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Mysterious cosmic blob discovered in early universe

This giant blob of hydrogen gas may hide a distant galaxy, one of the earliest yet found  (Image: M Ouichi et al)

20:52 22 April 2009

Astronomers have spotted the most distant blob of gas ever seen – they're puzzling over how it got so large so soon after the big bang

Where next for NASA?

18:25 22 April 2009

The US space program is at a cross-roads: at stake is the future of the shuttle, plans to go back to the Moon and on to Mars, and more

Could your trashcan solve the energy crisis?Movie Camera

18:23 22 April 2009

Vaporising household waste to create clean energy could solve two of humanity's biggest environmental problems at once. But is "gasification" as green as it sounds?

Ape behaviour reveals secrets of human evolution

18:20 22 April 2009

No one thing pushed our distant ancestors across the threshold of humanity. Studying our nearest living relatives provides clues that can't be found in bones and stones



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