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Release 0-5-20090410p2
Last modified on 2009-04-15 17:06:51.330610 by Mario Antonioletti

Project Ideas.

OMII-UK is an open-source organisation that empowers the UK research community by providing software for use in all disciplines of research. Our mission is to provide software, support and sustainability to the UK research community. All of OMII-UK's software is free, open source and fully supported.

We help new users to get started with e-Research, we provide the software that is needed, and if the software does not exist, we can fund developers to create it. We also help to guide the development of e-Research by liaising with national and international organisations, e-Research groups, standards' groups and - of course - the e-Researchers themselves.

We are funded by various groups, including the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Joint Information Systems Committee.

If you would like to learn more about OMII-UK, an overview of what we do and who we are is provided on the New to OMII-UK page.