Docstoc Frequently Asked Questions

What is docstoc?

Docstoc is a user generated community for sharing professional documents. With docstoc, you can find and download a vast quantity of high quality legal, business, technology, educational, and creative documents for free. Docstoc also allows users to upload their documents to be promoted and shared with the world. Lastly, docstoc members can store their documents in their own person online folders for anytime, anywhere access.

What is a document?

A document is any written text, spreadsheet, presentation, or acrobat file on your computer in any of the following formats: .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .PPT, .PPTX, .TXT, and .RTF.

What is a professional document?

Docstoc is free to use.

What are the benefits of sharing my documents?

1) Marketing/Exposure – having your professional documents in a public forum can help with finding building new business relationships and advertising your product to millions.
2) Storage – with docstoc, you can store unlimited documents, meaning that they’re available to you anytime, anywhere.
3) Easy Publication/Syndication – using our embed feature, you can easily display your documents on your website or blog. When emailing documents, rather than sending a bulky attachment to your business associates, you can send them a link to your documents or embed your document right in the body of the email, which means they won’t have to wait to download them.

What is the process for putting my files on docstoc?

1) Upload – First, your file has to be uploaded to our servers.
2) Publish – After the file is on our servers and you have specified a title, some tags, a description, and a category (or not, these are optional), you can publish it, making it available on the site.
3) Track – Now you can check how many people have viewed your document, how it is rated, and whether it has garnered any comments from the docstoc community.

How do I upload documents on docstoc?

1) Docstoc Sync – an application that allows you to publish documents to docstoc by simply putting them in a special folder on your desktop.
2) Docstoc OneClick – an application that allows you to publish documents to docstoc by right-clicking them and choosing “Upload” from the menu. OneClick also has more powerful features that offer more control over the titles, tags, and descriptions of your documents.
3) Docstoc DocShots – a line of code pasted to your site or blog that automatically converts documents into hoverable links that enable instant online document preview. All converted documents are sent to docstoc to be stored privately or shared publicly (the choice is yours).
4) Web-based Upload – surf over to docstoc and select upload from the top-level menu. This brings up a page where you can upload your documents.
5) Email Upload – simply attach your document to an email and send it to

Can I upload documents privately?

Yes. When using the OneClick application or DocShots, check the box that says private. When using our upload page, simply select Upload Privately on the righthand side. These documents will only be viewable by you and people to whom you provide the link.

What file formats do you support?

You can upload Adobe Acrobat files (.PDF), Word Files (.DOC and .DOCX), Spreadsheets (.XLS and .XLSX), Presentations (.PPT and .PPTX) and even text files (.TXT and .RTF).

Do you support Open Office or Neo Office documents (.ODP, .ODS, etc)?

Unfortunately, Docstoc does not currently support these formats. However, both Neo Office and Open Office allow file saving in the formats listed above, so simply save them in a usable format and upload.

Can I upload video, audio, photos, or interactive content?

Docstoc only supports documents, so video, audio, photos, and interactive content cannot be uploaded or displayed on docstoc.

What is the maximum size of a file I can upload?

The maximum size of a single file is 50 MB.

Is there a limit to how many documents I can upload?

There is not. You can upload as many documents as you please.

Is there a limit to how much storage space I can use?

There is not. You can upload all your documents without ever having to worry about running out of space. Storage is unlimited.

Why did my document fail to convert?

Chances are your document was not saved in a format we currently support. Save it as one of the formats we support and try uploading it again. If the issue persists, please email us at

Does docstoc support non-English documents?

Of course. Docstoc supports a number of languages. Click here for a full list.

How do I upload documents in bulk?

There are numerous ways to upload to docstoc in bulk: With docstoc Sync, simply drag multiple files into your sync desktop folder, and Sync will do the rest. With the OneClick application and the upload page, when the dialogue box that allows you to select your files appears, select all of the documents you wish to upload by clicking on the first document and shift-clicking the last. All documents in between will also be selected. With DocShots, all documents hosted on the page in which you have inserted the code will be sent to docstoc. Inputting the code into your Master page means all documents hosted on your site will automatically be sent to docstoc. With email attachments, you can attach as many files are you please to an email and send it to All the files will be uploaded to docstoc.

What is the difference between Profile View and Widescreen?

When uploading documents, you have a choice between Profile View and Widescreen View. Profile View displays small window next to the document featuring your username, your profile pic, and a small amount of profile information. Profile View is ideal for those seeking to leverage docstoc as a free marketing tool – boosting branding, referral traffic, lead generation and sales. In widescreen, no such window is visible, offering more screen space to your document.

Can I edit my documents once they’ve been uploaded?

Documents cannot be edited directly on docstoc. However, you can edit files on your local hard drive and replace previous versions on docstoc if you so choose.

Can I upload a new revision of one of my documents without destroying my view counts?

Yes. Make sure you are logged in and then click on the document you wish to update. The third button just above the upper right corner of the document reads Upload New Version. Click on this and then follow the instructions for uploading publicly or privately.

What are categories?

Categories are the general areas under which docstoc documents are filed. Our top-level categories are Legal, Financial, Business, Educational, Technology, Creative, and Buzz, with various subcategories beneath them.

How many category levels are there? Why?

There are 3 levels in order to better categorize your documents. Of course, all levels are optional.

What should I do if my documents don’t fit in any of docstoc’s categories?

Choose the one that is most applicable and use that category. Remember, the categories are there for you convenience and are completely optional, so don’t feel obligated to categorize your document if you don’t think it fits in any categories.

What are tags?

Tags are something like mini-categories: they are descriptive terms that describe the topics that your document deals with. If you click on a tag, it will bring up a page that lists all docstoc documents that use that tag.

When should I add descriptions on my documents?

Whenever you wish to give additional information about your document. This is virtually unnecessary for private documents only you will see, but very important for documents you share publicly and wish to promote.

Why categorize, tag and/or add a description?

Categorizing, tagging and adding a description all help with search engine optimization. Basically, by posting your docs to docstoc and taking time to properly categorize, tag and describe, you increase the likelihood of getting indexed and ranked by the major search engines. This is what helps boost branding, traffic, lead generation and/or sales!

How can I publish/embed a docstoc document on my Website or blog?

Docstoc’s Embed feature allows you to quickly and easily incorporate a document into your Website or blog. Here’s how: a. Navigate to the document you wish to Embed b. In the upper left-hand corner of the document viewer, click the button that says Embed c. A window will appear; copy the text that appears in the first field of the window

I don’t have an account. Can I still download documents?

You must have an account to download a document. Take a minute to register - it’s fast, easy, and free. Not only do you get access to the document you want but more than a million others.

How do I run a search on Docstoc?

There are several ways to search on docstoc. The first is via the main search bar prominently located at the top left of the all pages. After running a search from the main page, a search result page will appear. A category search bar will appear just below the main search bar. This category search bar is also present when selecting a category from the Documents tab dropdown box. You can also run a search for specific docstoc members, or “docsters”, via the Docsters tab.

Can I search just by title or tags?

Absolutely. Using the “Search All Documents” bar will look through the tags and titles of all of our documents.

Is there a way to find the most popular documents?

Yes. In fact, on the lefthand column of the Home and Docster pages, you can search by a variety of filters, including most viewed, most downloaded, and most recent.

What is the request feature?

If you have searched for and cannot find a certain document, you can request for a document and we will let you know as soon as we get it. Just click the Request a Document link that appears when we are unable to successfully match your search term with a document.

What is copyright?

Copyright is the right of an author of a creative work to prevent others from copying the work, or reusing part or all of the original work in a derivative work. The kinds of works covered by copyright include literary works such as novels, poems, plays, reference works, newspapers and computer programs; databases; films, musical compositions, and choreography; artistic works such as paintings, drawings, photographs and sculpture; architecture; and advertisements, maps and technical drawings. After a period of time (varies by country), copyrights revert to the public domain.

That is Creative Commons?

Creative Commons is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to making it easier for people to share and build upon the work of others, consistent with the rules of copyright. CC provides free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof. To learn more, visit

What copyright licenses does docstoc offer?

Docstoc allows you to upload and share your documents under standard copyright, under any Creative Commons license, or directly to the public domain

Why can’t I download or print copyright documents?

Some documents are there to be read but not downloaded per the specifications of the copyright holder. Allowing you to download them would be copyright infringement.

What happens if I upload documents that I don’t have either own copyright for or have consent of copyright holder?

It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In addition, we will promptly terminate without notice the accounts of those determined by us to be "repeat infringers".

I have found my copyright documents of docstoc and I did not give permission. What do I do?

In order to take action to remove the documents in question, you must submit a notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). Click here for detailed instructions.

What is docstoc MyDocs?

Docstoc MyDocs is an on-site service that allows you to store, manage and preview your documents. From the MyDocs console, you can see all of your documents, organize them in custom folders, arrange them in a number of ways, and much more. Click here for more information.

Can I upload an entire folder to MyDocs?

Yes. The easiest way is by installing docstoc Sync and copying the chosen folder into your Docstoc Public Documents folder. The chosen folder will appear under MyDocs containing all documents that were in it.

How do I preview a document in MyDocs?

Simply click it. It will show you your document without exiting the MyDocs interface.

What is the difference between thumbnail/tile view and list view?

Thumbnail (or tile) view lets you see small thumbnails of the first pages of your documents, all arranged in a matrix of rows and columns. List view shows no thumbnail, but it does give you information about when the file was uploaded, and what category it is under. Click on the Columns button at the top right to select more information to be included in the list view.

What’s the difference between the Profile and MyDocs tabs?

Both allow you to see your documents but, in a nutshell, the Profile Tab gives you more control over your profile (profile image, personal information, etc.) where MyDocs gives you more control over your documents (arranging them in different folders, viewing more information about them, etc.).

What is docstoc Sync?

Docstoc Sync is a simple downloadable application that automatically syncs documents from your computer to docstoc MyDocs. Simply install the application and it will create a special folder on your desktop. Any documents you put into this folder will automatically be uploaded to docstoc. To learn more, click here.

What is OneClick?

OneClick is an application that lets you upload or email documents with a single click. For greater control, OneClick also features a full docstoc client that allows you to edit titles, tags, descriptions, and categories on the documents you upload. To learn more, click here.

Can I use Sync or OneClick with multiple docstoc accounts?

You can use the OneClick application for any number of accounts, but Sync will only work with one account per computer.

What is the Docstoc viewer?

The docstoc Viewer is the lightweight, feature-rich format into which all docstoc documents (of any file type: .pdf, .xls, .doc, etc) are converted and then presented. The Viewer eliminates the need for any software downloads (i.e. “you must have version Adobe or Office Version X.X to view”), thereby avoiding disruptive wait times and potential computer freezes. Docstoc’s Viewer offers a long list of great features including view mode options, full text search, and the ability to email and embed with the simple click of a button.

What is the docstoc Embed feature?

Docstoc’s popular embed feature allows you to easily publish a document via your Website or blog. Embedding is ideal for when you want to feature a document within an article. For instance, a story about a legal case may include an embed of a particular court document. To learn more, click here.

What is DocShots?

DocShots is a free service that converts any posted document on your website or blog into a hover-able link that enables instant online document preview. DocShots is the best way to showcase multiple documents online without consuming site real estate. For instance, DocShots is perfect for sharing Press and Investor Relations documents, as it allows readers to scroll over a list of links and quickly preview and download the related content. To learn more, click here.

Is there any spyware, malware, or third-party software bundled with Sync or OneClick?

Do you offer an API?

Yes, we do have an API. Check it out at

Do I need to complete my profile? Why should I update my profile?

You are not required to fill out your profile completely, but if you intend to promote your documents, it is highly recommended.

What is profile completeness?

Profile completeness is a bar that shows how much information you’ve filled out on your profile. If you’ve filled out every possible item, it will show 100% completeness.

How do I update my profile, including changing/adding my profile pic?

Clicking the Profile Tab at the top of any docstoc page will take you to your profile page. On the left side, next to your username, click the Update Profile button and you will be provided with the various profile fields. The photo field is the sixth field from the top; click Browse, find the photo you like, and upload it.

What are Docsters?

Docsters are docstoc users who have registered accounts. Do you have one? If so, you are a Docster!

How do I search for Docsters?

Click on the Docsters tab at the top menu. You will see a list of the most recent Docsters, and right above it is a search bar. Enter the username of the Docster you are seeking and click OK once. A list of matching names will appear and, from there, you can click on any of them to see the accompanying profile

How do I add friends? What does that let me do?

You can message any of your fellow community members on doctoc. It’s a great way to make friends!

I’ve added friends….What does that let me do?

Underneath any docsters profile pic/logo you will find three buttons. Click the middle one labeled “add as a friend.” That person is now on your friend list!

Can I message anyone on docstoc or just my friends?

You can contact and comment on anyone’s page on docstoc, but having friends on your friend list gives you quick and easy access to their profiles and documents without having to search for them. They will be listed under the My Contacts Tab of your Profile Page.

Do I have to be logged in to comment and rate documents?

Yes, you have to be logged in to comment on or rate documents.

How do I change my password?

When you are logged in, click on the link at the very top right that says “settings.” On the next page, on the left side, click the button labeled “Change Password.” Type your old and new passwords into the pop-up box and click OK.

How do I recover a lost password?

On the Login Page, next to the Log On button there a link for forgotten passwords. Click it and enter the email address you used to register. You will receive an email that will give you further instructions.

What are grounds for having my account terminated?

This is fully explained in our Terms of Service, but the most common things are uploading copyrighted content you don’t own or have permission to upload and uploading content that features nudity, violence, hate speech, or other offensive content.