
Green Efforts

April 15 - 24

Recycle with us as we celebrate Earth Day!
We know you have empty Sabon bottles & jars at home, so bring them in
to any NY or NJ retail location and enjoy

20% off your in-store purchase!

You can bring in 1 jar or 10 jars, however, the more the merrier.

So start using up the last bit of those products, rinse out the jars, and hurry in to your local Sabon for your exclusive Earth Day discount.

* The discount is valid only at the time of drop-off.  Thank you

Every day each of us watches the destruction our Earth bears.  At Sabon, we believe in making the best of our current situation.  We are striving to make recycling a part of our everyday lives and being more green.  Here are a few steps we've made...

In Store
* All glass bottles and jars are recycled by the Department of Sanitation of NYC.
* All cardboard is sent for recycling by the Department of Sanitation of NYC.
* Many of our paper products are of recycled material i.e. the paper towels used to dry your hands after our complimentary hand scrub experience, printing paper, and even our tissue paper used in wrapping our special gift boxes.
* We have increasingly been accepting your empty glass bottles and jars at our stores to be recycled, if you are unable to do so in your home - although this is not a full on program at this point, we do hope to make it a standard in the near future.
* To limit the amount of electricity used to cool our stores, the doors that open to the streets are closed from 12AM - 5PM daily during the summer.
* We use earth friendly cleaning products like Seventh Generation.
* A new addition to our family is the Eco Bag - a recycled shopping bag that comes in three sizes and gives you chic, be-green shopping every time.

Sabon Headquarters
* All paper products are of recycled materials
* We also recycle paper, cardboard, plastic, glass and aluminum packaging via the Department of Sanitation of NYC.
* Each email sent includes the message "please consider the environment before printing this mail note" in hopes that our recipients will also make recycling an everyday habit.

Product Packaging
* Our glass is recycled
* Our packaging is made from recycled materials
* The use of cellophane (or polypropylene) to wrap our products and gift boxes is used sparingly.

Website Materials
* All packing peanuts are biodegradable   A peanut in a glass of water will dissolve in a matter of minutes - try it!
* All shipping boxes are 100% recycled

* Just recently we became a part of Greenopia - a community dedicated to companies striving to be more conscious of their actions.  Check out Sabon's listing with Greenopia and discover what we're striving for!

Being conscience of our actions is the first important step to making a difference.
