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Learn Your Chemistry from Ptable.com

Whether you're a chemistry student, or a full-time lab worker, you've probably spent some good time staring at the Period Table of Elements.  But you might not have even seen a version of the Period Table like Ptable.com.  Prepare to have your atoms shaken up by the amount of information you can get from this site.

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There May Be Something To "Performance" Drinks After All!

Just in case you thought performance drinks were a waste of money, a new study, reported in the Journal of Physiology, says they're not.

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Siberian Sculptors Erect Monument to Yeti

Last month, I wrote an article about a scientific expedition that set out to the mountains of Siberia to explore recent reports of Bigfoot sightings. Although fruitless so far, organizers deterred by the severe climate are determined to resume the search this summer. A monument has been erected to honor this yeti expedition, but viewers cannot resist the urge to smile upon viewing it. Read on and find out why.

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Construction Without Carbon Footprint? British Look To Hemp

 "... It only takes an area the size of a rugby pitch four months to grow enough hemp to build a typical three bedroom house," said Professor Pet Walker, Director of the BRE Center.

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South Africa Fight Aids With Innovative Phone Project

In an attempt to curb the terrible rising tide of South Africans afflicted with HIV/AIDS, local organizations have teamed up with leading telecommunication firms to launch the life-saving, Project Masiluleke, (the please-call-me project) which aims to close the healthcare information gap by delivering messages that encourage South Africans to access HIV testing and to know their status.

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Banish Backyard Bugs with Repelight Compact Fluorescent Bulbs

Banish Backyard Bugs with Repelight Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
Compact Impact of Japan is now offering Repelight, a 26-watt compact fluorescent lighting that glows gold but acts green.

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Scientists Discover Cancer Stem Cells Killed By Common Virus

Scientists have studied and proved that a common virus can infect and kill breast cancer stem cells.

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Russia and India Collaborate on Future Space Missions

It is expected that Russia and India will collaborate in future manned space expeditions. India plans to use Russian experience and equipment in its space program to send a man into orbit within the next five years, and considering the Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Activities in the Field of Human Spaceflight Programme, which was signed by both countries last year, it does seem much more than just a pipe (or in this case, space travel) dream. Read on for more details.

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'Baby Fat' May Lead To Treatment For Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes

If researchers can discover how to manipulate the growth and activity of brown fat cells, present mostly in babies and children, they may just find an effective treatment for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

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Touchless Eyeglass Cleaner Gives Lenses a Longer, Clearer Life

Touchless Eyeglass Cleaner Gives Lenses a Longer, Clearer Life
Shampoo For Glasses cleans glass or polycarbonate eyeglass lenses without having to rub, wipe or even touch the surface with a glass cleaning cloth. Your eyeglasses stay cleaner - and clearer - for MUCH longer!

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An Early Test For Genetic Alzheimer's Just Jumped Its First Hurdle

ApoE4 is a mutant gene known to be a risk factor for Alzheimer's Disease. A new study conducted by neuroscientists at the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London have discovered that ApoE4 is responsible for hyperactivity in the hippocampus area of the brain in younger persons, as young as 20.

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Russian Doctors Suggest Hadron Colider Can Cure Cancer

Is it possible that a cure for dreaded cancer is finally in sight? Will there soon come a time the human race will recall its devastation with the same distant nostalgia as the bubonic plague and other disasters of eras long faded into antiquity? Read on, be hopeful and most of all be…amazed!

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Eating Baby Broccoli May Prevent Stomach Cancer

Looks like Mom was right to push those veggies on you as a kid. A new study shows that eating broccoli may protect against stomach cancer.

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Dung Beetle Game Helps Homeowners Monitor Carbon Footprints

Dung Beetle Game Helps Homeowners Monitor Carbon Footprints
Japan's NEC and BIGLOBE have added a little fun for those trying to go green at home:  a neat, CGI "Carbon Ball" video game design that uses bright blue Dung Beetles to illustrate your (and your neighbor's) progress in reducing those messy carbon footprints.

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Will Russia Be Mining on The Moon in The Next Twenty Years?

The Soyuz spacecraft may prove to be a model for a future excursion that might culminate in the establishment of Russian moon-base by 2025. According to Nikolai Sevastyanov, the president of Russia’s Energia Rocket and Space Corporation, the mining of raw materials from the lunar surface of the moon may soon be a reality. Read on for more details.

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Have You Walked Your Green Home Lately?

What has 6 legs, solar panels, windmills, windows and a roof? Give up? It is The Walking House you see pictured above created by N55 and Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridgeshire.

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Russian Scientists Discover New Anti-Epileptic Agent

Patients afflicted with epilepsy always desperately need new, effective and reasonably priced anti-convulsants. Scientists from the Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry (Siberian branch of Russian Academy of Sciences) are currently developing less toxic and cheaper drugs to treat the disease. Read on for more information on a very serious subject.

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Polypill Research: A Single Pill Protects Against Heart Disease

It won't replace good diet and an exercise routine, but it can do the work of  five other pills to ward off heart disease and other life threatening diseases caused by high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Yet, not so fast...

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Russian Technology Allows For Easier Extraction of Underwater Minerals

The mining of raw materials in Russia has up to now been an activity limited to times when outside temperatures are significantly above the freezing point. This is a feature shared with other countries like Russia that suffer from severe climactic conditions. Now that’s all changed as Russian scientists introduce a new phenomenon known as “high output technology,” which provides a new method for mining water-bearing deposits. Read on for more details.

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"HUNT" Seeks Inspiration From Nature's Hunting & Swarming Behaviors

Animals, sea creatures, birds, and insects all have different kinds of hunting and swarming behaviors that they employ in groups whenever necessary. These behaviors are now being studied by a project called HUNT, sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. Wait until you see what HUNT stands for....

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