Nikita Khrushchev

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Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev
Никита Сергеевич Хрущёв
Nikita Khrushchev

In office
7 September 1953 – 14 October 1964
Preceded by Joseph Stalin
Succeeded by Leonid Brezhnev

In office
27 March 1958 – 14 October 1964
Preceded by Nikolai Bulganin
Succeeded by Alexey Kosygin

Born 15 April 1894(1894-04-15)
Kalinovka, Russian Empire
Died 11 September 1971 (aged 77)
Moscow, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Nationality Russian
Political party Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Spouse Yefrosinia Khrushcheva (desc.)
Marusia Khrushcheva (div.)
Nina Khrushcheva
Religion None (Atheist)

Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev (Russian: Никита Сергеевич Хрущёв, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchyov) (15 April 1894 – 11 September 1971) was a leader of the Soviet Union, serving as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, following the death of Joseph Stalin, and Chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1958 to 1964. Khrushchev was responsible for the partial de-Stalinization of the USSR, as well as several relatively liberal reforms ranging from agriculture to foreign policy. Khrushchev's party colleagues removed him from power in 1964, replacing him with Leonid Brezhnev.


[edit] Early years

Khrushchev was born in Kalinovka, a town in what is now Russia's Kursk Oblast. He was of Ukrainian origin.[1] His father was the peasant Sergey Nikanorovich Khrushchev (who died in 1938 of tuberculosis); his mother was Aksiniya Ivanovna Khrushcheva. He had a sister two years his junior, Irina. In 1908, his family moved to Yuzovka. He was also the grandson of a serf and son of a coal miner.

Khrushchev trained and worked as a professional in various factories and mines. He became involved in trade union activities in World War I and, after the Russian Revolution of 1917, became a Bolshevik party member. Following the German occupation of Ukraine, Khrushchev joined the Red Army and served as a junior commissar in the Southern Front of the Russian Civil War. In 1921, Khrushchev was with the invading Red troops in Georgia.[2] After the civil war, he worked at various management and Party positions in Donbass and Kiev.

May Day Parade, Moscow, 1937. Left to right Khrushchev, G. Dimitrov, Stalin, V. M. Molotov and Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan.

In the post-Lenin power struggles, Khrushchev allied himself with the Stalin faction of the Communist Party, especially with Lazar Kaganovich, a close associate of Stalin. In 1929, Khrushchev moved to Moscow and enrolled into a school for party functionaries where he became acquainted with Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva. With her help, Khrushchev was brought to Stalin's attention and became the 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Committee (Moscow Gorkom) of VKP(b) in 1935.[3] The Moscow city secretaryship was a traditional proving ground for rising stars in the party (cf Boris Yeltsin) and Khrushchev apparently impressed with his leadership of the Moscow Metro works.[citation needed] In 1938, he became the 1st Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, one of the most senior regional party positions and was diligent in carrying out Stalin's orders. Khrushchev became a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Moscow in 1934 and the Politburo in 1939.[4]

[edit] Great Patriotic War

Khrushchev (left) at the military council of Stalingrad Front.

During the Great Patriotic War (i.e., the Eastern Front of World War II), Khrushchev served as a political commissar (zampolit) with the equivalent rank of Lieutenant General.

[edit] Rise to power

After Joseph Stalin's death on 5 March 1953 there was a power struggle between different factions within the party. Initially Lavrenty Beria controlled much of the political realm by merging the Ministry of Internal Affairs and State security. Fearing that Beria would eventually kill them, Georgy Malenkov, Lazar Kaganovich, Vyacheslav Molotov, Nikolai Bulganin and others united under Khrushchev to denounce Beria and remove him from power. With Beria imprisoned awaiting execution (which followed in December), Malenkov was the heir apparent. Khrushchev was not nearly as powerful as he would eventually become even after his promotion. Becoming party leader on September 7 of that year, and eventually rising above his rivals, Khrushchev's leadership marked a crucial transition for the Soviet Union. He pursued a course of reform and shocked delegates to the 20th Party Congress on 25 February 1956 by making his famous Secret Speech denouncing the "cult of personality" that surrounded Stalin, though he himself played no small part in cultivating it, and accusing Stalin of crimes committed during the Great Purges. This effectively alienated Khrushchev from the more conservative elements of the Party, but he managed to defeat what he termed the Anti-Party Group after they failed in a bid to oust him from the party leadership in 1957.

Dwight Eisenhower, Nikita Khrushchev and their wives in 1959

In 1958, Khrushchev replaced Bulganin as prime minister and established himself as the undisputed dictator of both state and party. He became Premier of the Soviet Union on 27 March 1958. Khrushchev promoted reform of the Soviet system and began to place an emphasis on the production of consumer goods rather than on heavy industry. Khrushchev also cracked down on religious groups and had many churches closed or destroyed.

He sought to lower the burden of defense spending on the Soviet economy by placing a new emphasis on rocket based defense. The Soviet lead in this technology was emphasized by the success of Sputnik 1 and subsequently Yuri Gagarin's Vostok flight. However, real Soviet missile forces remained small and the price that Khrushchev paid inside the Soviet system — hostility from the armed forces — was a major contribution to his eventual removal from office.[5] He was intelligent enough to realize that the weapons and tactics of the previous war had become obsolete with the advent of missiles and submarines and had severe disagreements with Mao Tse Tung over this issue.

At the same time the fear of Soviet missile forces was real enough in the West — prompting then US Senator John F. Kennedy to attack then-Vice President Richard Nixon over the missile gap in the 1960 U.S. presidential election and culminating in the stand off of the Cuban missile crisis.

Domestically, Khrushchev did not seek to somewhat roll back the collectivization of agriculture. Instead he promoted the Virgin Lands Campaign program, saying the Soviet Union could meet and surpass Western agricultural production through the application of modern techniques and the use of new crops. However, initial successes rapidly turned sour. Indeed, the Virgin Lands program was a fiasco, which involved the forceable removal of nearly half a million "volunteers" to Kazakhstan and resulted in turning the area into a dust bowl.

In 1959, during Richard Nixon's visit to the Soviet Union, Khrushchev took part in what later became known as the Kitchen Debate. Khrushchev reciprocated the visit that September, spending thirteen days in the United States. On his visit Khrushchev had two requests: to visit Disneyland and to meet John Wayne, Hollywood's top box-office draw. Due to the Cold War tension and security concerns, he was famously denied an excursion to Disneyland. He did, however, declare Iowa corn superior to Soviet corn[citation needed].

On his California visit, the Soviet leader got a show of American consumerism and the American way of life. This marked the first time a Soviet leader set foot on U.S. soil. But he was annoyed that the main event of his first day was a lunch with 300 movie stars and other celebrities and a visit to the set of the movie Can-Can at 20th Century Fox in Los Angeles, rather than an inspection of an aerospace plant.

After Khrushchev left the studio, gawkers pasted tomatoes on his limo as the doubly offended leader and his 30-car, heavily guarded caravan made its way through city streets. Local authorities would later report that a bomb was planted in a tree along the route and that a man who said he was deer hunting was arrested on suspicion of carrying concealed weapons just moments before Khrushchev's motorcade passed by a Los Angeles street.[citation needed]

Khrushchev declared himself offended by the chilly reception and even threatened to go home. "The thought sometimes -- the unpleasant thought sometimes creeps up on me here as to whether perhaps Khrushchev was not invited here to enable you to sort of rub him in your sauce and to show the might and the strength of the United States so as to make him sort of … so as to make him shaky at the knees. If that is so, then if I came -- if it took me about 12 hours to get here, I guess it'll just -- it'll take no more than about 10 and a half hours to fly back."[6]

The Kremlin boss' new attitude towards the West as a rival instead of as an evil entity alienated Mao Zedong's People's Republic of China.[citation needed] The Soviet Union and the PRC, too, would later be involved in a similar "cold war" triggered by the Sino-Soviet Split in 1960.

In 1961, Khrushchev approved plans proposed by East German leader Walter Ulbricht to build the Berlin Wall, thereby reinforcing the Cold War division of Germany and Europe as a whole.

Khrushchev and Yuri Gagarin

[edit] Personality

Most Russian leaders have been known for their formal, calm, aloof personalities.[citation needed] Khrushchev was different. During his administration he became world famous for his outlandish behavior and attention-grabbing antics that both alarmed and amused his audiences, friend and foe alike.

Khrushchev was regarded by his political enemies in and out of the Soviet Union as boorish. He had a reputation for interrupting speakers to insult them. The Politburo accused him once of 'hare-brained scheming—referring to his erratic policies. He regularly humiliated the Soviet nomenklatura, or ruling elite, with his gaffes. He once branded Mao, who was at odds with Khrushchev ever since the denunciation of Stalin at the 1956 Congress, an "old galosh", which was translated as "old boot".[citation needed] In Mandarin, the word "boot" is used to describe a prostitute or immoral woman.[citation needed][clarification needed] The Soviet leader also famously condemned his Bulgarian counterpart.[citation needed]

Khrushchev's blunders were partially the result of his limited formal education. Although intelligent, as even his political enemies admitted after he had defeated them, and certainly cunning, he lacked knowledge and understanding of the world outside of his direct experience and often proved easy to manipulate by hucksters who knew how to appeal to his vanity and prejudices. For example, he was a supporter of Trofim Lysenko even after the Stalin years and became convinced that the Soviet Union's agricultural crises could be solved through the planting of maize on the same scale as the United States, failing to realize that the differences in climate and soil made this inadvisable.

Khrushchev and Harold Macmillan in Moscow in 1959

Khrushchev repeatedly disrupted the proceedings in the United Nations General Assembly in September-October 1960 by pounding his fists on the desk and shouting in Russian. On September 29, 1960, Khrushchev twice interrupted a speech by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. The unflappable Macmillan famously commented over his shoulder to Assembly President Frederick Boland of Ireland that if Khrushchev wished to continue, he would like a translation.[7][8]

The notorious shoe-banging incident occurred during a debate, on 12 October over a Russian resolution decrying colonialism. Infuriated by a statement of the Filipino delegate Lorenzo Sumulong which charged the Soviets with employing a double standard, Khrushchev accused Sumulong of being "a jerk, a stooge and a lackey of imperialism". Later Khrushchev appeared to have pulled off his right shoe and started banging it on his desk. On another occasion, Khrushchev said in reference to capitalism, "Мы вас похороним!" (My vas pokhoronim!), translated to "We will bury you". This phrase, ambiguous both in the English language and in the Russian language, was interpreted in several ways. Later, he would refer back to the comment and state, "I once got in trouble for saying, 'We will bury you'. Of course, we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you".[cite this quote]

[edit] Ouster

Khrushchev's policies alienated significant sections of the Communist party leadership. Although Khrushchev abandoned the physical repression of Stalin, he made frequent changes in party structures and personnel in his efforts to improve economic efficiency - especially in agriculture. Many leading cadres feared for their jobs. Similarly he alienated many in the army by directing investment to missile forces and seeking to release more manpower for economically productive tasks.

The latter contributed to his humiliation over Cuba, where his faith in missiles led him to site them in Cuba and then risk a global nuclear conflagration. Here Khrushchev alienated both hardliners - who saw the Soviet retreat as a victory for the west - and doves - who saw the whole thing as adventurism played for high stakes.

His enemies learned the lessons from Khrushchev's defeat of the neo-Stalinist 'Anti-Party Group' - where Khrushchev had successfully appealed to the central committee over the Politburo's head. To remove their leader his enemies would have to secure the widest support in the upper echelons of the party, not simply amongst the very inner core.

Khrushchev's downfall came as a result of a conspiracy among the Party bosses, irritated by his erratic policies and cantankerous behavior, which was seen by the Party as an embarrassment on the international stage. The Communist Party accused Khrushchev of making political mistakes, such as mishandling the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, the cold war with China[9] and disorganizing the Soviet economy, especially in the agricultural sector.[10][11]

The conspirators, led by Leonid Brezhnev, Aleksandr Shelepin and the KGB chief Vladimir Semichastny, struck in October 1964, when Khrushchev was on vacation in Pitsunda, Abkhazia. They called a special meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee and Alexi Inauri, chief of the Georgian KGB, escorted Khrushchev to Moscow. When Khrushchev arrived on 13 October the Presidium voted to remove him from his positions in the Party and in the Soviet government. A special meeting of the Central Committee was hastily convened the next day and approved the decisions of the Presidium without debate. On 15 October 1964, the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet accepted Khrushchev's resignation as the Premier of the Soviet Union.[12]

[edit] Life in retirement

Unlike Georgy Malenkov, Vyacheslav Molotov, and Lazar Kaganovich, who were removed from the Party and forced to live as ordinary citizens, Khrushchev remained a member of the Central Committee until 1966 and Party member until his death. He received a special pension and security detail and was allowed to live in a state-owned residence. However, Khrushchev remained under close watch by the KGB (whose officers formed the security detail) until his death[13].

Initially Khrushchev lived under house arrest, but later resumed a more active social life (particularly with the members of the Moscow intelligentsia), but never publicly commented on the policy of his successors, focusing instead on writing his memoirs, which, despite the KGB, were smuggled to the West.[14][15]

Khrushchev died of a heart attack in a hospital near his home in Moscow on 11 September 1971, and is buried in the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, having been denied a state funeral and interment in the Kremlin Wall.

[edit] Key political actions

Khrushchev and Castro, 1960
Khrushchev in Yugoslavia, 1963

[edit] Key economic actions

  • Second wave of the reclamation of virgin and abandoned lands (see Virgin Lands Campaign).
  • Introduction of sovnarkhozes (Councils of People's Economy), regional organizations, in an attempt to combat the centralization and departmentalism of the ministries
  • Reorganization of agriculture, with preference given to sovkhozes (state farms), including conversion of kolkhozes into sovkhozes, introduction of maize (earning him the sobriquet kukuruznik, "the maize enthusiast").
  • Coping with housing crisis by quickly building millions of apartments according to simplified floor plans, dubbed khrushchovkas.
  • Created a minimum wage in 1956.
  • Redenomination of the ruble 10:1 in 1961.

[edit] Legacy

Khrushchev's first grave at the Novodevichy Cemetery as it was in 1973

[edit] Praise

Khrushchev was admired for his efficiency and for maintaining an economy which, during the 1950s and 1960s, had growth rates higher than most Western countries, contrasted with the stagnation beginning with his successors. He is renowned for his liberalisation policies, whose results began with the widespread exoneration of political sentences. With Khrushchev's amnesty program, former political prisoners and their surviving relatives could now live a normal life without the infamous "wolf ticket".

Khrushchev placed more emphasis on the production of consumer goods and housing instead of heavy industry, precipitating a rapid rise in living standards.

The arts benefited from this environment of liberalisation, where works like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich created an attitude of dissent that would escalate during the subsequent Brezhnev-Kosygin era.

His de-Stalinization had a huge impact on young Communists of the day. Khrushchev encouraged more liberal communist leaders to replace hard-line Stalinists throughout the Eastern bloc. Alexander Dubček, who became the leader of Czechoslovakia in January 1968, accelerated the process of liberalisation in his own country with his Prague Spring program. Mikhail Gorbachev, who became the Soviet Union's leader in 1985, was inspired by it and it became evident with his policies of glasnost and perestroika. Khrushchev is sometimes known as "the last great reformer" among Soviet leaders before Gorbachev.

[edit] Criticism

He was criticized for his ruthless crackdown of the 1956 revolution in Hungary, and even became known as The Butcher of Budapest, even though he and Zhukov were pushing against intervention until Hungary's declaration of withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact. He encouraged the East German authorities to set up the notorious Berlin Wall in August 1961, although this action halted East Germany's crippling "brain-drain". He had very poor diplomatic skills, giving him the reputation of being a rude, uncivilized peasant in the West and as an irresponsible clown in his own country. He renewed persecutions against the Russian Orthodox Church, publicly promising to show the "last priest" on Soviet television. Between 1960 and 1962, as many as 30 percent of churches were destroyed, with the number of monasteries falling by a quarter.[16]

Khrushchev's grave (as it looks now) was designed by Ernst Neizvestny in 1974

His administration, although efficient, was also known to be erratic since he disbanded a large number of Stalinist-era agencies. He took a dangerous gamble in 1962 over Cuba, which took the Superpowers to the brink of a Third World War. Agriculture barely kept up with population growth, as bad harvests mixed with good ones, culminating in a disastrous harvest in 1963, due to weather. All this damaged his prestige after 1962 and was enough for the Central Committee, Khrushchev's critical base of support, to take action against him. His right-hand man, Leonid Brezhnev, led the bloodless coup.

The agricultural shortcomings were due to a very large extent on relying on Lysenko, who was originally singled out by Stalin as a genius. Among other things, Lysenko was of the belief that a plant's heredity was infinitely pliable.

Many dissidents tended to view the Khrushchev era with nostalgia as his successors began discrediting or backtracking on his liberal reforms. In the West, his image has been sanitized by his admirers to the point that his crimes have either been justified, or simply not mentioned.

[edit] Personal life

Khrushchev married Yefrosinia Pisareva (1896–1921) in 1914. A year later their daughter Yulia (d. 1918) was born, and they had a son, Leonid, three days after the October Revolution. Yefrosinia died in 1921 of hunger, exhaustion, and typhus during the famine following the Russian Civil War. In 1922 Khrushchev married a girl of 17 named Marusia but, as she attended to her young daughter and neglected her stepchildren, Khrushchev's mother soon persuaded him to leave her.[17] His third wife was Nina Petrovna Kukharchuk (1900–1984), with whom he began living soon afterward (though the marriage was not officially registered until the late 1960s);[17] besides Sergei, they had two daughters, Rada (born 1929) and Lena (1937–1972).

Khrushchev's eldest son Leonid was fighter pilot who was shot down by Germans in 1943 during the Great Patriotic War. His younger son Sergei emigrated to the United States and is now an American citizen and a Professor at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies. He often speaks to American audiences to share his memories of the "other" side of the Cold War.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Nikita Khrushchev,
  2. ^ Khrushchev, Sergei N. (2007), Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev, pp. 173-174. Penn State Press, ISBN 0271023325
  3. ^ Cook, Bernard A. (2001), Europe Since 1945, p. 37. Taylor & Francis, ISBN 0815340583
  4. ^ Taubman, William; Sergeĭ Khrushchev and Abbott Gleason (2000). Nikita Khrushchev. pp. 16. 
  5. ^ The Soviet paradox: external expansion, internal decline. Seweryn Bialer Published 1986, I.B.Tauris,ISBN 1850430306
  6. ^ UPI, Year in Review,
  7. ^ BBC News, 28 October 2002, When the diplomatic mask slips
  8. ^ Hamilton, Thomas J. (1960-09-30), "Macmillan in U.N. Appeal; Khrushchev Shouts Protest", New York Times, 
  9. ^ Edward Crankshaw: The New Cold War; Moscow vs. Pekin, London< 1963
  10. ^ Harry Schwarz:- The Soviet Economy since Stalin, London 1965
  11. ^ Pravda, April 5, 1963, speech by Voronov
  12. ^ Edward Crankshaw:- "Khrushchev", London; Collins; 1966
  13. ^ Roy Medvedev, Chruszczow. Politiczeskaja biografija, Chalidze Publications, 1986
  14. ^ "Khrushchev Remembers" Little Brown & Company (January 1970)ISBN-10: 0316831409 ISBN-13: 978-0316831406
  15. ^ Roy Medvedev, Chruszczow. Politiczeskaja biografija, Chalidze Publications, 1986
  16. ^ Kulavig, Erik, Dissent in the years of Khrushchev, p. 39. Palgrave, London, 2003.
  17. ^ a b Taubman, William, Khrushchev: The Man and His Era, p. 58. W. W. Norton, New York, 2003.

[edit] Further reading

Khrushchev in Hungary 1964 shortly before his ouster.
  • William Taubman, Khrushchev: The Man and His Era, London: Free Press, 2004
  • Aleksandr Fursenko and Timothy Naftali, Khrushchev's Cold War: The Inside Story of an American Adversary, New York: W.W. Norton, 2006.
  • Schecter, Jerrold L, ed. and trans., Khrushchev Remembers: The Glasnost Tapes, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1990
  • Talbott, Strobe, ed., Khrushchev Remembers, 1970
  • Khrushchev, Sergei N., Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower, Penn State Press, 2000.
  • Levy, Alan, Nazi Hunter: The Wiesenthal Files, Carroll and Graf, 2002
  • Khrushchev, Sergei N., translated by William Taubman, Khrushchev on Khrushchev, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1990.
  • Rettie, John. "How Khrushchev Leaked his Secret Speech to the World", Hist Workshop J. 2006; 62: 187–193.
  • Tompson, William J. Khrushchev: A Political Life. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995
  • Vasiliyeck, Malick L. "Khrushchev and his lust for Ukranian Men." Sasha Ltd. June 1989.

[edit] External links

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Party political offices
Preceded by
Joseph Stalin
First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Succeeded by
Leonid Brezhnev
Political offices
Preceded by
Nikolai Bulganin
Chairman of the Council of Ministers
Succeeded by
Alexey Kosygin
NAME Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich
ALTERNATIVE NAMES Хрущёв, Никита Сергеевич
SHORT DESCRIPTION Soviet Union politician and premier
DATE OF BIRTH April 17, 1894
PLACE OF BIRTH Kalinovka, Russian Empire
DATE OF DEATH September 11, 1971
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