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Image:ED CLEANER 2.jpg This article needs a serious clean up
Somebody should do something about it.

This image replaced elgorgo's prank obituary and appeared on his journal at the end of his e-death. Many histrionic strangers were angered. Most people didn't care.
This image replaced elgorgo's prank obituary and appeared on his journal at the end of his e-death. Many histrionic strangers were angered. Most people didn't care.
A common reaction to a real death on LJ.
A common reaction to a real death on LJ.
Some argue that death follows a poor blowjob performance
Some argue that death follows a poor blowjob performance

An all-around humorous topic, and the ultimate escape from your flesh prison, although usually resulting in thinking that you will be reincarnated and being disappointed. There are many types of death, but these are all just the ultimate form of pwning from God as described below. A common way to refer to death OTI is being IRL banned.

Think of the world as one huge fucking forum, with God as the admin. Thousands of people are banned everyday, but there are also thousands of registered new users everyday so it balances out. Except in China, where the mods seem less strict. However, not everyone is permabanned by God. Some people simply delete their own IRL accounts.

Death is not synonymous to being killed.



Shopping for bodies at Wal-mart.
Shopping for bodies at Wal-mart.

A prank death involving an internet celebrity. Usually not meant to be taken seriously or believed.

Not the same thing as a real death or a hoax death.

On teh interweb, sometimes "death" is represented by the symbol . This is ubar laem and ttly an OLD MEME.

What Death Looks Like

Popular e-deaths

Hoax Death/Fake Death

A Beginner's Guide To Faking Your Death On The Internet

Following signs will get you closer to the end goal.
Following signs will get you closer to the end goal.

An actual attempt at faking one's death for reasons other than millions of laughs. A simple but incredibly effective (in a sufficiently retarded community, that is) type of attention whoring.

  • Sui-Chan - Infamous emo "live" fake death
  • Kewllimesrevenge - the fake death that never happened
  • Flashman - fake death of a fake person
  • Limeybean - Yet another drama-ful fake death on the internets.
  • The Great Sonic-cide of 2007 - The grand lulz of fake deaths.
  • Perfection Girl - DEAD OR ALIVE?!
  • Patrick Swayze is rumored to be dead of butt cancer but still lives, according to his agent. We haven't seen him. Black folks in southern California claim that he will randomly drive their cars around, ridin' the whip.
  • PogoRoo - faked death to scam furries out of commission money.

Real Death

A Dead Pedophile.
A Dead Pedophile.

The actual death of an actual person. While usually funnier than a fake death, it nevertheless might not be completely awesome... depending on how they died. The death of your ex-girlfriend is probably not funny because she probably doesn't exist. On the other hand, the old guy with cancer who chartered a biplane and jumped out is pretty much A+. Or when Steve Irwin, who spent his life pissing off crocodiles and other large animals, got im-fucking-paled by a stingray. Also, the death on any an hero is sure to create lulz. There is something called the Darwin Awards which is a great source of lulz while making other people think you are fucked up for finding it funny.

Popular Real Deaths

Death confuses morons.
Death confuses morons.

Epic Real Death

It is believed that there have been a total of 100billion human beings that have ever lived on the Earth. Subtract the 5billion+ alive today, leaves 95billion persons that have experienced death. Of those, this is probably the most unique set of circumstances resulting in death.

See also

Ain't that the truth.
Ain't that the truth.
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