




A baby candle with a perfectly matching hand-made ceramic dish. A brown round candle dish w/ a Baby Round Lavender Candle. Based on true essential oils and beeswax, our luxuriously scented pillar candles diffuse magnificent fragrance to the home. Use anywhere in the house for an exquisite scent. Our wicks are long burning and ozone friendly.

Availability: Usually ships within 1 business day

A baby candle with a perfectly matching hand-made ceramic dish. A brown round candle dish w/ a Baby Round Lavender Candle. Based on true essential oils and beeswax, our luxuriously scented pillar candles diffuse magnificent fragrance to the home. Use anywhere in the house for an exquisite scent. Our wicks are long burning and ozone friendly.
Place your candle on the ceramic dish to avoid wax drips on furniture. Light the wick using matches or a gas lighter. Relax and enjoy.
Using candles to illuminate the home goes a long way towards saving energy and our planet and does wonders for your mood.
Paraffin, beeswax, fragrance, food coloring.
