Half a croissant, on a plate, with a sign in front of it saying '50c'
h a l f b a k e r y
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Subcategories of "computer".
[general]    Algorithm    Artificial Intelligence 
Audio    Audio Player    Blog 
Boot    Brain Implant    Browsing 
Browsing: Architecture    Browsing: Bookmark    Browsing: Distraction 
Browsing: History    Browsing: Navigation    Browsing: Rating 
Browsing: Text    Browsing: Unwanted Feature    Calendar 
Cam    Case    Chip 
Command    Compression    Configuration 
Connector    Cooling    Cooling: Liquid 
Corrector    CPU    Crash 
Crypto    Cursor    Data Organization 
Database    Desktop    Desktop: 3D 
Desktop: Background    Desktop: Icons    Desktop: Theme 
Desktop: Windows    Display    Display: 3D 
Display: Accessory    Display: Alternate    Display: Color 
Display: Glasses    Display: Large Area    Display Light 
Display: Material    Display: Privacy    Display: Projector 
Display Protocol    Display Settings    Display: Shape 
Display: Small    Display: Tactile    Display: Wall 
Distributed    Email    Email: Address 
Email: Attachment    Email: Automated    Email: Bounce 
Email: Client    Email: Emotion    Email: Meme 
Email: Organisation    Email: Phishing    Email: Publishing 
Email: Recipient    Email: Spam    Email: Spam: Avoidance 
Email: Spam: Filter    Email: Spam: Information    Email: Spam: Password 
Email: Spam: Response    Email: Spectacle    Emoticon 
Error    Farm    Feature 
Feature: Clipboard    Font    Format 
Format: MP3    Furniture    Game 
Game: Adaptive    Game: Addiction    Game: All-In-One 
Game: Biology    Game: Business Simulation    Game: Card Game 
Game: Commentary    Game: Creative    Game: Dancing 
Game: Driving    Game: Fighting    Game: First Person Shooter 
Game: Internet    Game: Massively Multiplayer    Game: Platform 
Game: Politics    Game: Pong    Game: Real Life 
Game: Resource Management    Game: Role Playing    Game: Sex 
Game: Simulation    Game: Space    Game: Sport 
Game: Strategy    Game: Tetris    Game: Virtual Reality 
Game: Wii    Generator    Graphical Shell 
Graphics    Hosting    Input Device 
Input Device: Acoustic    Input Device: Brain    Input Device: Gaming 
Input Device: Gesture    Input Device: Optical    Input Device: Pedal 
Input Device: Pen    Input Device: Position Sensor    Input Device: Pressure 
Input Device: Tongue    Instant Messaging    Keyboard 
Keyboard: Add-On    Keyboard Alternative    Keyboard: Cleaning 
Keyboard: Comfort    Keyboard: Illumination    Keyboard: Key 
Keyboard: Keys    Keyboard: Layout    Keyboard: Typing 
Laptop    Laptop: Screen    Maintenance 
Modular    Mouse    Mouse: Additional Channel 
Mouse: Ball    Mouse: Body    Mouse: Button 
Mouse: Cleaning    Mouse: Cord    Mouse: Cordless 
Mouse: Dual    Mouse: Motion    Mouse Pad 
Mouse: Phone    Mouse: Shape    Mouse: Side Effect 
Mouse: Storage    MP3    Network 
Network: Analysis    Network: BitTorrent    Network: Domain Name 
Network: Ethernet    Network: Medium    Network: Sharing 
Network: Wireless    Network: Wireless: Ad-Hoc    News Filter 
Online Storage    Operating System    Operating System: Windows 
Packaging    Parallelism    Payment System 
PDA    PDA: Accessory    PDA: Design 
Periphery    Power Supply    Presentation Software 
Printed Circuit Board    Printer    Printer: 3D 
Printer: Cutter    Printer: Ink    Printer: Large Format 
Printer: Paper    Printer: Personality    Printer: Sound 
Printer: Spooler    Printer: Stock    Programming 
Programming Language    Protocol    Proxy 
Quantum Computing    Research Service    Scanner 
Screensaver    Scrolling    Searching 
Searching: Application Domain    Searching: Audio    Searching: Geographical 
Searching: Image    Searching: Iteration    Searching: Link Quality 
Searching: Neglected    Second-Hand    Security 
Security: Authentication    Security: Firewall    Security: Password 
Service    Shutdown    Speech: Recognition 
Speech: Synthesis    Storage    Storage: CD-ROM Drive 
Storage: Drive    Storage: Filing System    Storage: Memory 
Storage: Removable    Tech Support    Teledildonics 
Telepresence    Text Editor    Text Feature 
Text Filter    Timer    Translation 
Translation: Distributed    Translation: Integration    Translation: Partial 
Translation: Style    User    Virtual Reality 
Virus    Voice Over IP    Wearable 
Web    Web: Cookie    Web: Formatting 
Web: Identity    Web: Image    Web: Linking 
Web: Music    Web: Searching    Web: Secret 
Web Technology    Web: Video    Word Processing 
Word Processor: Spelling             


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