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Top_Dollar's Comments

  • red ring of death.jpg

    There's nothing wrong with someone wanting a reliable system.

    Jude, you're an idiot of the highest order! Go back to RLLMUK.

  • lbp.jpg

    I prefer the PS3's exclusives as opposed to the 360's. The PS3's line-up for 2009 is more desirable than the 360's.

    There's nothing on the 360 this year that's got me pumped.

  • gears2_b.jpg



  • Classic Pro a.jpg

    Patents are like a soccer players contract i.e. they denote fuck all. Also, you misunderstood my "nobody owns ideas" quote, by that i mean everybody expands on ideas originally thought up by the other person/firm. Look at all the controllers since the Atari 2600 controller for example!

    Ideas are out there floating about. Nobody owns them.

  • Classic Pro a.jpg

    "PS1 controller was just a reshaped SNES controller with two extra shoulder buttons". Bollocks to that statement!

    Listen, nobody owns ideas. The fact that nintendo ripped off a10+ year old design speaks for itself. A bit more thought and i'm sure they could've come up with something better than this.

    This is just a cheap shot at HCI (Human Computer Interaction).

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carg0's picture
from carg0

don't let that troll, NickgamertagO1 get to you. i've also had the unfortunate pleasure of responding to that troll myself. he's one of those 15 year-old kids who fall's into the "i've been playing games since i was five so of course i know more about them than you " category.