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Barla Von

Barla Von's Comments

  • Resident Evil 5 small a.jpg

    Looking through the net regarding the race issues within the game i honestly think it's been blown well out of proportion.

    There was no fuss when the gamer was shooting the heads off the Hispanics in RE4. The African American community need to get over themselves as some of them are digging up ambiguities over nothing.

    It's a piece of interactive fiction...get over it. Especially N'Gai Croal.

  • mass_effect_2.jpg

    Don't listen to this guy...he'll suck the intelligence out of you!

  • mass_effect_2.jpg

    Thank you. You hit my point right on the head!

  • mass_effect_2.jpg

    Hillsy_ said:
    And there goes the extremist.

    Bollocks. I was merely pointing out that one doesn't need a £400 gpu to play PC games. A modest £50 GPU will do!

    Extremist...fuck off!

  • mass_effect_2.jpg

    athlete_gamer said:
    PC hardware really does require an expensive graphics card in order to get the same level of performance that the Xbox 360 does.

    What a bunch of gob shite. You can get a 8800GT GPU (w/ 512mb memory) for £50 on Ebay or £90 rrp . It's an excellent, modest card, that puts the 360/PS3 GPU to shame. An example:

    Bioshock: 1680x1050 with settings at full w/ Dx 10 settings on.

    Dead Space: at 1680x1050 with settings at full.

    Race Driver-Grid: at 1680x1050 with 4x Anti-Aliasing (game runs at 60fps).

    The Orange Box: 1680x1050 with settings at full.

    Left 4 Dead: 1680x1050 with settings at full.

    Devil May Cry 4: 1440x900, 2x Anti-Aliasing, rest of the settings at High (game runs at 60fps).

    Lost Planet: 1680x1050 with settings at full.

    Crysis: 1280x800, 2x Anti-Aliasing, with the rest of the settings at Medium. (game runs at between 30/40fps).

    Again, another bullshit conception that you need the best card in the world to play games at a decent rate.

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