Nintendo Enjoys DSi Sales Resurgence Across Japan

Rob Crossley's picture

By Rob Crossley

March 27, 2009

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Nintendo’s DSi returns to more familiar territory this week as the handheld once again climbs to the top of the Japanese hardware sales charts.

According to data provided by Media Create, the DSi sold 71,233 units; up over 40,000 units from last week’s figures. The jump in sales were in line with the successful release of Super Robot Taisen K, a DS title which had broken over 100,000 units sales in a single week.

The PSP, on the other hand, was still enjoying weekly gains, climbing over 20,000 units to reach a figure of 65,765.

Sony’s PS3 fared well too, despite a sales trim. The system sold just over 25,000 units, a rate that remained far ahead of Nintendo’s Wii, which continues to dwell around the 18,000 mark.

The Xbox 360’s momentum has mostly disappeared; sales during the first full week of March were at 15,000, in line with the release of Resident Evil 5. Yet a week later the system was hit by the heaviest drop in unit sales amongst its peers; down from 15,000 to 8,378.

This week 360 sales have dropped further, down now to 5,441 units; a mere few hundred above Sony’s Playstation 2, which itself has hovered at the five thousand mark for months irrespective of market fluctuations.

Full list for the week ending March 22‭ ‬according to Media Create:

DSi/ 71,233
PSP/ 65,765
PS3/ 25,435
Wii/ 18,095
DS Lite/ 8,948
Xbox 360/ 5,441
PS2/ 5,067

Last week.
2009‭ ‬Japanese sales history.

Elliot-Bath's picture

I'm astounded at how well the PS2 is doing still. And the DSi doing well, is no surprise, it brough a lot of welcomed changes to the portable system, even if PSP had been doing them for a while.

Kenology's picture

Both the DSi and PSP had two new colors released last week.

PS3 is still seeing the residual effect from the slew of high quality releases. Will be interesting to see where it settles.

lifeat30fps's picture

Thanks for the breakdown of the "whys."

I sure wish Edge would rehire Tim Rogers for "This Week in Japan." Those columns were awesome.
