Division (country subdivision)

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A division is a type of administrative division of some Asian countries, and include:

In Africa, the provinces of Cameroon are divided into divisions.

Some of the hundred in England were subdivided into divisions.

In the People's Republic of China,also there exits a similar subdivision, it is translated as Prefecture(行政督察区/xíngzhèng dūchá qǘ专区/zhuānqǘ地区/diqǘ) in English, and was given different Chinese names in the history, the subdivision is a level of division between the province(first-level political entity of China,as the States in India or provinces in Pakistan) and county(theoretically the second-level political entity,as the districts of a state in India or ones of a province in Pakistan) levels.because of a division of Bangladesh is the first-level political entity in the country,so it is translated as sheng(省,pinyin:shěng) in Chinese, it is similar a province,the first-level political entity of China.

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