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kuddles's Comments

  • dave perry.jpg

    Congrats on criticising an article that you completely misinterpreted.

  • xbox_controller.jpg

    You must be on crazy pills. Years later, the PS3 network is a complete mess, with nearly every game having a different infrastructure and with simple things like live chat, proper matchmaking and even inviting people on your friend's list to join your lobby being either obtuse or non-existent depending on the game. Everyone I know always chooses the 360 version of the multi-platform titles because trying to play on PSN is a completely needless hassle. If PS3 created a "pay to play online service" that was half as reliable as Xbox Live, I would buy it on a second.

  • kuddles's picture

    While I agree that competition is good (While the majority of my PC game purchases are on Steam, I have used Impulse, Direct2Drive and GamersGate), and I also think it's too early to declare anyone the winner, I think you're a little quick on the gun. I read the EDGE article as saying that Steam has an impressive lead, both by number of users and brand recognition, I don't think it ever implied Valve was the de-facto "winner". If anything, it made suggestions of how it might crumble under it's own weight.

  • FEAR a.jpg

    Yeah, it was in the magazine, so it was probably written weeks before they had any clue that it would cause such a ruckus with fanboys and people obsessed with numbers over commentary. I don't understand the rage. If all you want are reviews that read like a consumer guide or a scoring method that refuses to give anything under a 7 if the game is AAA and not broken, there's plenty of that online already.

  • newell_gabe.jpg

    I agree with this. Of course some people are so "dedicated" to piracy that anything over free isn't going to stop them. But I think a lot of people are casual pirates, downloading some titles because they're not sure they want to buy it, or can only afford some of the games on the radar, feel it's more convienient, too impatient to wait for the official release date, etc.. But at some point it becomes a value proposition, where if the game is only $20 to $35 instead of $50, it seems like a better choice, and more affordable. Less hassle with downloading a poorly seeded rar file only to find out it's not the real thing or a virus or a rar file is corrupted, dealing with convulted cracks, and sometimes further issues, like how most pirated versions of Valve games don't get access to dedicated servers and can't play most mods.

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