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The World's First Pet Only Airline Gets Ready For Take Off

The news that Pet Airways was open for business may have sent their website crashing today, but there's nothing but successful take-offs and landings scheduled for their fleet of 20 pawsenger-friendly airplanes.

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24-7 Connection Wall Reunites Friends, Families, And Food

Imagine going into an Internet cafe without your computer.  In this cafe, you are going to have a cup of tea with your parents in London... It's tea time there.

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Text Messaging Deceased Husband Helps Ease Housewife's Grief

Text Messaging Deceased Husband Helps Ease Housewife's Grief
A grieving Japanese housewife has found a unique use for the social media applications she and her late husband enjoyed when he was alive: keeping in touch with him after he passed on by sending text messages to his cellphone.

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Semen Spy: Need I Say More?

Ever get a hankerin' to detect for semen?  No?  Me neither.  I don't think James Bond carried this little spy gadget around.  But as a kit to make sure your kids aren't doing something naughty, the KJB Semen Detection Spy Kit is probably a good idea.

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10 Top Gifts For America's First Dog "Bo"

I'm not close enough to the First Dog to send a gift he might receive, but if you are, don't be shy... steal my ideas!

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Fast Food Fries Soon Off The 'Eat This And Die' List

Zero trans-fat may soon becoming to a McDonald's near you.  Not just McDonald's, but all the other fast food chains that make those yummy deep-fried trans fatty fries you would love to eat right now.

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One Incredibly Awesome Fireplace: The EcoSmart Zeta

There is nothing modest about EcoSmart's new Zeta portable fireplace. It's bold and eloquent, perfectly formed, and finely crafted in timber, leather, and stainless steel. Yes, the exterior is leather!


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Don't Be An Ash: Japan Tobacco's 'Smoking Manners for Adults' Ads, Part 5

Part 5 of Japan Tobacco's 'Smoking Manners for Adults' Ad Series
Japan Tobacco ad execs sweated, strained and no doubt chain-smoked a whole lot of their main product while brainstorming up 73 "Smoking Manners for Adults" ads. Numbers 41 through 50 are presented here in hopes that rude smokers will smarten up and get their ashes in order.

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South Africa Fight Aids With Innovative Phone Project

In an attempt to curb the terrible rising tide of South Africans afflicted with HIV/AIDS, local organizations have teamed up with leading telecommunication firms to launch the life-saving, Project Masiluleke, (the please-call-me project) which aims to close the healthcare information gap by delivering messages that encourage South Africans to access HIV testing and to know their status.

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Satisfy The Shoe Fetishist In Your Sole With iPhone's New App: iShoes

If there's an iPhone application every shoe fetishist must have it's iShoes. Released last week on the iPhone AppStore, iShoes should keep you busy for awhile as you have only 50,000 pairs of shoes to scroll through.

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Yelo Wellness Center: Power Napping & Reflexology For The Chronically Fatigued

Ever been so exhausted walking down the streets of New York City, you just wished there was a good place to relax and take a nap, like a park bench that didn't need to be shared with someone who called it their home? Fortunately, for NYC residents, there's no need to go there, since now they have Yelo; a wellness center that specializes in power napping and reflexology to help busy city dwellers relax and take a load off.

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Guests Rest Best on Pillowy Breasts

Guests Rest Best on Pillowy Breasts
Soft, rounded and oh so touchable... the billowy, bosomy Oppai Pillow is the stuff wet dreams are made of.

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'Go Doggie Go Green' Dog T-Shirts For Earth Day!

Even if you are not into the environment, you know that your dog is.  Dogs are born nature lovers.  They love to dig in dirt, roll in other dog's feces (you know what I'm talking about), sniff other dog's private parts, lick their own pee, and eat grass.  If you're not a dog owner, don't worry, the worst is over.

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Bring 'Em On! Handshoe Mice Wanted To Relieve NSAH Pain

Everyone else in the U.S. is getting relief; what about us poor computer slaves who are suffering from NSAH (Neck, Shoulder, Arm, and Hand) pain?  Before we get the darned Handshoe Mouse, we'll have added another body part to our pain!

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Russian Innovation: State-of-The-Art Door Chain

Russia’s Lebedev Studio is known for its creativity in transforming objects from the world of the mundane into works of art with unique designs. Their new door chain lock is no exception and housebreakers beware, because there is a new lock in town! Read on for more details.

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Hot Water Heater Senses Approaching Humans, Warms Up Their Bathwater

Hot Water Heater Senses Approaching Humans, Warms Up Their Bathwater
Call it the Therminator - Panasonic's new bathwater heater employs an infrared sensor to - get ready for this - detect a human entering the bathroom. Chilling, isn't it?

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Aqua Sounders Floating Speakers Liven Up Your Pool Party

Aqua Sounders bring all your music right into the pool. These floating waterproof speakers are the perfect addition to any pool party.

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A Man's Car Is His Dog's Castle: Honda Element's New 'Dog Limo'

We're all suckers for our dogs and Honda's no fool. Honda's new concept for the Element, unveiled at the New York Auto Show today, upgrades the safety features and accoutrements for pets to the level of premier class. Honda should throw in a chauffeur's cap with this car!

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Eco-Choco, The Sustainable Sweet Treat

Lotte Eco-Choco, Certifiably Delicious By The Rainforest Alliance
Can environmentally conscious, eco-friendly chocolate succeed in the marketplace much the way fair trade, sustainable practices coffee has? Lotte thinks it can, and the confectioner's new Eco-Choco lets them put their money where their mouth is.

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Create Beautiful Works of Art at Origami.com

So you sit there and think, "How am I going to get through to the weekend?"  Well, you could play games, or watch silly videos, or you could achieve enlightenment of the ancient Buddhas by folding paper into funny shapes!  Origami.com is here to help bring you to nirvana, or at least help you kill a few hours while you sit there, suffering at your desk.

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