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By Matt_Purslow

March 27, 2009

A new Call

Right on time, Activision Blizzard roll out the first of the trailers for the next Call of Duty title.


Since the series' start in 2003, it has evolved from a cult success to having mass mainstream appeal. The latest title, sequel to the immensely successful Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, is due for release in November of this year, continuing the Christmas release trend the series has adhered to the last couple of years.


The teaser trailer marks the series territory as unconditionally popular, taking a much more subtle approach to whetting the appetite rather than a guns blazing montage. Green audio waves occasionally crack and influx to show off small details; two Russians in an airport, unzipping guns in an elevator. A sudden pop-up of a HUD displays five multiplayer perk icons, one of which is Stopping Power, but the other four a mystery. An explosion brings in grainy images of war, and for a second visible is the statue of Jesus that looks over Rio de Janeiro. A possible location for the battle to commence? It seems likely.


Interestingly enough, as the action fades to display the title, the game is branded as simply ‘Modern Warfare 2’, ditching the Call of Duty name. This is just further proof as to how much impact Call of Duty 4 had on the gaming industry and public, enough that its subtitle is so well known and respected that it can now stand as the primary title without the need to rely on the Call of Duty brand power. And reassuringly the title gives way to a pretty concrete looking date, 10.11.09.


Infinity Ward have produced more than impressive results time and time again, and if this trend predicts anything, it’s that there is at least one A-list shooter that will be on everyone’s Christmas list this year. That is of course if people can wait that long past the release date…