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Release 0-5-20090410p2

Name: NESCent - National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
Registered by: hlapp
Home page url:
Public mailing list:
Public irc channel (and network): #phylosoc on Freenode

NESCent facilitates synthetic research on grand challenge questions in evolutionary biology and also works to address critical needs in software infrastructure and education through promoting open, collaborative development of interoperable and standards-supporting open-source software. The Center is located in Durham, North Carolina, is jointly operated by Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and North Carolina State University, and receives its core funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF). NESCent has so far run three Hackathons aimed at improving interoperability, workflow integration, and standards support in phyloinformatics, involving developers from open-source life-science programming toolkits, evolutionary and comparative phylogenetic methods software, and online data resources. These events, and our past Summer of Code participations, continue to have significant and lasting impacts on the landscape of collaborative software development in our field. The Center is committed to FLOSS and sharing of scientific data (see for example the NESCent Data and Software Policy at; all software products of the Center are released as open source and established as collaborative projects on sites such as SourceForge or Google Code. Members of the Center's Informatics team are lead developers in several open-source projects, and one of our organization administrators has been active for seven years on the Board of the Open Bioinformatics Foundation (, the umbrella organization for the Bio* projects.

Development mailing list:
Application template:

1. Name, university and current enrollment, short bio
2. Your interests, what makes you excited.
3. Why you are interested in the project, uniquely suited to undertake it, and what do you anticipate to gain from it.
4. A summary of your programming experience and skills
5. A project plan for the project you are proposing, even if your proposed project is directly based on one of the ideas above.
6. Your possibly conflicting obligations or plans for the summer during the coding period

Ideas list: