Across the Field

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(Fight The Team) Across the Field is the main fight song of The Ohio State University and the oldest one still in current use. Though the lyrics reference football heroics, the song is used by Buckeye teams of all sports. The song first appeared before the October 16, 1915 game against Illinois.

From The Ohio State University Marching Band's original web-site, as given by Nick Metrowsky: "In 1915, OSU student William A. Dougherty, Jr., set out to write the perfect fight song for his alma mater. While Carmen Ohio was already firmly in place as OSU's school song, Dougherty felt that something more exciting was needed for pep rallies and football games. And so Fight the Team Across the Field was born."

It is not played after touchdowns; that distinction is reserved for Buckeye Battle Cry.

This song has been adapted by many other universities and high schools in the United States.

[edit] Lyrics

Fight the team across the field
Show them Ohio's here
Set the Earth reverberating
With a mighty cheer
Hit them hard and see how they fall
Never let that team get the ball
Hail! Hail! The gang's all here
So let's win that old conference now! [1] [2]

Break Strain Lyrics:
Oh, Ohio! Go Ohio, Go!
Oh, Ohio! Go Ohio, Go!
Wahoo! Wahoo! for Ohio!

[edit] Additional information

Some performances of the Ohio State Marching Band include line "We've got the team why don't we..." prior to the lyrics of "Set the earth reverberating...".

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Metrowsky, Nick. "Songs of The Ohio State University". Retrieved on 2007-05-20. 
  2. ^ Alternate (unofficial) lyric:
    So let's beat that Michigan now!
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