Irish Escorts: E-I Photo Verification System FAQ

Please Note: As of 09/11/07, we are not allowing escorts who have opted-out of the reviews system to have verified genuine pictures. Therefore escorts with genuine photos who do not allow reviews are no longer "Verified Genuine" on this website. We apologise to all honest escorts for this, but we had to do something to combat dishonest escorts abusing the system.

  1.  What is the E-I Photo Verification System?
  2.  What does it mean if an escort's photos are Verified?
  3.  What does it mean if an escort's photos are Not Verified?
  4.  If an escort's photos are Verified, is this a 100% guarantee that I will get the escort depicted in the photos if I make a booking?
  5.  What should I do if I make a booking with an escort that I've seen photos of online, and, when I meet him/her, he/she is not the escort I've seen photos of online?
  6.  What can escort clients do to improve escort photo accuracy standards on E-I?
  7.  Does the presence of the E-I logo on escort photos mean they are Verified?
  8.  Does E-I allow escorts to use fake photographs?
  9.  I know of an escort on E-I using fake photos. Will you take them down?
  10.  I am an escort advertised on this website and I don't have Verified photos. What should I do?

What is the E-I Photo Verification System?
Before the Internet, when escorts only advertised in magazines etc, the adverts were usually just text or text and stock images, and so escort clients didn't generally get to see genuine photos of an escort before they made a booking. The Internet has changed all this though, and now escort clients generally expect to be able to see genuine photos of an escort before making a booking. However, some escorts appear to think it is ok to use stock type photos in place of recent genuine photos in their website advertisements today, even though we, and most escort clients too we believe, totally disagree with this. We aim to strongly discourage the use of anything less than genuine recent escort photos on our website, and, with this in mind, we have developed a Photo Verification System, whereby we make checks on all the new escort photos we receive and clearly mark them as Verified if we believe they are recent genuine photos of the escort advertised or Not Verified if we do not have enough information to make that establishment. We then share this information with our website users, via publishing clearly on each escort's profile page (provided the escort has photos) whether his or her photos have been classed as Verified or Not Verified by us, so escort clients can benefit from this information when making any escort booking decision.

What does it mean if an escort's photos are Verified?
If an escort's photos are classed as Verified it means we have information that leads us to believe that they are genuine recent photographs of the advertised escort.

What does it mean if an escort's photos are Not Verified?
If an escort's photos are classed as Not Verified it means we do not have enough information to be confident that they are genuine recent photographs of the advertised escort. Please note: It does not mean they are not genuine; if we knew they were not genuine we would simply remove them.

If an escort's photos are Verified, is this a 100% guarantee that I will get the escort depicted in the photos if I make a booking?
No, there is no 100% guarantee that if you call the phone number on the page you will get the escort pictured, and there never can be. We make a number of checks before we class any escort's photos as Verified (full details of which we do not publish here for the strategic reason that our system would be less effective if all escorts knew exactly how it worked) and we constantly review that classification after we have made it, but we are not above ever making a mistake, and also, we are aware that some independent escorts and escort agencies with Verified photos sometimes send one escort out as another, thus creating a situation where the escort client obviously doesn't get what he is expecting, even though the photos are almost certainly genuine photos of a friend or colleague of the escort he gets, rather than just complete fakes. An independent escort or an escort agency might be able to offer you a guarantee you that their photos are genuine, but unfortunately a directory like E-I can never offer such a guarantee, because we simply don't have a close enough relationship with our advertisers to do so.

What should I do if I make a booking with an escort that I've seen photos of online, and, when I meet him/her, he/she is not the escort I've seen photos of online?
This is a very annoying situation that unfortunately many escort clients have found themselves in at one time or another to date. It is completely up to you what you do if this happens to you, but we would strongly advise you not to feel under any obligation to go ahead with the booking, after all this is a straightforward con really and escort clients deserve better. We understand that escort clients sometimes decide to go ahead anyway in situations like this, often because they simply don't have time to make new plans, but we think it also has to be said that there are independent escorts and escort agencies out there that will continue to not care about photo accuracy until such time as escort clients show them that they have to in order to do business. If this happens to you we would suggest you also read the next question, which deals with the subject of what you can do to help us improve photo accuracy on E-I.

What can escort clients do to improve escort photo accuracy standards on E-I?
Escort clients can improve photo accuracy on E-I by being clearly expressing to the escorts and agencies listed on E-I that they expect genuine recent photos and will not do business with service providers who do not meet their expectations in this regard. Escort clients can also share their experiences of poor photo accuracy with us and all the other escort clients that visit this website via the Reviews and Message Boards sections of this website (or, if you don't want to go public with your feedback, you can Contact Us and we will take note of your feedback privately).

Does the presence of the E-I logo on escort photos mean they are Verified?
No, all escort photos bear the E-I logo in order to discourage photo theft from this website; this is not a sign that photos are Verified. Look to the top of any escort's profile page to see whether the photos are Verified or Not Verified; this is where we indicate this information.

Does E-I allow escorts to use fake photographs?
No, if we become aware that any escort's photos are fake, we promptly remove them. However, we do need more evidence than just one unsupported allegation, especially because this is unfortunately a business where people sometimes make false allegations about others.

I know of an escort on E-I using fake photos. Will you take them down?
If you can show us that they are fake, e.g. tell us that they are of a particular model and direct us to that model's website so we can check this out for ourselves, we will promptly take them down. If you can only tell us that you believe they are fake based on your own personal experience we will not take them down straight away, but a file will be opened with your complaint and we will remove them at a later date if we obtain enough further evidence for us to conclude that they are.

I am an escort advertised on this website and I don't have Verified photos. What should I do?
You should talk to our Advertising team about getting your photos Verified as this will benefit your business. If you can't do this because you are currently using fake photos, we would strongly advise you cease trying to get away with this now. There is no excuse for using fake photos in this day and age. For your convenience we maintain a list of Irish Escort Photographers or you could just get a friend to take photos of you. We can also take photos from you and blur out your face or any tattoos or identifying marks you want to hide free of charge if you require this service.

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