DSi: 435,000 First Week US Sales

Tom Ivan's picture

By Tom Ivan

April 17, 2009

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Nintendo has released some impressive DSi sales data for the US market, claiming that the handheld sold 435,000 units during its first week of availability.

That’s almost double the 226,300 DS Lite systems sold during its launch week, according to the company’s internal tracking numbers.

Following its launch earlier this month DSi also became the fourth-fastest selling console in UK history.

Both the Wii and DS outsold all rival hardware in the States during March, while four Nintendo published titles made the software top ten.

"Nintendo systems accounted for 58.4 percent of the video game hardware sold in March, more than all other systems combined," said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America's executive vice president of Sales & Marketing. "Consumers continue to be attracted to the wide range of software available and the great value of Nintendo systems."