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Los Angeles, CA

MAR 16, 2009 11:31 AM

Too embarrassed to talk to your friends about your foot fetish? Not sure when to tell your partner about those, um, nasty genital warts? Need some Gotha Stewart home-ec advice for your next soiree? Not sure how to get your foot in the door of that fab new career you want? I got you covered. Miss Truth Hurts is here to answer all of your love, life, sex, career, and relationship questions. Ask anything. I've been there/done that (except for the warts) and I've dished out advice to readers just like you through the pages of my advice book/lifestyle guide, Cherry Bomb: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Better Flirt, a Tougher Chick, and a Hotter Girlfriend, and to Living Life Like a Rock Star.

Send your questions, dilemmas, and conundrums to Alternatively, SG members can send a message via the site to MissTruthHurts. We won't use your name, just the city you're writing from.

Q: I received a bottle of black vodka as a gift and heard there is a cool way to mix drinks with it, but every time I try my drinks look like a murky mess. Is there a trick to it?

-Cocktailing in Connecticut

A: I often serve black vodka to my guests. My favorite brand is from England and is called Blavod. There actually is a trick to mixing up cocktails so that they don't look come out all murky. Three tricks actually. 1. Keep the vodka at room temperature. Do not refrigerate it. It keeps it thicker and helps with the layering effect that makes for a cool looking cocktail. 2. You must pour the drink in this order: ice first, juice and/or mixer second, and then you pour in the black vodka very slowly so it almost drips into the glass. 3. Don't stir or shake the drink. If you do it this way, you will get the desired layered effect instead of a dirty looking mess of a drink. If you want a drink that looks half blood red and half black, try my Cherry Bomb Martini. It's 1 shot of pink lemonade, 1/2 shot of pomegranate juice, 1 shot of Blavod, and a cherry on top. It's quite an eye pleaser.

Q: I am looking for a good strapon to get my girlfriend to use on me, I am a male. I was wondering what is the best way to introduce the concept to her.

-Curious in New England

A: Ohh, you naughty boy. I love it! She can either be into it or absolutely appalled by it, so ease into the topic as slowly as you'd like her to ease into you when the time cums. If she's never been to your backend, you need to introduce her to it first in a less threatening way than presenting her with a 12-inch cock she's to strap on. Next time you guys are fooling around, you can take her hand and put it on your chocolate starfish. It's all about baby steps here. It's like taking out a bike on training wheels before you try for the big ol' 10-speed. Once she's game for that, introduce a butt plug for yourself and see if she gasps or if she's cool. Once she passes those tests, then shop for a strap on together and you'll be her Backdoor Sally in no time! A great buy is the Purple Penetrator Strap-On that Madonna was seen buying in London a few years ago.

Q: I find myself attracted to other men, but I'm a happily married woman. I don't want to cheat, but I'm not sure about swinging either. Any insight on this topic?

-Restless in Rhode Island

A: Yes! Actually Terri Nunn of Berlin ("Sex (I'm A...)") talked about this topic in my book Cherry Bomb, so I'll let her answer this one. Terri wrote, "There's no question you're going to be attracted to others during your main relationship. What works for me and my man is an agreement we have: If either one of us just can't stand it and we just have to have someone else we've met, then we can...once. We have to tell each other first and get the other's ok first too. This agreement has made us both feel like our marriage isn't a cage. Neither one of us has acted on it yet. In almost 10 years of togetherness, I've been close a couple of times but didn't follow through and don't regret it. I know this wouldn't work for everyone but it does for us. The important thing is making an agreement of some kind. If there isn't one, infidelity is more likely to happen. When a man cheated on me, the hardest part was the trust he betrayed. That old saying is true: Trust is hard to get and even harder to get back. Without trust, there's no relationship."

Q: What is the proper etiquette of Twitter?

-Tweeting in Tennessee

A: We asked SG's Twitter posse to help out with this question:

@phronk says:

Fuck rules. Twitter is what you make of it, and there's always the unfollow button.

And @ArmOfCrass would agree:

What rules to tweet by? Why limit yourself with rules? This is a open community [for] speakin' your mind.

(Twitter CEO Evan Williams echoed this sentiment in SG's recent interview.)

@butterfest is another tweeter that advocates a general free-for-all:

No holes barred... speak out whatever is on my mind, uncensored, unfiltered... bilingually and...only in 140 characters. tongue

And @lovehysteric keeps it brief when she says:

no rules.

But @bairdduvessa would disagree:

my one rule is "do not troll"

Other 'guidelines' might include:

#1 from @clallseven

twitter etiquette #1: always briefly describe tinyurls, bitlys, & twitpics.

#2 from @Bobsuicide

When you RT or talk to/about sure to cite your source with an "@"

#3 from @Reidsui

I always try to reply to people who [direct] tweet me. But I also do that on any social site. That's my etiquette smile

#4 from @inkedveggie

I try not to post a million mundane tweets that flood my followers' timelines. smile try is the key word here.

#5 from @jonincalgary

Dont use Twitter as a chat client. That us what MSN is for.

#6 from @kitchelfilms

If you're following someone, that doesn't mean it's open season to publicly bash them/their art/their career.

#7 from @Bugzyblue

never ever ever add a one night stand or your aunts lol

#8 from @SnapshotAbee

no vulgarity. My brothers and sisters follow me.

#9 from @atomicant

i swear like a sailor, but i don't talk about pooping

#10 from @immortalrevenge

if i'm taking a dump i won't post about it, but you made me break my only twit rule by me saying that. I hope you're happy! :!

Finally, here are our favorite 'What Not To Do's' on Twitter that people have actually done:

#1 Don't TWI -- tweet while intoxicated, on hallucinogenic drugs, or wired. You'll make a total fool out of yourself, and end up annoying people.

#2 Don't breast-feed and drive while tweeting.

#3 Don't tweet something like "I hate my boss!" Your boss is likely following you and it could have consequences.

#4 Don't think that everything you do is interesting. Eating cereal is not Twitter-worthy unless you're Michael Phelps and you say you're eating it because you're high. Oh, wait, that goes against rule # 1. Well, strictly speaking, there are no rules, so Tweet your little fingers off and follow us at @SuicideGirls.

Carrie Borzillo-Vrenna is Suicide Girls' sex, love, and life advice columnist. She is an entertainment journalist, rock wife, and author of Cherry Bomb: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Better Flirt, a Tougher Chick, and a Hotter Girlfriend, and to Living Life Like a Rock Star and Eyewitness Nirvana: The Day-by-Day Chronicle.