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Barla Von

Barla Von's Comments

  • stephen toulouse.jpg

    Nor is the Achievements/Trophies! lol

  • stephen toulouse.jpg

    Barla it seems you just have a very limited understanding of the purpose of achievements.

    What because i'm not like you and spend crazy hours into upping a pointless gamerscore!?

    I like playing games, but i'm not going to waste my time on pointless achievements/trophies.

    Like i said:

    Maybe i'd care about Achievements/Trophies if one got discounts off titles, free PSN/XBLA games/DLC, PSN credit/MS Points or other goods for my hardwork in getting all Achievements/Trophies within a game.

    Until then, Achievements/Trophies will remain a irrelevent part of gaming for me.

  • stephen toulouse.jpg

    Achievements/Trophies are a complete waste of time. Plus i don't believe the PR bullshit MS is spinning here.

    Consumers buy games because of the game itself, not because it has Achievements/Trophies tacked on.

    Anyway, anyone over the age of 18 hasn't got the time to give a shit about such a component.

    Maybe i'd care about Achievements/Trophies if one got discounts off titles, free PSN/XBLA games/DLC, PSN credit/MS Points or other goods for my hardwork in getting all Achievements/Trophies within a game.

    Until then, Achievements/Trophies will remain a irrelevent part of gaming for me.

  • cheater gamercard.jpg

    The players Gamerscore is pointless. Those Gamerscore points are of no use what-so-ever, you can't buy anything with them or trade them for Microsoft Points.

    Achievements? What achievements? If the player isn't rewarded with games, MS points, or other goods for gaining achievements (and thus upping their Gamerscore), then what of use are they?

    Achievements are pointless and just a cheap way of trying to get the gamer to complete their games, purchase other titles or buy DLC. of the most pointless components in videogames history.

  • dsi pink.jpg

    Sony would need to be crazy to cut the price of the PS3 considering the loss they are making on the system still.

    The PS3 is doing OK, it's holding it's own (Xbox 360 – 175,000, PS3 – 127,000)...considering the price tag.

    Sony shouldn't hit the panic button just yet. Why would they? They easily have the best line-up of 2009 out of all the systems on the market, plus Xmas is only months away. Cutting the price at this point would be a huge mistake.

    The firm should wait until this time next year before even considering a price cut on the system.

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