Razgrad Province

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Razgrad Province
Област Разград
Map of Bulgaria indicating Razgrad Province
Capital Razgrad
Population 152,417
Area 2,637 km²
Population density 61.7 persons/km²
Municipalities 7
License plate province code PP
Time zone EET
(UTC+2; UTC+3 in summer)
Website http://www.rz.government.bg/, http://www.razgradnews.com/

Razgrad Province (Област Разград) is a province in northeastern Bulgaria. The province is geographically part of the Ludogorie region.

[edit] Municipalities

Its main city is Razgrad, and other municipalities Isperih, Kubrat, Loznitsa, Samuil, Tsar Kaloyan, and Zavet.

[edit] Population

The population of Razgrad Province is ethnically mixed, with no ethnic group constituting an absolute majority according to the 2001 census.

The population is 152,417 and the main ethnic group are the Turks (71,963), Bulgarians (67,069) and Roma (8,733).[1]

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