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Jill Harness' Blog

Hi, welcome to my wacky inventions and products blog. I consider myself to be a purveyor of the strange and an expert of the bizzare. I am a freelance writer, a gaming enthusiast and a fan of all things fluffy. Ultimately, I'd enjoy being a comedian, a screen writer and a children's book author -in one.Then I can take over the world one entertained child at a time. Thanks for reading my blog.


Is That An Obama On Your Pocket Or Are You Happy To See Me?

Whether or not you like our president, it's hard to deny that his fame has become a global phenomenon few presidents have ever encountered. As a result, we've had a slew of what's been referred to as Obamarama or, more cynically, baracksploitation. There is certainly no shortage of tacky merchandise barring his likeness. While I have every intention of talking about all of the terrible memorabilia featuring the Commander-in-Cheif, there's actually so much I had to break it up into multiple articles. As a result, let me introduce you to the first large Barack market, the fashion industry.

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FAIL Stickers Help You Label Your Life

FAIL stickers will help you caption life without having to take a photo and upload it to the internet. Now when you see funny, unintentional inuendos on office building signs you can call them out the world.

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10 Best Hamburger Fantasies Become A Reality

Sushi is so 2006 and bacon is totally 2008, but what random food fad is on the cool horizon this year? Burgers. Why burgers? They’re as all-American as you can get –even more American than apple pie and baseball, which are really just variations of German and British inventions respectively.


In honor of this great American feat of food engineering, I bring you the must-have burger gizmos of the upcoming year.


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15 Gifts That Will Surely Piss Off Your Valentine

While it’s widely believed Valentine’s Day was invented by the card companies, it actually was popularized by candy companies in the twenties. Surprisingly, our list of fantastic gifts for people you pretend to love has only a few sweet treats. We do have plenty of sour presents to offer though. Whatever the problem in your relationship, one of these gifts is sure to express your true feelings for your significant other.

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10 Best Star Wars Toys All True Fans Must Have

Star Wars fans sometimes take things too far, which leaves manufacturers with plenty of fun concepts to develop. If you know a true fan of the dark and light sides of the Force, then you'll surely know someone who loves these cool and silly goodies.

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10 Great Toys For the Alcoholic Inside of Us All

Boozehounds and barflies, here's a comprehensive list of the 10 best drinking accessories to help turn your life into the whirling swirl of drunkenness you've always wanted. Even if you aren't a total alcoholic, you may still enjoy some of these fun innovations in beer and liquor.

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15 Strange and Bizarre Gifts For The Weirdos In Your Life

Know someone hard to shop for? Are you sick of looking for something they'll actually like? Why not try something sure to confuse them instead? These 15 strange goodies will be great ways to throw off the preconcieved gift ideas people already expect from you.

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10 Perfect Presents for 10 Types of Geeks

Dorks. Nerds. Geeks. If you read this site, there's a good chance you are one, or at least are friends with one. That may have been a bad thing in middle school, but in adulthood, we really start to see that thinking different is actually a great thing. Here's your chance to find some great gifts worthy of the dweebs on your list.

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That An Axe in Your Bag Or Are You Happy To See Me?

Apparently, the artist that made these suitcase designs wanted to experiment with the idea of what we see and how it compares to how we perceive it. How we judge a book by its cover, you may say.

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Top 5 Weird Plushies To Squeeze And Love

If you're tired of the old teddy bear and even stuffed hippos aren't raising your pulse any more, you may not be over plushes, you might just need a change of speed. These five furry options might be just what what you, or a picky child in your life, might be looking for.

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