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First link found between latitude and sex of babies

00:01 01 April 2009

Latitude is shown for first time to affect the sex of human babies – but experts are not sure why

Viagra moisturiser could address women's needs

05:11 01 April 2009

If you could nominate a product most likely to succeed, it would have to be a blend of moisturising cream and the erectile dysfunction drug – but it isn't intended as a sex aid…

Philosophers finally relax as navel fluff explained

04:00 01 April 2009

A chemist claims he has solved one of the great mysteries of human biology: why men produce navel fluff, but women do not

Masturbation could bring hay fever relief for men

02:43 01 April 2009

If spring has set off your pollen allergy, there may be a pleasurable but unconventional way to alleviate the congestion…



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