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The definition of hard-core.
The definition of hard-core.
Typical punk rockers wiggers
Typical punk rockers wiggers
Even bugglegum-punk fags hate Avril Lavigne
Even bugglegum-punk fags hate Avril Lavigne

Punk is an identity adapted by angsty teenage boys and homeless retards hoping to subvert the Jewnited Gaytes of Amerikkkunts government by stealing their mother's make up and looking angry in front of the mall. While flouting a tough exterior, over 95% of punks cry themselves to sleep with pillows that sport pink frills and needlework they did themselves with mint green floss.



Punk's origins are often disputed by fans, since none of them can quite make up their minds. Some argue that Punk began in the 70s with the English band Sex Pistols. After discovering that they couldn't play musical instruments properly, they decided to form a band anyway to piss people off. At first glance, the Sex Pistols seemed like they could be the greatest IRL trolls...but they fucked up by singing about stupid crap, abortion, total destruction, and a bunch of other shit. The band broke up after their heroin-addicted bassist Sid Vicious killed his girlfriend and overdosed. Despite this, fans still listen to their music as if it makes them fucking hard by association.

Others argue that the whole mess started when four retards from New York who listened to too many Stooges records decided, in a pot-induced haze to attempt to make musical sounds. The spark that created punk rock can most likely be found when they discovered that they could, in fact, NOT play their instruments, yet despite this, proceeded to try relentlessly for 20 years. Such was the Ramones, who sold a few albums in the 70s before the members all died...Ha ha! Their music is now not cool enough to listen to. However, buying one of their t-shirts from a major outlet store will give you instant street cred! Enjoy!

It should be noted that punk died nearly a month and a half after it was invented. Nothing is punk anymore, so you failed. Also, keep in mind that mohawks went out of style when the white people killed the savages that invented them. No exceptions, bitches.

Lifestyle of a Punk

Stage One: Poseur
Stage One: Poseur
Stage Three: Enlightened Punk
Stage Three: Enlightened Punk
Stage Four: Yuppie
Stage Four: Yuppie
  • Poseur (OMG! I'm HxC!): The Poseur may have just found Blink 182 on MTV, or may have just learned about his first less famous band from the internets. Too elite to hang out with non-Punk peers yet too fresh to become part of the true Punk elite, the Poseur repeatedly reveals his inexperience by speaking constantly of his favorite Pop-Punk groups (typically Good Charlotte, Blink-182, Bad Religion, Pennywise, Guttermouth, and/or Sum-41), Hot Topic, and his current hair dye. At this level, the Poseur will frequently misuse Punk argot, believing proper way to shorthand Hardcore is "HxC" (it's hXc, newfag). Additionally, he will think that sporting X's on his hands is a fashion statement rather than a social one. The Poseur may try to emulate actual punks, the only way to tell is to offer them just about any drugs, one can sniff out a poseur if they respond "I don't need that stuff" as a real punk would take just about any drug known to Man. Placing the final nail in the Poseur's coffin, he dreams of attending Vans Warped Tour, despite the fact that the event is funded by a corporation which probably exploits sweatshop labor.

Stage Two: Punk Rocker
Stage Two: Punk Rocker
  • Punk Rocker: After floundering his way through Punk subculture, the Poseur evolves into a true Punk Rocker. He begins to understand teh governments are evil and either Anarchism or Socialism is the way of the future, with his choice of political ideology dependent on both personal preference and current employment (or lack thereof). His political opinion develops, albeit prematurely; he frequently maintains an anti-Racist stance yet still holds onto his misogyny. The Punk Rocker typically knows of at least five local Punk venues and dozens of better known Hardcore bands. The Punk Rocker preys on Poseurs, effectively imitating his then-oppressors. Becoming a fashion snob, he spends at least 10 minutes spiking his Mohawk as high as possible and ensuring all his patches are still sewn onto his jacket. Unlike his elders, the Punk Rocker cares enough about his hygiene to shower on a semi-regular basis; as soon as he finds enlightenment, he gives up the ghost. Typically, a combination of Oi!/StreetPunk and Hardcore can be found in his playlist/CD/vinyl collection.

NOTE: The aforementioned will ONLY happen if the Enlightened Punk manages to find a job; if not, the he quits IRL.

The Genres

Punk spawned numerous genres within the shitty subculture, creating a schism between the different fans.

Oi! / Streetpunk

Deciding that working in a factory sucked ass, working class men grouped together to form bands that incessantly bitched about how hard their lives were, and thus named their new created music called, Oi!, which is Cockney for Hello. When lyrics didn't cover their day-to-day routine, they sang about getting drunk, being macho, etc. The genre turned ugly after a few fully conscious Oi! fans listened to Hitler speeches, which resulted bands creating White Power Oi!. Lulz ensued when a few hypersensitive fucks got butthurt because drunk Nazis began attending their shows. From that, anti-racists had to fuck everything up by forming leftard groups such as SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice, Red/Anarchist SkinHeads, and other such faggotry.

Hardcore Punk

Typical toughguy hardcore dancer.
Typical toughguy hardcore dancer.
breakdown yo!!!11
breakdown yo!!!11
earthcore lol
earthcore lol
ALL YOUR BASE! Warning!:
Hardcore kids aren't intolerant, they'll just beat any rednecks or Nazis they see to death!

Hardcore punk is a sub genre of the punk music. Its structure is quite simple. Drummers only play 2-step, one-twos and breakdowns, guitarists and bassists repetitively play the same powerchords ad infinitum, and the "singer" yells repetitively about STRAIGHTEDGE and fighting. Et voila, now you know how to play hardcore punk. Hardcore punk can be thought of as a way for emos and other failures at life to feel metal and badass while donning tank-tops and jeans cut-off shorts.


Breakdowns are a pivotal part of hardcore music. They occur when the song is slowed down (where, in music with a non-shit guitarist, a solo would feature), making only JUN JUN JUN-JUNs, allowing the emos to attempt spin kicks. When some kid in girly pants and an Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt jumps onto the stage and yells into the microphone "OMG!!!111 BREAKDOWN!!!!11" you know that this band is fucking amazing.
Hardcore kids judge the quality of the music by the frequency, length and quality of breakdowns as opposed to the actual music itself.

To win at a breakdown you need to look like a downs kid getting tasered.

Mr. Bean gives us a perfect example of a breakdown.

The Straight Edge Ballet

ALL YOUR BASE! Warning!:
Watching Hardcore Dancing can cause overdose in lulz resulting in hospitalization

Hardcore dancing is what happens when emos decide they are going to act like ITGs IRL, they throw their hands around in what is known as a windmill and then attempting a pathetic excuse for a spinning kick which is more like a poorly executed reverse crescent kick.
Other aliases for Hardcore dancing include


OMG! Teh anarchy!!!!!1111one11

Anarcho-Punk is music, unlike the glam garbage shit out by teh Pistols, that actually believes in Anarchism. Convinced they invented Punk because of their political views, Anarchos are distinctively marked as the most annoying subculture within Punk. Most of them adopt collectivist/communitarian views, thinking that the world can be one big happy family if there was no evil fascist government to enforce rules upon the public.

Back in the 70's, Crass, an English Anarcho-Punk band originally named Stormtrooper in an attempt to be ironic, decided that the civilized world had become too rich by fucking over most of the third world. Crass blamed all of the world's ills on the evil, xenophobic, sexist, racist, homophobic first world society in which they lived. Convinced that owning land is equivalent to owning slaves, Crass took it upon themselves to squat in some shitty farm out in Essex and make even shittier music.

Conveniently, Crass overlooked two key facts about both themselves and their habitat: living in the first world afforded Crass the luxury of squatting rather than having to legitimately fend for themselves AND the third world governments would never allow them to spew their discontents had they actually lived there instead. Tragically, their fans completely disregarded their idols' hypocrisy and followed in their footsteps; thus, Anarcho-Punk was born, inspiring leagues of bands to all fail epically.

Anarcho-Punk would eventually spawn its bastard child known as Crust Punk, which share so many similarities that it is tough to distinguish one from the other.

Crust Punk

ALL YOUR BASE! Warning!:
One whiff of a Crusty's stench will give you G.R.I.D.S.

Crust Punk is loud, abhorrent shit attempting to be both metal and punk. Their fans, known as Crusties, suffer from excessive unwarranted self-importance and are convinced they are serious business. Crust Punk lyrics are always about fighting fascism, yet they will go ape shit on anybody that that is somehow less righteous than themselves.

How to be a Crusty
How to be a Crusty

As time progressed on into the 80's, a bunch of shitty bands thought it would be cool to fuse both heavy metal and Anarcho-Punk. Originally, this form of music was called Stenchcore, because when you squat for months without showering, you're going to fucking kill everyone around you with your awful stench. Supposedly, it was then called Crust from the title of some band called Hellbastard's demo, but that's a bunch of crap; it's really because the shit in their fingernails have crusted over.

Aww, don't they look cute together?
Aww, don't they look cute together?

If not suffering from unquellable guilt from the fact that they live in a first world country, Crusties are invariably haughty moralists determined to convert non-believers to Anarchism. They consistently goad impressionable Anarcho-Punks into becoming Crusties. They're best known for is their activism, in which they're always whining about something, be it women's rights, minority rights, gay rights, animal rights, teh fascist United States government, global warming, stupid white men, and too much other shit to list. As noted, Crusties are complete twats with no life yet feel the need to preach at everyone that does so much as question, let alone oppose, their high moral standards. Most of them are radical feminists, going as far as to deliberately misspell "woman" using a "y" and refusing to shave their underarms and legs. Of note, most of them suffer from incurable levels of white guilt, believing all blacks to be oppressed by the man. Almost 99% of all Crusties are vegetarian/vegan, since they're too faggy to go out and hunt. Despite their sissified nature, this doesn't stop them from participating with the ALF, wantonly destroying animal testing facilities that might come up with a cure to save their ass. Perhaps Crusties are best known for Food Not Bombs; it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to claim that they actually founded the organization. As one could imagine, their ideology is an amalgam of the worst aspects of liberalism and Anarchism.

When not doing any of the above, they're usually squatting, getting drunk, shooting up heroin, and a bunch of other shit

Riot Grrl!

If Punk could not get any worse, guess again, faggot! Feminists, upset with punk's alleged male-domination, an ugly bulldyke by the name of Kathleen Hanna (moar liek Manna, amirite) took it upon herself to merge feminist politics with US hardcore and its bastard of college rock, thus creating the Riot Grrl! movement. Unfortunately, sissified "men" actually rewarded the Riot Grrls with intellectual credence they never deserved. Little did these men realize that women don't suffer more; THEY JUST CRY LOUDER!

Lay me spread eagle out on your hill yeah

Then write a book 'bout how I wanted to die

It's hard to talk WITH YOUR DICK IN MY MOUTH

I will try to scream in pain a little nicer next time

White boy...........don't laugh....

.........don't cry........Just die!

I'm so sorry if I'm alienating some of you

Your whole fucking culture alienates me

I can not scream in pain from down here on my knees

I'm so sorry that I think!

White boy...........don't laugh....

.........don't cry........Just die!


—Kathleen Hanna, bawwwwwing about shit nobody cares about

NOFX responds

Sick of Kathleen Hanna's bullshit, NOFX leadsinger Fat Mike wrote an entire song responding to the Riot Grrls' rampant misandry disguised as a legitimate movement.

"Kill the rockstars" how ironic, Kathleen

You've been crowned the newest queen Kinda like the punk rock Gloria Steinem You can't change the world by blaming men Can't change the world by hating men

Just cause I don't know the reason You're so pissed Don't dare tag me misogynist I thought the goal here was mutual respect Not constructing a separate sect I wish I could have seen Courtney Demonstrate some real misogyny Can't change the world by hating men


— Lyrics to "Kill the Rock Stars"

Ways to Troll a Punk

  • Tell Anti-Racist Oi! Punks they look like Nazis.
  • Tell them that My Chemical Romance/Blink-182/Simple Plan/Sum-41 are teh most hXc band evar!
  • Tell them that their brightly colored mohawks make them look gay.
  • Tell them Rodney King had it coming.
  • Tell them that Henry Rollins is in the closet.
  • Tell them that their profane existence is responsible for the massacre of poor innocent vegetables.
  • Joke about the Falkland Islands, rape, slavery, or the Holocaust.
  • Tell them that the Holocaust didn't happen.
  • Crapflood their forums with racial slurs and racist macros.
  • Tell them that because they are not singing right, they are not a legitimate form of music.
  • When debating, always call them out on their hypocrisy. This especially works when they complain about their "rights;" they seek rights from governments they wish to destroy.
  • Tell them women deserved to get raped, and also that men are the superior sex.
  • Accuse Riot Grrls of matriarchy.
  • Tell Crusties they should shower moar often.
  • Criticize any/all of their activism.
  • Publish their zines on used toilet paper.
  • Show them this article
  • Show them this website
even moar Troll? Watch this!!
Who Wants some BUTTAH?

See Also

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