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Mona Charen Archives

02/17/09: Is Hugo Chavez the Future?
02/10/09: ‘We Love to Talk, ‘ Declares Biden
02/06/09: Responsibility — If Only
02/03/09: And Baby Makes 14
01/30/09: Palestinian Myth Machine
01/27/09: Where is free market economics when we need it most?
01/23/09: Executing faithfully
01/20/09: Letter to Obama Supporters
01/16/09: Camera-Ready Victims
01/13/09: Quit digging
01/09/09: What Makes for Success?
01/06/09: What good can come of this?
01/05/09: The So-called International Community
12/26/08: Defending Rick Warren
12/19/08: Tis the Season for Porn?
12/16/08: The Good Obama Can Do
12/11/08: Good Old-Fashioned Graft?
12/09/08: Stampede psychology
12/05/08: They Won't Give Him Credit
12/02/08: Pinch me, am I dreaming?
11/28/08: About that New New Deal
11/25/08: Giving Thanks for Genocide?
11/21/08: Thoughtful warriors
11/18/08: Quantum of Nonsense
11/11/08: Was Todd Palin dissed, too?
11/07/08: Racial Psychodrama
11/04/08: Sex and the Single Kid
10/31/08: Top Ten Reasons to Vote for McCain/Palin
10/28/08: Denial runs through American Jewry
10/24/08: The financial crisis and triumph of spin
10/21/08: Fair taxation?
10/17/08: Why McCain didn't land his punches
10/16/08: Is this the end of conservatism?
10/09/08: Just don't accuse her of anti-Semitism! Hating the New York Times, Part 573
10/07/08: Michelle Obama's fearful vision
10/03/08: Is this Hoover/Roosevelt redux?
09/30/08: ACORN, Obama, and the mortgage mess
09/26/08: Big bad capitalists?
09/23/08: Find me a demon
09/19/08: Who is the abortion extremist?
09/16/08: Tough cookie
09/15/08: What Obama could destroy
09/09/08: Is Trig at the heart of media's reaction to Palin?
09/03/08: Abstinence education is still a good idea
08/27/08: This Historic Candidacy
08/22/08: McCain's Luck
08/14/08: The 3 A.M. Phone Call is real
08/11/08: Teenagers
07/28/08: George Bush's Unrequited Love
07/18/08: A child killer's homecoming
07/11/08: What the Mullahs Should Mull
07/10/08: Quit Whining and Study
06/27/08: The Republic of Kennedy
06/20/08: Oooh, the new politics
06/13/08: Look who's censoring now
06/06/08: Who Do They Love?
05/30/08: Oil Woes Left and Right
05/23/08: Trash and Politics Italian Style
05/09/08: Did Israel Drive Out the Arabs 60 Years Ago?
05/02/08: What We're Buying at College
04/25/08: Let them eat ethanol?
04/18/08: More Debates Please!
04/11/08: Character counts, but not by race
04/04/08: Do we care what they think of America?
03/28/08: A Veto-Proof Congress?
03/21/08: Throwing grandma over the side
03/14/08: Worlds apart morally
03/07/08: How Does Obama Feel About America?
02/29/08: Farewell to a Great Man
02/22/08: About that bullet hitting a bullet
02/15/08: Obama: Old Wine, New Bottle
02/08/08: Why they can't vote for McCain
02/01/08: Sore winner
01/28/08: Will Venezuela Be Judenrein?
01/18/08: Can conservatives still win elections?
01/11/08: Cry (for) the Beloved Country
01/04/08: Joe Kennedy, Hugo Chavez and That Free Heating Oil
12/28/07: The real world intrudes
12/21/07: Torture and the Dems
12/14/07: A Second Look at Romney
12/07/07: A Challenge to the Press
11/30/07: Gerson's sniping memoir
11/23/07: An Egyptian Makes the Case for America
11/16/07: Too close to kooky
11/09/07: Junior Scholastic: PC indoctrination for the middle school set
11/02/07: Taking the easy way out on torture
10/26/07: Prosecuting our friends
10/19/07: About that Muslim letter to the Pope
10/12/07: Of polar bears and consensus
10/08/07: But why is he so angry?
10/01/07: Was Columbia prez mean to Ahmadinejad?
09/21/07: The Podhoretz Cavalry
09/07/07: Can a Muslim Justin Timberlake save Islam from itself?
08/31/07: Thinking with our emotions
08/24/07: So much news in such a small place
08/03/07: Obama's sword
07/27/07: Girls Gone Mild
07/09/07: Why I'm a mushy moderate on immigration
06/29/07: Sparks Fly at the Supreme Court
06/22/07: Advice to a mother expecting a third boy
06/15/07: Arafatistan
06/08/07: Stem cells and moral preening
06/01/07: What Castro and Merkel agree on
05/25/07: Pregnancy schools
05/18/07: Abortion, torture and the candidates
05/11/07: No perfect options
05/04/07: The Dems' diplomacy illusion
04/27/07: Can you live on food stamps?
04/18/07: Poison to the Soul
04/13/07: Imus stepped on a tripwire
04/06/07: Heart and Sowell
03/30/07: Permission to celebrate Jamestown?
03/23/07: Why Fred Thompson should run
03/16/07: Braveheart
03/09/07: It wasn't about Libby at all
03/02/07: Forget Sharpton, here's the real slavery
02/23/07: Just when you think you're up to date on sexualizing girls, you are surprised
02/16/07: Is It All About Britney?
02/09/07: Is Giuliani a conservative?
02/02/07: A farce and an outrage
01/26/07: State of the Union: Demoralized
01/19/07: Welcome back to Democratland
01/12/07: Are we doing everything to win?
01/05/07: Unprotected
12/29/06: Home Alone America is 75 percent right
12/22/06: My son's future depends on scientific research
12/15/06: Brave Jimmy Carter?
12/08/06: These are realists?
12/01/06: Want to live forever?
11/24/06: In praise of discrimination
11/16/06: Defeat
11/10/06: The interpretation battle
11/03/06: What's missing: Victory
10/27/06: 13 reasons to vote Republican on Nov. 7
10/20/06: 300,000,000 strong
10/13/06: Letting the PC slip show
10/06/06: You cannot trust members of the United States Congress with your teenage children — and you cannot trust them with your money either
09/29/06: ALERT: Severe shortage of grown-ups
09/22/06: Questions for Ahmadinejad
09/13/06: Meeting in the Oval Office
09/08/06: President Bush gets his groove back
09/01/06: Leaning over backwards indicates head not screwed on straight
08/25/06: Campaigns matter
08/18/06: How do you fight someone who isn't afraid to die?
08/03/06: Mad Mel?
07/28/06: Andrea Yates, insanity and guilt
07/21/06: Ceasefire now?
07/14/06: Knowing the enemy
07/07/06: From the high school frontlines in the culture war
06/30/06: Sacred cow
06/23/06: The Spamalot Party
06/16/06: The untold story of Gaza (and Haditha?)
06/09/06: Necessary morale boost
06/05/06: The war crime they've been waiting for?
05/26/06: A great pick by Bush
05/19/06: “Anchors” away
05/12/06: Preparing for Hillary
05/02/06: Miserable Mexico burdens U.S.
04/28/06: Miserable Mexico burdens U.S.
04/21/06: Miserable Mexico burdens U.S.
04/17/06: Vulgar USA
04/07/06: The flag, the schools, the immigrants and us
03/31/06: The rotary club and other Zionist plots
03/24/06: What the captured documents show
03/17/06: Stand up: Wafa Sultan is passing
03/10/06: The right to abandon your child
02/24/06: Lethal injection blues
02/17/06: Why weren't we informed? Isn't it obvious?
02/10/06: Will Europe become Eurabia?
02/03/06: Democracy's skeptics
01/27/06: Republican skirts on fire
01/20/06: Will Israel solve our problem?
01/13/06: Feminism isn't dead, but a new book wounds it badly
01/06/06: The slippery slope
12/23/05: Worst coverage of the year
12/16/05: Jewish useful idiots
12/09/05: A modest backlash against the slut culture
12/02/05: Investigate the CIA
11/25/05: One marine's words
11/18/05: The cut and run party
11/11/05: The French way implodes
11/04/05: The meaning of the Plame affair
10/28/05: No more stealth picks
10/21/05: Trial and tribalism
10/20/05: No more marches
10/07/05: Timid and tepid
09/30/05: It's the spending, stupid
09/23/05: Who are these Republicans?
09/16/05: The lie heard round the world
09/09/05: Blood in the water
09/02/05: Shoot looters
08/26/05: Two books not to be missed
08/12/05: Londonistan
08/05/05: Grand Theft Auto and Us
07/29/05: How not to deal with a threat
07/20/05: A solution to the stem cell debate?
07/15/05: Can you fight an idea?
07/08/05: Our enemies are stupid
07/01/05: Stupid lawyer tricks
06/24/05: Questioning their patriotism
06/17/05: On apologies, Democrats and conscience
06/10/05: A must read
06/03/05: ‘Real Men Moisturize’
05/27/05: Stem cell reasoning
05/20/05: Caution: Muslims easily inflamed
05/13/05: Friends of Saddam
05/06/05: Veggie porn in school?
04/29/05: You won't read it in the papers
04/22/05: Bolton has common sense — that's why he's hated
04/15/05: Do you trust your neighbor to pay taxes?
04/08/05: Outpouring for Pope masks Europe's spiritual crisis
04/01/05: The press misses the point about WMDS and Intelligence
03/25/05: Extremism in defense of violence is no vice?
03/18/05: Do your children speak English?
03/11/05: Thou shalt have no other gods before the ACLU
03/04/05: Fighting dirty for the black vote
02/25/05: Is the Marine Corps P.C.?
02/18/05: For censorship
02/11/05: Iran: The Next Nicaragua?
02/04/05: Moyers and the Party of Gloom
01/28/05: Egad! Has Hillary become a centrist?
01/21/05: No lack of vision thing
01/14/05: Muslims and the tsunami
01/07/05: Don't let Dems get away with race-baiting
12/24/04: America the greedy and cruel
12/17/04: Home Alone America is 75 percent right
12/10/04: Another dictator toppled (here at home)
12/03/04: A hammer with a heart
11/25/04: DON'T MISS 'I AM DAVID'
11/19/04: The knife's message
11/12/04: Values voters?
11/05/04: Post-election reflections
10/29/04: Whose mistakes are worse?
10/22/04: Stay home; don't vote
10/04/04:Mary Cheney and more
10/04/04: Drabble's drivel and sinking Europe
09/24/04: The reckoning
09/20/04: Mr. Expedience
09/10/04: Why Jews should support W
09/03/04: New York: Armed Camp
08/27/04: Kerry's jaundiced view of America
08/20/04: The misleading debate on stem cell research
08/13/04: The weakness candidate
08/06/04: George W. Bush's challenge
07/30/04: Fables Dems tell themselves
07/23/04: Dem dirty fighters
07/16/04: What would Kerry do?
07/09/04: Kerry's choice
05/30/04: The greater threat — Muslims menace or mass American self-hatred?
05/21/04: Are children of gay parents worse off?
05/14/04: Test of character
05/07/04: Shame
04/23/04: Those flag-draped coffins
04/23/04: Fighting words
04/16/04: Who wants to step up and apologize
04/09/04: Are we tough enough?
04/02/04: Kerry's past
03/26/04: To tell the truth
03/19/04: The stakes
03/12/04: Put up or shut up
03/05/04: No more Mr. Nice Guy
02/20/04: Futile reform
02/13/04: The Kerry moment
02/06/04: Will anything change?
01/30/04: A matter of integrity
01/16/04: An end to temporizing
01/09/04: Gaffing all the way
01/02/04: Education follies
12/26/03: End of year reflections
12/19/03: Saddam's hole --- and the Dems'
12/12/03: Sad day for freedom
12/05/03: Gay marriage debuts
11/28/03: Thanksgiving in perspective
11/25/03: I hate popular culture
11/17/03: Jessica Lynch, Col. West: What's wrong with this picture?
11/14/03: Jessica Lynch: Modern Myth
11/07/03: The partial-birth abortion ban is a small victory
10/31/03: The price of being wrong
10/24/03: The most important book of the year
10/17/03: The failure brigade
10/14/03: Into the sewer we go — led by Bono
10/03/03: The scandal du jour
09/30/03: Free speech confusion
09/26/03: Who can you trust?
09/23/03: The whiners
09/19/03: The Iraq/9-11 link
09/16/03: At the trough
09/12/03: DC vouchers
09/09/03: WE HAVE TO WIN!
09/05/03: Mr. Both Ways
09/03/03: SUE THE JEWS!
08/26/03: Western culture is superior
08/12/03: Schwarzenegger swaggers into the race
08/08/03: Masculinity makes a comeback
08/06/03: Deeply held beliefs
08/01/03: Closer to home
07/29/03: A little perspective
07/25/03: Killing the goose that laid the golden egg
07/22/03: Did we lose the war in Iraq?
07/18/03: The scandal that wasn't
07/15/03: Don't know much about history
07/11/03: NO TO LIBERIA
07/08/03: We, the people of the Supreme Court of the United States
07/04/03: Conventional wisdom strikes out
07/01/03: Jessica Lynch: Modern myth?
06/27/03: Straight talk about immigration
06/24/03: The fate of those WMDs is an unfolding drama
06/20/03: Just another day in the life of freedom
06/17/03: How strange
06/13/03: Summer reading
06/10/03: Today's Nazis aren't Aryan
06/05/03: Caution: Reality Ahead
06/03/03: What makes sense?
05/30/03: Bush the humanitarian
05/28/03: Memo to Supreme Court: Be brave
05/23/03: L'affaire Blair and The Times
05/20/03: The suffering Palestinians
05/16/03: United Nations redux?
05/13/03: About those cops
05/09/03: The liberators
05/06/03: Bennett's vice
05/03/03: Middle East roadmap: Curves ahead
04/29/03: Domestic good news
04/25/03: Gratitude
04/22/03: Searching for the lead lining
04/21/03: Oliver Stone gets the ax
04/15/03: Among some Arabs, bitterness reigns
04/11/03: Recap
04/08/03: No shades of gray 04/04/03: Our brave women
04/01/03: Peter Arnett: Whose Man in Baghdad?
03/27/03: The other menace
03/25/03: Patience
03/21/03: Pax Americana
03/14/03: Unmarried unions no bargain for anyone
03/11/03: War and psychology
03/07/03: A timely primer
03/04/03: Drugs? Torture? How to handle captured al Qaeda terrorists
02/28/03: Saddam interview reveals cult of personality --- Dan Rather's
02/25/03: Time for nation-building
02/21/03: The left sides with terror --- yet again
02/18/03: Saudi Tendrils
02/14/03: Living with terror
02/11/03: Funny, you don't look ...
02/07/03: Not the libs' kind of war
02/04/03: One nation
01/31/03: Malpractice: By lawyers
01/28/03: Is Iraq a distraction?
01/24/03: Snapshot of American liberalism
01/21/03: The fog of affirmative action
01/17/03: Government-sponsored obesity
01/14/03: A Cold war time bomb
01/10/03: A Discerning Look at Bush, from an Insider
01/07/03: Homeland security still neglected
01/03/03: Just what we need
12/31/02: Clone news
12/27/02: Dems limp to bat to take on homeland security
12/24/02: Who are we?
12/20/02: Republicans and the "Race Card"
12/17/02: Jews, Blacks, and Senator Lott
12/13/02: Why Lott must go
12/06/02: Waiting for the UN
12/03/02: Shoe on the other foot?
11/26/02: McFoolishness
11/22/02: Leadership
11/19/02: The war over the war
11/15/02: Aim for the center
11/12/02: Boys think art rocks
11/08/02: The bumbler bowls them over
11/05/02: National Biased Radio
10/29/02: When racial profiling is uncontroversial
10/25/02: Mothers unbound
10/22/02: Under the gun
10/18/02: Appeasement only emboldens the evil doers: Clinton's other Legacy
10/15/02: Who does best for children?
10/11/02: Guts and glory
10/08/02: Battling ADHD disinformation
10/04/02: Goodbye (sniff) St. Bob
10/01/02: Kiss your money goodbye
09/27/02: The best and worst
09/24/02: Homeland insecurity
09/20/02: The Moral Authority of the UN
09/13/02: Remember the Cassandras
09/06/02: Jimma Carter rides again
08/30/02: Moral disarmament
08/23/02: Nationwide amber alert
08/16/02: Something Fishy in Hatfill Case
08/09/02: Think big on Middle East
07/26/02: Sickening double standard
07/19/02: Happy marriages and unhappy divorces
07/12/02: Saudi shockers: What are we going to do about it!?
07/04/02: Beyond wooden teeth
06/28/02: The Bush roller coaster
06/21/02: Powell should view Danny Pearl tape
06/14/02: Is the War On Terror a war of ideas?
06/07/02: Must congress declare war on Iraq?
05/31/02: The shrinking Bush presidency?
05/24/02: Culture has consequences
05/20/02: Coed dorm rooms -- a big yawn?
05/10/02: STRUCK
05/03/02: About those refugee camps
04/26/02: In search of the truth: Questions few will answer
04/19/02: Two sides of modern America
04/05/02: A Sickening Respect
04/01/02: This would be news
03/22/02: Blood libel and other modern realities
03/15/02: What's an army for?
03/08/02: Flawed premise
03/01/02: Fortitude
02/22/02: Let them get the vapors
02/15/02: The roots of a traitor
02/08/02: Modern-day McCarthyism --- from the Left
02/02/02: The end of Vietnam Syndrome
01/25/02: This conservative is for national ID cards
01/18/02: Unbronzed truth
01/11/02: For profiling
01/04/02: The Woman Question
12/31/01: Hooray for men
12/21/01: What bias?
12/14/01: Bin Laden's Joy
12/10/01: Clinton's legacy
11/30/01: Myth busting
11/26/01: For military tribunals
11/15/01: On behalf of critics
11/09/01: We will change, one way or the other
11/02/01: Sleeping giant awakes?
10/26/01: Who will redraw the map?
10/19/01: Loose lips sink ships
10/17/01: Two fears
10/15/01: Power-wielding, ignorant news executives
10/11/01: Is VOA on board?
10/05/01: Victory for bin Laden, already?
09/28/01: America hatred dies hard
09/21/01: Religious war?
09/14/01: Time for courage
08/31/01: ENOUGH!
08/27/01: Soft on communism
08/24/01: A beautiful Day
08/17/01: Reality check
08/06/01: Condom war's latest skirmish
07/27/01: What really happened in Cincinnati?
07/24/01: Will Bush do the right thing on women in combat?
07/13/01: Levy, Condit and lessons learned
07/06/01: Stem cell simplicities
06/29/01: Liars everywhere
06/22/01: The ill advised idea that will not die
06/15/01: Corporate power?
06/08/01: Election report fraud
06/01/01: Bush needs more face time
05/29/01: Confessions of a Red Diaper Baby
05/22/01: Now I know my ABC's
05/18/01: Moral equivalence, again
05/15/01: Naughty, naughty Ashcroft
05/11/01: Murder most casual
05/04/01: Consider modesty
05/01/01: Coward's morality
04/27/01: The realm of "mustn't be true"
04/25/01: The civilizing influence of C.S. Lewis
04/18/01: Is this a new Cold War?
04/16/01: Who's sorry now?
04/10/01: What's wrong with apologizing?
04/06/01: Recount
04/04/01: Affirmative action hanging by a thread
04/02/01: Arsenic and old logic
03/28/01: How to stop school shootings
03/26/01: Not your father's librarian
03/21/01: A good faith initiative
03/19/01: A whiff of freedom on campus
03/14/01: More good news than bad?
03/07/01: Everybody does it
03/05/01: ADHD and its critics
02/28/01: Another kind of adoption
02/26/01: Taking a dip into pop culture
02/22/01: The world we've created
02/20/01: Character education
02/17/01: Israel turns hardline?
02/12/01: About those Reagan tax cuts
02/07/01: This time he's gone too far
02/05/01: Ashcroft the survivor
01/31/01: Don't save us from sushi
01/29/01: The dummy knows his stuff
01/24/01: Pre-emptive history
01/22/01: The power of ideas
01/17/01: Doing damage till the last dog dies
01/15/01: Will anyone listen?
01/09/01: Shocking news about Chavez
01/05/01: No good deed goes unpunished
01/03/01: Greed is good
12/22/00: Tales of a monster
12/19/00: First false move
12/15/00: All's well that ends well?
12/11/00: Rule by courts
12/08/00: The price we're already paying
12/06/00: The Supreme Court and American life
12/04/00: It's the principle
11/28/00: The risk Mr. Gore is taking
11/22/00: Lessons learned?
11/20/00: I'm only thinking of him
11/14/00: The pros
11/10/00: An illegitimate president?
11/07/00: Three more last-minute reasons to despise Gore
11/06/00: What is it about in 2000?
10/31/00: The party of appeasement
10/27/00: Trying to win ugly
10/25/00: Gore's sugar daddy
10/23/00: What you must believe to vote for Al Gore
10/18/00: Self-delusion is no alternative to unpleasant truth
10/16/00: Uh oh
10/11/00: Stuck needle
10/06/00: More mendacity?
10/04/00: The end of the abortion controversy?
10/02/00: Peddling poison to children
09/27/00: Surprise! Not.
09/25/00: The victim soars
09/20/00: Questions and answers
09/18/00: The press loses its mind
09/13/00: A reshaped race
09/11/00: A bouquet for Stein
09/08/00: Is this any way to win?
09/05/00: IS Joe Lieberman Jewish enough?
08/30/00: Explaining Newt Gingrich
08/29/00: Torturing language rather than troubling consciences
08/23/00: What polls can't measure
08/21/00: Working families and other myths
08/15/00: Goodbye to all that?
08/09/00: Does Lieberman give AlGore moral absolution?
08/07/00: What school texts teach about marriage
08/02/00: Was Ralph Nader right?
07/31/00: Whipsawed by abortion
07/26/00: Becoming a statistic
07/24/00: In Hillary's defense
07/20/00: Jan Karski, RIP
07/17/00: Peace Now?
07/12/00: Just wild about Harry
07/10/00: The baby dearth
07/05/00: Is patriotism out?
07/03/00: Abortion deforms the court again
06/28/00: Who needs computers in schools?
06/26/00: Has Jane Fonda changed?
06/22/00: The war against boys
06/19/00: Say yes to Forstmann's offer
06/16/00: Goodbye to the 'gender gap'?
06/12/00: Compassionate Dem
06/07/00: Not sorry for the inconvenience
06/05/00: Dollars down the 'digital divide' drain
06/01/00: Learning to love reptiles?
05/30/00: Disbar him now!
05/24/00: Dumb and dumber?
05/22/00: DEFEND DR. LAURA
05/17/00: Moms yes, gun control no
05/15/00: Secrets, schmecrets
05/11/00: Elian savors Washington nightlife
05/09/00: The vindication of Kenneth Starr
05/03/00: Liminal advertising
05/01/00: Vietnam Warriors: Do we really know them?
04/25/00: Castro's boy
04/24/00: Can black children be brilliant?
04/19/00: The case against Hillary Clinton
04/18/00: Why is this night different?
04/12/00: Just something to do
04/10/00: The general wields an accusation
04/05/00: What litigation has done
04/03/00: Elian's fate
03/29/00: Sin anyone?
03/27/00: It's the lies
03/21/00: Not so glorious food
03/17/00: When things were rough
03/15/00: The Pope, the apology, and the Jews
03/13/00: Are there any Republican issues left?
03/08/00: Was justice done to Amadou Diallo?
03/01/00: Sticking it to and sticking up for the Right wing
02/28/00: Bubba Shoves Russia toward dictatorship
02/24/00: A safe place
02/22/00: Alan Keyes is right
02/16/00: Death and DNA
02/14/00: McCain and the Republicans
02/10/00: Hillary Clinton: New Yorker?
02/07/00: Goodbye to premature polling
02/02/00: Cold war reminder
01/31/00: The parties change colors
01/26/00: Homosexual 'affirmation'
01/24/00: Child porn: Does it matter if it's fake?
01/20/00: They grow so fast
01/18/00: A news consumer's complaints
01/12/00: Save Elian Gonzalez
01/10/00: Where is the abortion movement today?
01/05/00: McCain's moment
01/03/00: The 'Tyrants' Century'
12/29/99: ABC aims at Kristol, shoots self in foot
12/22/99: Who is the sleaze?
12/20/99: In search of fame
12/15/99: Elian's best interests
12/13/99: Clinton lurches for peace talks
12/08/99: Modern manners
12/06/99: Hillary thumps her Bible
12/02/99: Giving well
11/30/99: What's in a name?
11/24/99: The truth and Hillsdale
11/22/99: Rudy's roughhousing exposed as minority pandering
11/17/99: Voodoo environmentalism
11/15/99: Those racist cabbies
11/10/99: Body parts for sale
11/08/99: Hate-crimes laws make it more difficult to achieve convictions
11/04/99: Ready or not
11/02/99: The new cultural indicators
10/28/99: Foolish to worry about Satanism and witchcraft?
10/25/99: Responsibility, RIP
10/21/99: The tax trap
10/19/99: The population explosion fizzles
10/13/99: What caused civilization?
10/11/99: Time to triangulate?
10/06/99: Thousand clowns
10/04/99: Hate art
09/29/99: Buchanan's peculiar history lesson
09/27/99: What's right
09/22/99: The myth of 0-to-3
09/17/99: Miss Divorced America
09/15/99: NO PAT NO!
09/13/99: Does abortion reduce crime?
09/09/99: Buchanan the spoiler?
09/07/99: I've got mail
09/02/99: Trust parents?
08/30/99: Loose ends
08/26/99: Banned in Boston?
08/23/99: George W. feels the heat
08/18/99: Day-care neglect is fact of life
08/11/99: The never ending soap opera
08/04/99: Podhoretz's 'Ex-Friends' is our gain
07/28/99: Hillary has nothing to fear from 'N.Y. Jews'
07/26/99: Two cheers for women's soccer --- sort of
07/20/99: The media lose their heads, again
07/14/99: The too busy parent
07/12/99: Post-impeachment vindication?
07/09/99: Bubba goes native
07/07/99: Is Rev. Al Hillary's new pal?
07/01/99: Free Sara Jane Olson?
06/28/99: Behind the George W. frenzy
06/23/99: How to avoid Mediscare
06/21/99: Taking back our streets
06/16/99: Hide and seek
06/14/99: Impervious to the evidence
06/09/99: Unsung heroes
06/01/99: For $ale
05/26/99: Best friend these girls ever had
05/24/99: Baby Hope continued
05/20/99: Say no to the Gore tax
05/17/99: Baby Hope
05/13/99: Other high crimes
05/10/99:Three cheers for uniforms
05/05/99: Voucher opponents' worst nightmare
05/03/99: Lessons of Columbine High
04/28/99: Kevorkian is stopped
04/26/99: "Senseless tragedy"?
04/22/99: Hey, hey, ... Bubba
04/19/99: Why we are in Kosovo
04/15/99: Hooray for the NYPD
04/09/99: How to do something about taxes
04/06/99:Can the private sector handle foster care?
03/31/99: The Flower Child goes to war
03/29/99: Foreign-policy meltdown
03/25/99: 'Just doin' it'
03/22/99: Return of pay equity?
03/16/99: St. Hillary
03/10/99: Rodney King in perspective
03/08/99: Monica's story: No morals
03/04/99: Not home but library alone:
3/02/99: Tuning our racial sensitivities
2/27/99: Cease-fire in war between sexes?
2/23/99: Where were the religious voices?
2/19/99: Depends what you mean by "acting"
2/17/99: As Minn., goes so goes the nation?
2/09/99: Prepare for post-impeachment spin
2/03/99: Teaching morality
2/01/99: What did he say?
1/26/99: The truth about the Peace Process
1/22/99: The vulgar decade
1/19/99: Was Jefferson libeled by DNA?
1/13/99: The backlash picks up speed
1/11/99: Who invented politics of personal destruction?
1/07/99: Shall we dance?
1/05/99: Try him!
12/30/98: The price of virtue
12/28/98: The gift of giving
12/22/98: Party of shame, party of shamelessness
12/18/98: Wag the country
12/16/98: Is this impeachment constitutional?
12/14/98: Republicans find courage
12/09/98: Nappy Hair and other racial slurs
12/07/98: Stranger in a strange land
12/02/98: Dangerous ground
11/30/98: Involuntary fatherhood?
11/24/98: Lies, damned lies, and sex lies
11/18/98: Another victory for cowardice
11/16/98: Separatism plus welfarism equals a dead end
11/10/98: Did conservatism lose campaign '98?
11/06/98: Democrat venality, Republican timidity
11/04/98: Are girls being shortchanged?
11/02/98: Believe the children?
10/28/98: What 'Measure 58' would do
10/26/98: The officers are bailing out
10/20/98: Using Matthew Shepard's murder
10/19/98: The school voucher that saved a family
10/14/98: Are powerful women different?
10/09/98: Can just sex be impeachable?
10/07/98: Repeal Miranda
10/02/98: Understanding the polls
10/01/98: What school texts teach about marriage
9/28/98: Fear of choice
9/23/98: A fork in the road: Bubba's fate and ours
9/18/98: Christianity and the Holocaust
9/16/98: The national dirty joke
9/11/98: Are we in crisis?
9/09/98: Does Burton's sin let Clinton off the hook?
9/07/98: Liar's Poker
9/01/98: One, two, three
8/28/98: Fat and folly
8/25/98: When homework is a dirty word
8/21/98: The unravelling
8/18/98: The wages of dishonesty
8/17/98: Sex, honor and the presidency
8/12/98: Pro-choice extremist
8/10/98: Switch illuminates biology's role
8/05/98: The presumption of innocence and the American way
8/03/98: An American hero
7/29/98: Lock up those who need psychiatric care
7/24/98: Making the military more like us
7/22/98: The 'Net sex hoax... and us
7/20/98: Disappointed by Cosbys
7/15/98: Feelings, not morality, rule
7/10/98: Guns as the solution?
7/8/98: Teacher preacher
7/6/98: The China behind the headlines
7/1/98: What is the First Amendment for?
6/26/98: The Republican city
6/24/98: Poison pen
6/22/98: Clinton: inventing his own reality?
6/16/98: Senator mom?
6/12/98: Wisconsin: a trail blazer?
6/9/98: These girls say no to sex, yes to excellence
6/5/98: Lewinsky's ex-lawyer would feel right at home as Springer guest
6/2/98: English? Si; Republican? No!
5/29/98: The truth about women and work
5/27/98: Romance in the '90s
5/25/98:Taxing smokers for fun and profit
5/19/98: China's friend in the White House
5/15/98: Look out feminists: here comes the true backlash
5/12/98: The war process?
5/8/98: Where's daddy?
5/5/98: The joys of boys
5/1/98: Republicans move on education reform
4/28/98: Reagan was right
4/24/98: The key to Pol Pot
4/21/98: The patriot's channel
4/19/98: Child-care day can't replace mom
4/15/98: Tax time
4/10/98: Armey states obvious, gets clobbered
4/7/98: A nation complacent?
4/1/98: Bill Clinton's African adventure
3/27/98: Understanding Arkansas
3/24/98: Jerry Springer's America
3/20/98: A small step for persecuted minorities
3/17/98: Skeletons in every closet?
3/13/98: Clinton's idea of a fine judge
3/10/98: Better than nothing?
3/6/98: Of fingernails and freedom
3/3/98: Read JWR! :0)
2/27/98: Dumb and Dumber
2/24/98: Reagan reduced poverty more than Clinton
2/20/98: Rally Round the United Nations?
2/17/98: In Denial
2/13/98: Reconsidering Theism
2/10/98: Waiting for the facts?
2/8/98: Cat got the GOP's tongue?
2/2/98: Does America care about immorality?
1/30/98: How to judge Clinton's denials
1/27/98: What If It's Just the Sex?
1/23/98: Bill Clinton, Acting Guilty
1/20/98: Arafat and the Holocaust Museum
1/16/98: Child Care or Feminist Agenda?
1/13/98: What We Really Think of Abortion
1/9/98: The Dead Era of Budget Deficits Rises Again?
1/6/98: "Understandable" Murder and Child Custody
1/2/98: Majoring in Sex
12/30/97: The Spirit of Kwanzaa
12/26/97: Food fights (Games children play)
12/23/97: Does Clinton's race panel listen to facts?
12/19/97: Welcome to the Judgeocracy, where the law school elite overrules majority rule
12/16/97: Do America's Jews support Netanyahu?

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