August 2003

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August 2003 : January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December


[edit] Events

[edit] August 1, 2003 (Friday)

[edit] August 2, 2003 (Saturday)

[edit] August 3, 2003 (Sunday)

  • At least 52 people have died in a series of explosions in northern Pakistan (BBC).
  • Sir Richard Dearlove announces his retirement from MI6 amid speculation about differences of opinion over the war in Iraq (BBC).

[edit] August 4, 2003 (Monday)

[edit] August 5, 2003 (Tuesday)

[edit] August 6, 2003 (Wednesday)

[edit] August 7, 2003 (Thursday)

[edit] August 8, 2003 (Friday)

[edit] August 9, 2003 (Saturday)

[edit] August 10, 2003 (Sunday)

[edit] August 11, 2003 (Monday)

[edit] August 12, 2003 (Tuesday)

[edit] August 13, 2003 (Wednesday)

  • Ivan Jovović and Bogdan Bukomirić, both 16 years old, from Goraždevac near Peć die after two attackers fired from AK-47 on group of children from Goraždevac who were bathing in the river Bistrica. Four children were injured in the attack, two of which are in critical condition. UNMIK and KFOR claimed that they transferred one of them, Marko Bogićević, to Belgrade, but he is actually in a German military hospital at Prizren, against his parents' wishes. An Italian KFOR patrol refused to lend fuel for the car which was transporting wounded children to hospital in Peć, when it ran out of fuel, and took no action when car was stoned by local Albanians. After finally arriving at Peć, doctors there refused to treat the children. KFOR claims that it is researching the location of the incident with 300 men.
  • Discovery of a Saudi Arabia airplane plot. Intelligence agencies producing alerts and relaying them to Washington, D.C., and London of a specific threat to airlines flying around Riyadh international airport. The plan to shoot down a British Airways plane was discovered after a member of the plot drove his car through a checkpoint in Riyadh. In response to the threat BA cancels all flights to Saudi Arabia until further notice. The United States issues a travel alert for Saudi Arabia citing the threat of terrorism including potential attacks against civil aviation. [108] [109] [110]
  • Iraq's northern oil fields resumes exports. [111]
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger names Warren Buffett as his economic adviser on Wednesday. Mr Buffett will help the actor build a team to lead the state out of its fiscal crisis. [112]
  • Disgraced Irish former Taoiseach Charles Haughey sells his historic home and estate, Kinsealy, in north Dublin to a property developer for 35 million euro. The former taoiseach, whose financial dealings and tax-evasion is the subject of a judicial inquiry and which have largely destroyed his reputation, bought the palatial mansion for £120,000 in the 1960s. Haughey, who is suffering from terminal prostate cancer, will not be allowed to remain in the house as a sitting tenant for the rest of his life, a demand of his which scuppered past attempts to sell.
  • Same-sex marriage in Canada: At its convention in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, the United Church of Canada votes overwhelmingly to ask the federal government to allow same-sex marriage.
  • A National Geographic team releases the discovery of a new species of large dinosaur, Rajasaurus Narmadensis, native to the Indian subcontinent. The research effort was made by a joint Indo-American group, including members from the University of Michigan, University of Chicago, and the Punjab University of Northern India. [113]

[edit] August 14, 2003 (Thursday)

[edit] August 15, 2003 (Friday)

[edit] August 16, 2003 (Saturday)

[edit] August 17, 2003 (Sunday)

[edit] August 18, 2003 (Monday)

[edit] August 19, 2003 (Tuesday)

[edit] August 20, 2003 (Wednesday)

[edit] August 21, 2003 (Thursday)

[edit] August 22, 2003 (Friday)

  • A Brazilian Space Agency VLS-1 space rocket explodes on its launch-pad at Alcantara space base, killing at least 21 people. It is thought that one of the rocket's four motors caught fire; the subsequent explosion destroyed the rocket, its cargo of two satellites, and the launch-pad, as well as the deaths of many of Brazil's space-specialists, causing an estimated US$12m worth of damage. This ends Brazil's third attempt since 1997 at becoming a space power. [190][191]
  • Natural disaster: Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano sends a column of smoke and ash three kilometres into the air. [192]
  • Natural disaster: Wildfire forces around 10,000 people from their homes in British Columbia. This is Western Canada's worst fire season in decades. [193]
  • Occupation of Iraq: United Nations Security council members are split on the issue of Iraq. France, Russia, People's Republic of China, and Germany are proposing differing ways to expand the United Nations mandate in Iraq beyond humanitarian aid and reconstruction. Secretary of State of the United States Colin Powell states that there is no plan to cede authority to the United Nations from the Coalition forces. [194] Powell also sought a new Security Council resolution that would involve other nations to contribute troops and aid in securing and rebuilding Iraq. [195]
  • War on Terrorism - Canal Hotel: Investigators focus on the possibility that former Iraqi intelligence agents working as security guards may have assisted the attack. [196]
  • Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Palestinian militants and the Israeli Government vow to continue attacks on each other after the terrorist attacks and bloodshed. Hamas and Islamic Jihad release an official joint statement on their participation ending in the peace plan. [197] They urge militant cells in Palestine to strike. Israeli security officials state this is "only the beginning" of responses to Palestinian attacks. [198] [199]
  • War on Terrorism: President of the United States George W. Bush announces a freeze on the assets of the Palestinian militant leaders of Hamas and organizations financially supporting the "terrorist organization". The action is taken because Hamas officially claims responsibility for the act of terror on August 19. [200] [201]
  • Efforts by US broadcaster Fox News to seek an injunction preventing satirist Al Franken from publishing a book backfire as the judge not merely refuses their request but ridicules it. Judge Denny Chin told Fox, which had claimed that the subtitle of the book, which included the words "fair and balanced", infringed on their trademark of the term, "this is an easy case. This case is wholly without merit, both factually and legally". Chin added "It is ironic that a media company, which should be protecting the First Amendment (guaranteeing free speech), is seeking to undermine it." Franken, who as a result of the Fox case had received massive media exposure, commented "I'd like to thank Fox's lawyers for filing one of the stupidest briefs I've ever seen in my life." [202]
  • Separation of church and state: Alabama's Chief Justice Roy Moore is suspended by a Judicial Ethics Panel over his refusal to remove a monument listing the Ten Commandments which he had installed in the state Supreme Court building. Moore had been ordered to remove the controversial monument by U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson, who in a judgment in 2002 said the monument "violates the constitution's ban on government promotion of a religious doctrine". Thompson's judgment was upheld by eight Associate Justices. Their ruling was criticised by Moore and the Christian Defense Coalition, who have threatened to block the court building to prevent the monument's removal. [203] [204]

[edit] August 23, 2003 (Saturday)

[edit] August 24, 2003 (Sunday)

[edit] August 25, 2003 (Monday)

[edit] August 26, 2003 (Tuesday)

[edit] August 27, 2003 (Wednesday)

[edit] August 28, 2003 (Thursday)

[edit] August 29, 2003 (Friday)

[edit] August 30, 2003 (Saturday)

[edit] August 31, 2003 (Sunday)

[edit] Deaths

See also:

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