GDC: Nokia Takes Ovi Worldwide

Kris Graft's picture

By Kris Graft

March 24, 2009

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In light of the non-stop talk about the iPhone, EVP of Nokia Tero Ojanpera on Tuesday touched upon the products and direction of his company, in particular the Nokia N97, the new mash-up game Dance Fabulous and the expanded roll-out of, the company's new "smart store." 

Ojanpera's insisted will not replace N-Gage, adding that the store will launch in nine countries starting in May 2009. 

"You can buy stuff, upload many different things, and best of all, you can see what your friends have uploaded and where they uploaded them from," he said. Referring specifically to officially registered publishers, Ojanpera said publishers will be able to determine prices for their products, with sales shares of 70 percent. Game makers can upload and distribute free games, he added. 

And how else would you use such a site? Touted as the "world's most advanced mobile computer," the currently-available Nokia N97 was shown for those unaware of its specs and pricing. The N97 has a slide-top smart phone with a 3.5-inch, 640 x 360 pixel wide screen (16:9 aspect ratio), and keyboard, retailing for $799.99. 

Game wise, Nokia's titles did not impress. Ojanpera showed the decent-looking game Dance Fabulous, which offers a mixture of dancing and music selections, and a racing game enabling players to use online MapQuest-like Web sites to create online racing games. 

Of more interest was Nokia.Image.Space, a "prototype online community service," which will combine your own photos (via the Web or mobile device) with professional photos to create a virtual photo gallery enabling friends to see the pictures you're taking in real-time.

manhattan's picture

Nokia got burned once with the N-Gage and has learned their lesson. They know better now than to take the iPhone head-on. And they don't need to because it's much more profitable to focus on the low-end sector of the mobile market. Their lowly 1100 handset is the best-selling gadget of all time (sales of over 200 million units) outselling even the most ubiquitous gadgets ever including the iPod, iPhone, Playstation 2, Nintendo DS and even the Motorola RAZR.