Products & Solutions

Catalog Management

Large corporations need to manage large portfolios of numerous products and/or services.  In today’s complex product bundling environment, products often integrate with and impact one another in various ways. What emerges is a sophisticated set of business rules that dictates product interaction.


The purchase of one product or service may be dependent on purchasing another complementary product. The product may depend on prerequisite systems (such as defined with provisioning) or be a prerequisite purchase for another product. And, the product may require the approval of several corporate departments, such as engineering, marketing, or IT. In addition, product data could be distributed across disparate enterprise systems, with no overall view of each product attribute or dependency.


This scenario requires the support of a centralized product catalog management system. A catalog management infrastructure can help businesses improve product availability, shorten response time, prevent customer issues, and thus, reduce costs.



eWave offers a robust Web-based catalog management system with a variety of flexible, modular and scalable features, and comprehensive integration. The system is successfully installed at a number of large organizations.


For more information about eWave's Catalog Management solution please Contact Us.