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The Ergonomic Difference 

The ergonomic difference is the ability to perform tasks with your body in a manner that does not hurt you.

Contour Mouse Whether with our without tools, performing work at home or at the office can put strain on your body. Even people who exercise consistently and are in peak shape have physical limitations that should not be exceeded. Human physiology has discreet limits that should not be exceeded or ignored.

Our joints and muscles have specific capabilities and ranges of motion that should be considered before taking on any task or repetitive work functions. Without thorough understanding or due consideration, you could put your health and mobility at risk from repetitive strain injuries.

We have assembled this informational section so you can educate yourself on proper body postures and work habits that can reduce the risk of injuring yourself. Please read the interesting guides and articles that can keep you out of harm’s way. We have links to videos, pdf files, powerpoint slides and the world wide web to help you access safety education materials.

Please put some time and energy into educating yourself so you can remain injury free.  Using information to improve your work habits and respecting your body: That’s the ergonomic difference!