary Season Election Results". The New York Times. (regularly updated). 
2 "Election Center 2008 - Republican Delegate Scorecard". CNN. (regularly updated). 

[edit] Nominee

Senator John McCain (Campaign site)

John McCain, born August 29, 1936, in the U.S.-controlled Panama Canal Zone, Senator from Arizona. Born into a military family, he became a naval aviator and POW during the Vietnam War. Often characterized as a Republican maverick in the Senate, he is well-known. In 2000, he failed in his attempt against George W. Bush for the Republican nomination: McCain continued his ultimately unsuccessful campaign long after the other Republican candidates had united behind Bush.

McCain's bipartisan compromise on judicial nominations and his strong support of campaign finance reform have drawn the ire of many groups,[5] However, his party stands with him on issues concerning foreign policy and government spending. On November 15, 2006, McCain announced he would form an exploratory committee. On the Late Show with David Letterman on February 28, 2007, he announced he would seek the GOP presidential nomination. He made a formal announcement on April 25, 2007. On November 4, McCain was defeated for the presidency by Barack Obama, the Democratic nominee.[6][7]

[edit] Withdrawn from seeking nomination

Candidates who have withdrawn from seeking the nomination.

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City

Rudy Giuliani, born May 24, 1944, in New York, former mayor of New York City. Giuliani said on October 2, 2005, that he would look at the possibility of running for President. On November 13, 2006, he announced that he was forming an exploratory committee. He has led several state and nationwide polls for the Republican nomination and the general election, and has been mentioned by many media sources as a possible candidate since the 9/11 attacks and a speech to the 2004 Republican Convention.[8] (See polls below) Giuliani is pro-choice, and supports a type of civil union between same sex couples and agrees for legal and medical reasons that same sex relationships should get the same rights under the law. He also believes in gun control and agrees with harsh punishment for illegal weapons or non permitted weapons. While opinions differ, some think that these positions could help him, should he secure the nomination, in the general election; others question whether the Republican base would support a nominee with Giuliani's social positions. On February 5, 2007, Giuliani unofficially entered the race for the 2008 U.S. presidential election by filing a "statement of candidacy" with the Federal Election Commission, but legally keeping him at the same level as he was while running an exploratory committee.[9] On February 15, Giuliani officially announced that he was running on CNN's Larry King Live show.[10] Had he received the GOP nomination and been elected, Giuliani would have been the first Italian-American to hold the office of president, as well as the second Roman Catholic after John F. Kennedy. Giuliani finished third in the Florida primary on January 29, 2008. The next day he withdrew from the race and endorsed John McCain.[11]

Senator Sam Brownback
Sam Brownback, born September 12, 1956, in Kansas, senior Senator from that state. In April 2005, the Associated Press reported that Brownback, who is little known outside his home state, "is using a network of social conservatives and Christian activists to raise his profile" in such battleground states as Iowa and New Hampshire. He is well known for his social and fiscal conservative record, such as opposing abortion and instituting a flat tax alternative to the current IRS Code. He was also instrumental in Congress' bestowing the Congressional Medal upon Mother Teresa. In his own words, "The core of my being is to rebuild the family and renew the culture." On December 4, 2006, Brownback announced that he would form an exploratory committee.[12] On January 20, 2007, Brownback officially announced his candidacy.[13] Of his campaign, Brownback has said, "I'm a son of a farmer from Kansas ... I still think anybody can be president. I don't think you have to show up with $100 million to do it. ... I'm the tortoise in the race. And I don't like how the race starts; I like how it ends up."[14] Brownback was one of three who raised his hand in the May 3, 2007, Republican candidates debate when asked "Is there anybody on the stage who does not believe in evolution?".[15] Despite his high profile among Evangelicals, most of them threw their support behind Mike Huckabee. Brownback officially withdrew from the presidential race on October 19, 2007, and endorsed John McCain.[16]

Jim Gilmore, former Governor of Virginia

Jim Gilmore, a Draft for President group was formed in August 2006, encouraging former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore to run for president after he was seen traveling to the presidential primary states. In November 2006, Gilmore told ABC News that a 2008 presidential run was one of several possibilities he is considering.[17] On December 19, 2006, Gilmore announced he was forming an exploratory committee for a presidential candidacy.[18] Gilmore announced on December 20, 2006, that he would launch his exploratory committee on January 2, 2007.[19] Perhaps hoping to mirror the surprising 2004 campaign of Democrat Howard Dean, another former governor with little national recognition when he entered the race, Gilmore declared that he represents "the Republican wing of the Republican Party" echoing the popular Dean quotation. Gilmore declared his candidacy from the Des Moines, Iowa GOP headquarters on April 26, 2007. Gilmore, however, raised a mere $380,000 in the first half of 2007, which he cited as a reason why he withdrew from the presidential race on July 14, 2007, and endorsed John McCain.[20]

Representative Duncan Hunter

Duncan Hunter, born May 31, 1948, in Riverside, California, U.S. Representative from that state and former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Hunter formally announced his presidential candidacy in Spartanburg, South Carolina, on January 25, 2007. He is known for his strong stance against illegal immigration, and opposition to free trade agreements like North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organization.[21] He introduced H.R. 552, The Right to Life Act, "to implement equal protection . . . for the right to life of each born and preborn human person"; it has over 100 co-sponsors. Hunter withdrew from the race on January 19, 2008 after a poor showing in the Nevada Republican caucuses, and endorsed Mike Huckabee. [22][23]

Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas

Mike Huckabee, born August 24, 1955, governor of the U.S. state of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007.Huckabee is the author of several books, an ordained Southern Baptist minister, a public speaker, and a musician; he plays bass guitar in his rock band, Capitol Offense. He is well known for having lost 110 pounds (50 kg) in a very short time and then advocating a healthy lifestyle.[24] He and his wife, Janet, have three grown children: John Mark, David, and Sarah. He announced his candidacy on January 28, 2007. Because he was an ordained minister, he had a high number of Evangelical supporters. After Mitt Romney withdrew from the race, Huckabee chose to keep his campaign going despite the fact McCain was the presumptive nominee. Following losses to John McCain in the Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island primaries, he ended his presidential campaign the evening of March 4, 2008, and endorsed him the next day.[25]

Representative Ron Paul

Ron Paul, born August 20, 1935, in Green Tree, Pennsylvania, is a long time U.S. Representative from Texas with a strong constitutionalist and libertarian voting record. Nicknamed "Dr. No" for his opposition to tax increases and spending bills, Paul has chastened his fellow Republicans for abandoning the party's commitment to limited government, and for helping to create an unsustainable national debt now in the trillions of dollars.[26] Paul seeks to "reinstate the Constitution and restore the Republic."[27] Paul ran for President as a Libertarian nearly two decades ago. He is opposed to the Iraq War and had the distinction of being one of only seven Republican congressmen who voted against Iraq War authorization in October 2002. He has also opposed George W. Bush and the majority of Republican congressmen on the PATRIOT Act.

On January 11, 2007, Paul filed papers to form an exploratory committee for the 2008 presidential race.[28][29] He formally declared his candidacy 12 March 2007 as a guest on Washington Journal on C-SPAN.[30][31] On February 20, 2007, Paul's exploratory committee posted on YouTube a formal video of him explaining his reason for running.[32] Paul did well in Republican straw polls and has broken several fundraising records including raising the most money ever raised in 24 hours, when Paul raised over $6.3 million on December 16, 2007 as a part of a moneybomb celebrating the Boston Tea Party.

On June 12, he withdrew from the race.[4] He said that he would not endorse John McCain the Presumptive Nominee for President. He then went on to endorse Constitution party candidate Chuck Baldwin for president.[33]

Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts

Mitt Romney, born March 12, 1947, in Michigan, is former Governor of Massachusetts; he did not seek a second term in November 2006. Romney is running on his record as co-founder of Bain Capital, the CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympics, and his record as Governor of Massachusetts. Although he ran as a moderate for the office of Governor of Massachusetts and during his failed Senate bid in 1994, he supported more conservative positions as his term progressed. Romney formed a presidential exploratory committee on January 3, 2007, the day he left the governor's office.[34]

Romney officially announced his candidacy on February 13, 2007 at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.[35][36] On February 7, 2008, Romney announced that he was withdrawing from the race, and endorsed John McCain.[37]

Representative Tom Tancredo

Tom Tancredo, born December 20, 1945, in Colorado, U.S. Representative from that state and leading advocate for more restrictive immigration policies. On April 2, 2007, Rep. Tancredo announced his official candidacy on Iowa talk radio station 1040 WHO. Tancredo has a dedicated grassroots following among paleoconservatives. He has visited early Presidential primary states such as New Hampshire, Michigan and Iowa to begin building popular support and has polled favorably amongst grassroots Republicans. Tancredo announced on January 16, 2007, that he was forming an exploratory committee.[38] Tancredo was one of three who raised his hand in the May 3, 2007, Republican candidates debate when asked "Is there anybody on the stage who does not believe in evolution?"."[39] On December 20, 2007, Tancredo withdrew from the race and endorsed Mitt Romney.[40] After Romney has withdrew from the race, Tancredo threw his support behind John McCain.

Fred Thompson, former Senator of Tennessee

Fred Dalton Thompson, born August 19, 1942, former Senator from Tennessee and actor, best known for playing D.A. Arthur Branch on Law & Order. There was speculation that Thompson would run for Governor of Tennessee in 2006, but he declined to run against the popular Governor Phil Bredesen. Regarding the 2008 presidential race, on March 11, 2007 Thompson said "I'm giving some thought to it. Going to leave the door open. A lot of people think it's late already. I don't really think it is, although the rules of the game have changed somewhat. ... I think people are somewhat disillusioned. I think a lot of people are cynical out there. I think they're looking for something different."[41] On June 1, Thompson announced he had established a preliminary campaign committee, thus taking his first formal step toward an official presidential bid.[42] On September 5, he officially entered the presidential race.[43] On January 22, 2008 he dropped out of the race, and endorsed John McCain.[44][45]

Tommy Thompson, former Governor of Wisconsin

Tommy Thompson, born November 19, 1941, in Elroy, Wisconsin, is the former four-term Governor of Wisconsin and was Secretary of Health and Human Services under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005. He recently announced interest in the 2008 nomination and, on December 15, 2006, announced that he had formed an exploratory committee.[46] He officially announced his candidacy on April 1, 2007.[47] After a poor showing in the August 11 Iowa Straw Poll, Tommy Thompson announced on the following day that he is withdrawing from the race, and endorsed Rudy Giuliani. After Giuliani withdrew from the race, Thompson threw his support behind John McCain.

[edit] Other candidates

The following candidates filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

[edit] Declined to seek nomination

Potential candidates who decided against running

George Allen, former Senator
George Allen, former US Senator from Virginia, was the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for the 2008 presidential election.[68] In a survey of 175 Washington insiders conducted by National Journal's "The Hotline" and released April 29, 2005.

Prior to his November loss to Jim Webb in the 2006 Virginia senatorial race, Allen had traveled a number of times to Iowa — the first state with a presidential caucus — and New Hampshire — the first state with a presidential primary). He had been widely assumed to be preparing a run for president. Allen's presidential aspirations were cut short when he was recorded on video trying to intimidate a reporter using the African racial slurr "macaca". [69] On December 10, 2006, Allen gave an interview[70] in which he stated that he would not seek the 2008 nomination. He endorsed John McCain for President.

Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida
Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida; his family connections and history indicate that he may be next in line to continue the Bush family legacy, although his mother, former First Lady Barbara Bush, has stated that he will not seek the 2008 Republican nomination, and many analysts state that he would be a natural frontrunner for the Vice President slot on the Republican ticket. On January 27, 2007, as the keynote speaker at the National Review Institute's Conservative Summit in Washington, D.C., Bush denied rumors that he would run for President in 2008. Governor Bush then went on to endorse John McCain for President.[71]

Vice President Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney, former Vice President of the United States, asserted his intent to not seek the 2008 nomination several times throughout the presidency of George W. Bush. He has since then endorsed John McCain.[72]

Bill Frist, former Senate Majority Leader
Bill Frist, former Senator from Tennessee and former Senate Majority Leader, stated on November 29, 2006 that he did not intend to seek the nomination but wanted to go back to practicing medicine.[72] He then threw his support behind the McCain-Palin ticket.

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House
Newt Gingrich was the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and former U.S. Representative from Georgia. According to the Associated Press, "The former House speaker who led Republicans to power a decade ago said he soon will visit Iowa and New Hampshire to promote his book, try to influence public policy and keep his political options alive." The AP reported him as saying "Anything seems possible," including a White House race. Gingrich first explicitly suggested he may run in 2008 on October 13, 2005, saying "There are circumstances where I will run", elaborating that such circumstances would be if no other candidate champions the major platform ideas that Gingrich advocates. However, he has since then said that the odds of his becoming a candidate are 4-to-1 against.[73] However, on September 20, Gingrich said that he would consider running for president if his supporters could raise $30 million in pledges by the end of October.[74] On September 29, 2007, Gingrich's spokesman Rick Tyler announced that Gingrich would not run for president.[75] He then threw his support behind the McCain-Palin ticket.

Senator Chuck Hagel
Chuck Hagel is the senior US Senator from Nebraska; however, he swore a pledge to only serve two terms, and thus will not be running for re-election to the Senate in 2008. According to NPR, Hagel was considering a Presidential campaign in 2005.[76] There were also a number of Draft Hagel blogs and groups online.[77] On March 12, 2007, Hagel made a statement on his political future, in which he kept open the possibility to enter the presidential race later in the year.[78] Despite being a fairly conservative Republican, he would have had to deal with elements of the party faithful due to his criticism of President Bush over the war in Iraq. It is widely thought that Senator Hagel would have had trouble emerging from the shadow of John McCain, as they are both outspoken Vietnam veterans. On September 10, 2007, Hagel announced that he would not seek the nomination.[79] He stated that he would not endorse either John McCain or Barack Obama for President.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
Condoleezza Rice, Former Secretary of State, said in March 2005 on Meet the Press,[80] and elsewhere, that she didn't intend to run for President, but couldn't rule it out. In an August 8-10, 2005, Republican primary poll in Iowa, Rice came in first with 30 percent, beating McCain and Giuliani, who each got about 15 percent. In October 2005, Condi vs. Hillary, a book by political commentator Dick Morris was published, which discussed Rice as a Republican candidate. She then endorsed John McCain for President.

Governor Mark Sanford
Mark Sanford, Governor of South Carolina; popular with fiscal conservatives, but has said he does not intend to run. Sanford professes to be a firm supporter of limited government, and many pundits have described his views as being libertarian in nature. There are several Internet-based groups trying to convince him to run for President in 2008. However, on November 7, 2006, he said that his gubernatorial race at that point would be his last campaign, win or lose. On March 15, he endorsed John McCain for President in a Wall Street Journal piece. [81]

Rick Santorum, former Senator
Rick Santorum, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania; A number of polls had mentioned him as a potential Republican candidate. Once he lost his seat to his Democratic opponent, Pennsylvania treasurer Bob Casey, Jr., a run for the Presidency became decidedly less likely and on November 17, 2006, in regard to a Presidential bid, he stated "Absolutely, positively not. Absolutely not, my wife would throw me out of the house if I do anything in '08." He endorsed Mitt Romney in the race for president. After Romney withdrew from the race, Santorum endorsed John McCain for President.[82]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Interview of the Vice President by Bob Schieffer, CBS News Face the Nation, March 19, 2006
  2. ^ McCain shares memories of his high school days
  3. ^ Huckabee drops out of presidential race
  4. ^ a b Z. Byron Wolf (2008-06-12). "Ron Paul to End Campaign, Launches New Effort". ABC News. Retrieved on 2008-06-12. 
  5. ^ David S. Broder, "The Senate's Real Leader", Washington Post, May 25, 2005,
  6. ^ "McCain clinches GOP nomination, CNN projects". March 4, 2008. 
  7. ^ "McCain wins GOP nomination. Huckabee bows out.". March 5, 2008. 
  8. ^ Early Signs Point To Giuliani '08, Weekly Standard: GOP Faithful Want Giuliani In 2008 - CBS News
  9. ^ BBC NEWS | Americas | Giuliani joins race for president
  10. ^ [1][dead link]
  11. ^ NBC: Giuliani to endorse McCain. Retrieved 30 January 2008
  12. ^ [2][dead link]
  13. ^ Senator Sam Brownback Makes Pro-Life Presidential Bid Official
  14. ^ Carol Hunter, "'Full-scale' conservative believes he'll sway voters by race's end", Des Moines Register, March 28, 2007
  15. ^ YouTube - GOP Debate - Evolution Question
  16. ^ Brownback to Quit 2008 Race - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
  17. ^ Political Radar: Gilmore Still Mulling His Options
  18. ^ - Former Virginia Gov. Gilmore to Explore Presidential Bid - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum
  19. ^ [3][dead link]
  20. ^
  21. ^ > News > Politics - GOP's Hunter will run for presidency in 2008
  22. ^ CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Hunter exits presidential race « - Blogs from
  23. ^ Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times : California's Duncan Hunter endorses Mike Huckabee
  24. ^ Barrett, Jennifer (2005–05). "Campaigning for a Healthier America". Newsweek. Retrieved on 2008-01-07. 
  25. ^ "Huckabee ends presidential run". CNN. 2008-03-04. Retrieved on 2008-03-04. 
  26. ^ The Coming Entitlement Meltdown at accessed at April 17, 2007.
  27. ^ GOP Presidential candidate would restore Constitution at accessed at April 21, 2007
  28. ^ Ron Paul Running for President Again? on Third Party Watch accessed at March 4, 2007
  29. ^ An Actual Peace and Freedom Candidate on accessed at March 4, 2007
  30. ^ Stinebaker, Joe (2007-03-11). "Rep. Ron Paul to run for president". The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved on 2007-03-11. 
  31. ^ Martin, Gary (2007-03-12). "Paul formally launches presidential bid". San Antonio Express-News. Retrieved on 2007-03-13. 
  32. ^ YouTube - RP PEC Video
  33. ^ Ron Paul (2008-09-22). "A New Alliance". Ron Paul. Retrieved on 2008-09-22. "I’ve thought about the unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate, and he has convinced me to reject my neutral stance in the November election. I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate." 
  34. ^ Massachusetts Gov. Romney ready to file for presidency -
  35. ^ [4][dead link]
  36. ^ Romney kicks off White House bid -
  37. ^ "Romney Suspends Presidential Campaign", Associated Press, February 7, 2008
  38. ^ [5][dead link]
  39. ^ [6].
  40. ^ Tancredo drops out, backs Mitt - First Read -
  41. ^ 'Law & Order' president? Fred Thompson may run
  42. ^
  43. ^ Fred Thompson Makes A Late-Night Late Entry -
  44. ^ ABC News: He's Out - Fred Thompson Drops '08 Bid
  45. ^ Fred Thompson Endorses John McCain
  46. ^ JS Online: Thompson tests waters for presidential campaign
  47. ^ Tommy Thompson to seek Republican nomination -
  48. ^ FEC Disclosure Report Search Results
  49. ^ Jerry Curry for President
  50. ^ Susan Ducey: Conservative Woman - U.S. Presidential Candidate
  51. ^ Cap Fendig
  52. ^ Georgia man drops quest for White House |
  53. ^ David For President (Home) The Official Website of the David For President Presidential Committee
  54. ^ Daniel Gilbert for President 2008 - We the People for Gilbert
  55. ^ Alan Keyes officially leaves GOP and hardly anyone notices : Top of the Ticket : Los Angeles Times
  56. ^ Dr. Mark Klein Campaign - Welcome!
  57. ^ William Koenig for President '08
  58. ^ Jim Mitchell for President 2008
  59. ^ Colonel Sanders 2008
  60. ^ Home
  61. ^ Michael Charles Smith – 2008 Republican Campaign for U.S. President
  62. ^ Richard Michael Smith for President 2008 | The Official Smith 2008 Web Site
  63. ^ Keith Sprankle for President 2008 - "America Wins!" -
  64. ^ Vaughn 4 America
  65. ^ Vermin Supreme are all around you
  66. ^ Vern Wuensche for President
  67. ^ 2008 Presidential Hopefuls Sorted Alphabetically
  68. ^ Glazer, Gwen (2005-04-29). "Signed, Sealed... But Not So Fast. Insiders' Predictions For WH 2008 May Not Match Public's Vision". National Journal. 
  69. ^ Heilemann, John (2006-03-13). "George III". New York Magazine. Retrieved on 2006-10-27. 
  70. ^ [7]
  71. ^ Nathan Burchfiel (January 29, 2007). "Jeb Bush Calls for Reforms, Return to Civility". CNSNews.  Retrieved on Feb. 2, 2007
  72. ^ a b Interview of the Vice President by Bob Schieffer, CBS News Face the Nation
  73. ^ Mitchell, Garry. "Gingrich: 2008 run for President possible", Associated Press, October 14, 2005
  74. ^ [8][dead link]
  75. ^ Gingrich rules out run for president -
  76. ^ NPR: Politics with Ron Elving: Iraq War Discord Grows
  77. ^ [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]
  78. ^ "Statement by U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel on His Political Future". The Washington Post. 2007-03-12. Retrieved on 2007-03-12. 
  79. ^ Hagel will retire from Senate in 2009
  80. ^ Transcript for March 13 - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC -
  81. ^ - CNN Political Ticker
  82. ^ [15][dead link]

[edit] External links

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