Member: el_duderino2

el_duderino2 is geek

I’m private
Member: el_duderino2
Member: el_duderino2
Member: el_duderino2


  1. They Might Be Giants
  2. The Weakerthans
  3. Ben Folds
  4. Belle and Sebastian
  5. Stars
  6. Kate Miller Heidke
  7. Rilo Kiley
  8. Of Montreal
  9. Jens Lekman
  10. New Pornographers


  1. The Royal Tenenbaums
  2. Anchorman
  3. The Labyrinth
  4. X Men
  5. Stranger than Fiction
  6. Monty Python (all)
  7. Zoolander
  8. The Big Lebowski
  9. The Muppet Movie
  10. Star Wars


  1. Everything is Illuminated
  2. Extremely loud and incredibly close
  3. Planet Hulk
  4. The Outsider
  5. Greek
  6. Ultimate Spiderman
  7. Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead
  8. Cable and DeadPool
  9. Bachelor Kisses
  10. Xmen

tv shows:

  1. The Office
  2. Arrested Development
  3. Scrubs
  4. Saturday Night Live
  5. Black Adder
  6. The Chaser
  7. Thank God You're Here
  8. The Mighty Boosh
  9. Summer Heights High
  10. Monty Python's Flying Circus

Video Games:

  1. Star Wars
  2. Marvel

into: the light fantastic. comic books. muzak in eclectic - a lot of indie rock though. theatre - particularly musical theatre (cos I'm queer like that)

not into: people with closed minds. bunyips who disrespect my mother

makes me happy: epiphanies revelations moments of expectation moments of surprise

makes me sad: narrow mindedness. 'the news'

hobbies: collecting comic books. making podcasts. laughing.

5 things i can't live without: computer, laughter, music, my knees and a 5th thing

vices: compulsive spending

thoughts on sg: I like it

i spend most of my free time: dreaming


gender: male

occupation: things

body mods: Beard.

heroes: Spiderman

gets me hot: flames

favorite position: forward pocket (It's AFL doods)

fantasy: the dark crystal...oh hang on, I misunderstood...

sign: Yield

most humbling moment: the first time a student put me in their heroes section on their myspace haha.

i lost my virginity: I have never even kissed a girl.


I WANT: Romance, Booty, Friendship, Online Flirting.

MY STATUS: single

MY DIET: Omnivore

MY POLITICS: Bleeding-heart Liberal

MY DRUG USE: Drug Free



POT: Nope

MY KINK FACTOR: I'll try anything once, especially if you beg for it.

MY PIGEONHOLES: Arty, Indie Rocker, Straight Edge, Retro, Punk, Bookworm, Geek.