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    Choler literature presents "Travels with Mike"

    Travels With Mike
    The MikeWelcome to Travels with Mike, a series of travel adventures designed to bring the world to you. Visit monthly for more stories as Mike travels around the country and the world, discovering what it has to offer. Plan your next vacation or just revel in Mike's misfortune as he tries to make the best of every trip, be it for vacation, work or deportation. More stories and pictures can be viewed at

    Year 1: The First E-mails
    Visit Mike's Earliest Adventures!
    Before there was anything, there was a lonely business traveler who sent e-mails to friends and family, telling them about the wonders of the road. It's since spawned several websites and a major motion picture that has yet to be filmed or written.
    Ben & Jerrys
    Mike's Latest Adventure
    Narita, Japan
    Rost In Transration
    An unexpected layover in Japan turns into an adventure chock full of ninja skills, moist buttocks and bizarre beverages. It's like an international visit to your grandparents!
    Dino disney

    Mike's Previous Exploits
    Chicago, IL
    Elvis Is Alive!
    What do you get when you cross a 5K run with several hundred Elvis impersonators? If you're Mike, you get just another Saturday afternoon.
    Dino disney
    San Jose, CA
    Over the river and through the nursing home
    In this follow up piece, Mike goes back to San Jose to visit his Nana. In an act of atonement, he has also brought with him a Cuckoo Clock. Will he be forgiven or forever forsaken?
    Dino disney
    Chicago, IL
    It's tricks and treats when Mike cruises down to the annual Gay Parade on Haltstead and the for some Kereoke at a Gay Bar. This holiday will never be the same.
    Dino disney
    Golden, CO
    Tapping The Rockies
    No two beer tours are the same. This is what Mike discovers when he ventures to the Coors Brewery, entering as a man and leaving as an Official Beer Taster. Really, he has the certificate to prove it.
    Dino disney
    Bloomington, MN
    The Mall of (North) America
    Don't cry for yourself, Argentina. We've got the largest mall this side of the equator and there's nothing you can do about it! Except for building an even bigger mall, of course. But why pick on poor Minnesota like that?
    Dino disney
    Orlando, FL
    Disney Vs. Disney
    Which is better; Disneyworld or Disneyland? For that matter, Coke or New Coke? Kramer Vs. Kramer? Chicks Dig Mike Vs. Girls Gone Wild? Follow Mike as he explores all these questions.
    Dino disney
    Atlantic City, NJ/Washington DC
    From AC to DC
    Join Mike as he shows us that our nations capital has alot of historical buildings and at least one good bar.
    Ben & Jerrys
    New Orleans, LA
    Mike Gone Wild
    Who would have thought a three day Bachelor party could wreck so much havoc on one liver? This could have been the greatest weekend ever, if only he could remember. Lots of pictures to accompany this one.
    Ben & Jerrys
    Philadelphia, PA
    Phun Times In Philly
    Mike heads to the birthplace of democracy and Philly Cheese Steaks! Will these people never stop??
    Denver, CO
    Low Down on the Lo-Do
    So this white guy walks into a bar full of Mexicans and....well, just read it.
    Ben & Jerrys
    Lantau Island, Hong Kong
    Big Trouble in Little Lantau
    In his first overseas adventure, Mike decides it's a good idea to visit the last of Hong Kong's authentic fishing villages. Things get a bit complicated when he suspects he's been poisoned by his "Tour Guide".
    Asian Mike
    New York, NY
    Diary of a Most Unusual Thanksgiving
    What does a dozen dancing santa's, a fifty foot inflatable Ronald Mc Donald, a bloody mattress, Indian Casinos, a dinner table full of foreigners and a biker bar all have in common? They were all a part of Mike's Thanksgiving celebration.
    Ben & Jerrys
    Branson, MO
    Missouri Loves Company
    You might not expect much from a state where the most common pick-up line is "Let me hear you squeal like a pig". But Branson is stocked full of some of the greatest talent you'll find between the Western Missouri border and the Mississippi!
    Massachusetts / Vermont /New Hampshire
    Touring the East Coast
    With his winnings from the casino the previous week, Mike takes a tour of breweries, confectionaries and more breweries all over the East Coast.
    Ben & Jerrys
    Atlantic City, NJ
    Atlantic City
    Gambling is a severely underrated skill. Follow Mike to Atlantic City for the first time as he does his best to express his abilities at the blackjack table.
    Atlantic City
    Key West, FL
    Florida Keys
    A business trip to Miami takes a turn for the better with a quick trip down to the Florida Keys, which are the second best thing about Florida (after the Gator farm, of course).
    San Jose, CA
    Throw Nana from a Train
    In an attempt to visit the ladies of his life for Mother's Day, Mike gets sabotaged by his Nana. What grudge could be so severe that she would hold it against him for 25 years?
    Everglades, FL
    Gator? I Hardly Even Know Her!
    While the rest of the Spring Breakers are looking for beer bashes and co-ed's, Mike heads to the Everglades to find some tail of his own.
    Boston, MA
    Hat Trick on St. Patrick's
    A trip to the St Patrick's Day Parade in Boston by way of Indian Casinos, trendy restaurants and pubs. Lots and lots of pubs. At least, he thinks there was.
    New York, NY
    New York on New Years
    If he can't make it there, he can't make it anywhere. Mike travels to the Big Apple to ring in 2002 and set off a few department store alarms ... with his crotch!
    Times Square
    The USA
    3,000 miles in almost 30 Days: This Truck's Story
    After getting to the East Coast, Mike waits for his truck to arrive. And waits. And waits. Thinking about shipping your vehicle somewhere? Trust me; drive it yourself.
    Dodge Truck
    Montreal, Canada
    Va Bay Say Twa Mem? Wee Wee!
    Mike may not be French, but he has been known to kiss that way. See how he fares amongst those who do speak the language of love...and we're not talking about hookers.
    Montreal, Canada
    Duty-Free Disaster
    On his way to Montreal, Mike takes some time to decipher the mysteries behind Duty-free shopping. Apparently, he isn't the only one who hasn't quite grasped the concept.
    Tuscaloosa, AL/ Toronto, Canada
    Ala-bam-bam and Cana-Can-Can
    During a particularly busy period of travel, Mike compares the wonders of the Great White North and the Deep Grit Eating South.
    Tuscaloosa, AL/ Cincinnati, Ohio/ Chicago, IL
    Planes, Pains and Automobiles
    It should have been a simple arrangement. Wing it from Alabama to Ohio to Chicago to California. So why does it take Mike 24 hours to make six hours worth of flights?

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