Armed Forces Day

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Several nations of the world hold an annual Armed Forces Day to recognize, venerate, and honor their military forces. It is similar to the Veterans Day of the United States or the Remembrance Day in many other nations.


[edit] Armenia

Բանակի օր (English: Army Day) is a public holiday on January 28 every year, in celebration of its formation on that day in 1992.

[edit] Australia and New Zealand

ANZAC Day is a public holiday on April 25 every year for the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).

[edit] Brazil

In Brazil, Dia do Soldado (English: Soldier's Day) is celebrated on August 25, the birthday of war hero Luís Alves de Lima e Silva.[citation needed]

[edit] Bulgaria

The Day of Bravery is commemorated every year on the 6th of May, The Feast of Saint George, who is the patron saint of the Bulgarian Army.

[edit] Canada

In Canada, Canadian Forces Day is the first Sunday in June and is strictly a celebration of Canada's armed services, their heritage, and their personnel.[citation needed] Many individual bases also celebrate an "Armed Forces Day" where part of a base is opened to the public for military demonstrations by various units, including airshows at air bases, and engineering, armoured and infantry displays at army bases.[citation needed] The date chosen by base commanders for each base's Armed Forces Day is typically on a weekend during the summer months.[citation needed]

[edit] Chile

In Chile, Día de las Glorias del Ejército is a national holiday celebrated every September 19, a day after the independence day, with the "Parada Militar", a parade where all the branches of the armed forces display some of their troops and equipment in a special part of "Parque O'Higgins" in Santiago. Several other smaller parades can be seen on other cities of the country, as well as air displays by the air force.

[edit] People's Republic of China

In China, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on August 1 in commemoration of the founding of the People's Liberation Army.

[edit] Croatia

In Croatia, the Dan Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske (English: Day of the Croatian Armed Forces) is celebrated on May 28 in celebration of its formation on that day in 1991.

[edit] Egypt

In Egypt, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on October 6, to commemorate the Egyptian Army's initial successful crossing of the Bar Lev Line and initial tactical victories in the October War.

[edit] Guatemala

In Guatemala, Día del Ejército is celebrated on June 30. It is remembered because in 1871 the Liberal Revolution or "Revolución Liberal", led by Miguel García Granados and Justo Rufino Barrios, marched on the streets of Guatemala City putting an end to the thirty year government of Rafael Carrera.

[edit] India

In India, the Army, Navy and Air Force celebrate their own Army Day (January 15), the Navy Day (December 4) and the IAF Day (October 8) respectively. But on Republic Day (January 26), all three services display their full colours and guard of honour.[citation needed]
Indian Air Force Day - The Indian Air Force Act came into force on 08 October 1932, that date being the date of its formal constitution. The IAF was a small group of six officer, nineteen airmen and four Wapiti aircraft. Now it is the fourth largest Aitrforce in the World after US, Russia and China. On 01 April 1933 first flight of the IAF the 'A' flight took off. IAF personnels consisted of five pilots and one equipment officer and 19 Havai Sepoys (air soldiers) and its aircraft was four Westland Wapiti IIA arm, which was in karachi(Pakistan). The Air Force first war was on 01 Oct 1937 in Wazirstan for Army Co-operation missions against Tribal. 'A' Flight flew 1400 operational hours.
Indian Navy Day - In India, 4th December is celebrated as Navy Day. On this day Indian Navy played a significant role in the bombing of Karachi harbor in the 1971 war i.e. Operation Trident which was launched on December 4. Owing to its success, the day of the attack has been celebrated as Navy Day since then.
Indian Republic Day - India became a Republic when the Constitution of the Country came into force on 26th January 1950, thereby defining it as a Sovereign Socialist Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary form of Government, through the Preamble. The Indian Constitution, which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly after considerable discussions represented the framework of the Government of the Country. Henceforth, 26th January has been recognized and celebrated as India’s Republic Day with great ardor, and is decreed a national holiday.

[edit] Iran

Rouz-e Artesh (English: Army Day) is celebrated on April 18, currently it coincides with the birthday of the current Supreme Leader of Iran.

[edit] Israel

Yom Hazikaron (English: Memorial Day) is observed on the 4th day of the month of Iyar of the Hebrew calendar, always preceding the next day's celebrations of Israel Independence Day, Yom Ha-Atzma'ut, on the 5th day of Iyar, the anniversary of the Proclamation of the State of Israel in 1948. This holiday honors veterans and fallen military personnel of the Israel Defense Forces who died in the modern Arab Israeli conflict.[citation needed]

[edit] Italy

Giorno delle Forze Armate (English: Armed Forces Day) is celebrated on November 4 to remember the Italian victory in the First World War. On November 4, 1918, Austrian-Hungarian forces agreed to a cease fire, thus ending the war on Italian front.

[edit] Montenegro

Dan Vojske Crne Gore In (English: Day of the Army) is celebrated on October 6.[1]

[edit] Myanmar

In Myanmar, Tatmadaw Nay (English: Armed Forces Day) is celebrated on March 27 in commemoration of the start of Burmese army's resistance to Japanese occupation in 1945.

[edit] Pakistan

In Pakistan,the Federal Army, Navy and Air Force celebrate Army Day (September 6), the Navy Day (September 8) and the PAF Day (September 7) respectively. But during Military rule it is on the Independence Day (August 14). Usually the ceremony takes place on the Resolution or Republic Day (March 23) when Pakistan is functioned during Democratic rule all three services display their full natural colours and guard of honour where they salute the national flag, Jinnah, Fatima Jinnah and other founding fathers such as Muhammad Iqbal, Choudhary Rehmat Ali as well as the national leaders. These observances then are watched by crowds of the people of Pakistani people, both at home and abroad. The capital Islamabad and other cities such as Lahore, Karachi, Gwadar, Quetta and Peshawar virtually come to a stand still during these celebrations.[citation needed]

[edit] Peru

In Peru, the Día de las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú (English: Peruvian Armed Forces Day) is celebrated on September 24.

[edit] Poland

In Poland, the Armed Forces Day is celebrated on August 15 and was created to memoralize Miracle at the Vistula.[citation needed]

[edit] Romania

In Romania, the Armed Forces Day is celebrated on October 25 - on this day, in 1944, the Romanian Army liberated Carei, the last Romanian city under foreign occupation.

The RomaniaHungary border had been reached a few days earlier, but the troops rested, completing the liberation of Romania[2][3] as a gift to King Michael I of Romania on his birthday.[citation needed]

[edit] Russia

In Russia, the День защитника Отечества / Dyen' zaschitnika Otechestva (English: Defender of the Fatherland Day) is celebrated on February 23.

[edit] Singapore

In Singapore, the Singaporean Armed Forces Day falls on 1 July each year. There is a parade to mark the day. There is also the trooping of colours for the occasion.[citation needed]

[edit] Slovenia

In Slovenia, Dan Slovenske vojske (English: Day of the Slovenian Army) is on 15 May each year.

[edit] South Korea

In South Korea 국군 의 날 (English: Armed Forces Day) falls on October 1, the day that South-Korean forces broke through the 38th parellel in 1950 during the Korean War. It is not a national holiday or public day off, but a National Flag Raising Day (국기게양일) to recognizes and honor the military forces of the Republic of Korea

[edit] Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka each armed services celebrates its own Army Day (October 9), the Navy Day (December 9) and the IAF Day (March 2) respectively. However all armed services celebrates Independence day (February 4) with a military parade in which they display their full colours.

[edit] Taiwan (Republic of China)

The Republic of China, administering Taiwan celebrates 軍人節 (English: Armed Forces Day) on September 3. Pursuant to Article 5 of the Order to Implement Commemoration Days and Holidays (traditional Chinese: 紀念日及節日實施辦法), the Ministry of National Defense (國防部) determines how to allow a day off for the military personnel. This is not a public holiday in Taiwan, but relevant institutions, groups, and schools may hold celebrating activities.[4]

[edit] United Kingdom

An Armed Forces Day will be established beginning in 2009. It will be held on 27 June, to coincide with the existing Veterans' Day.[5]

[edit] United States

In the United States, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May. The day was created in 1949, and was a result of the consolidation of the military services in the Department of Defense. It was intended to replace the separate Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Days, but observance of these days, especially within each particular service, continues to this day.[1]

The first Armed Forces Day was celebrated by parades, open houses, receptions and air shows. Armed Forces Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May, and Armed Forces Week begins on the second Saturday of May and ends on the third Sunday of May. Because of their unique training schedules, National Guard and Reserve units may celebrate Armed Forces Day/Week over any period in May. The purpose of Armed Forces day is to honor Americans serving in the five services - the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard.

[edit] Vietnam

In the Vietnam, Armed Forces Day is celebrated on December 22, the date of establishment of the Armed Propaganda Unit for National Liberation, the predecessor to the Vietnam People's Army[6].

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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