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  • xbox_controller.jpg

    and yet none of you have yet to directly answer me.I guess that settles it then.

  • xbox_controller.jpg

    ARE YOU KIDDING ? wut a joke try playing ANY of xbox major releases its sometimes impossible to even get online everyone KNOWS gears 1 and 2 online is completely broken yet these are Microsofts MAJOR releases and you pay to play it wuts the excuse? have you even played Sonys online offerings the fact is when you compare exclusives Sonys online far surpasses Microsofts when it comes to lag and reliability and even sheer numbers of ppl playing together this is a FACT I can name many PS3 exclusives with 32 or more players that are completely lag free how many Xbox games can do that name some please oh wait there is none.

  • xbox_controller.jpg

    Sadly this revenue is mostly due to the 360s pay to play online service. Its getting harder and harder for Xbox fans to justify paying for online when the competition has all the same features and even surpasses in some areas ex web browser, 60 p matches, lag free dedicated servers for all exclusives Home , I have recently purchased an Xbox 360 Elite for some of there AMAZING exclusives and have found that I was seriously dissapointed with the online service of such big exclusives as Halo3 and gears 2 which have consistent lag and trouble connecting online. I have never had any of these problems with PS3 exclusives such as warhawk R1 and R2 KZ2 it seems to me that this should not be the case givin that its completely free, Microsoft should have amazing online exspecially with its MAJOR exclusives and paid online. yet alas it doesnt so my question to everyone and even myself is what exactly are we paying for?

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