Archived Story

Missoula couple charged with incest
By TRISTAN SCOTT of the Missoulian

A married man and woman in Missoula have been jailed on 20 counts of rape and incest for the alleged sexual abuse of their five children.

Duane Gilbert Fornall, 41, and Michele Lee Fornall, 34, were charged with the felony offenses Tuesday during a hearing in Missoula County Justice Court. The husband and wife each face four counts of sexual intercourse without consent, five counts of incest and one count of accountability to rape. Both remain in custody at the Missoula County Detention Center on $500,000 bail.

Missoula police detectives began investigating the couple last week after one of the alleged victims told a counselor that her father was sexually abusing her and her three sisters. All four girls are under the age of 14.

Two of the girls are the couple's biological children, while two are the daughters of Michele Fornall and live with Duane Fornall as stepchildren. Michele Fornall also has a son who is a minor. He is included on the list of alleged victims.

According to charging documents filed Tuesday, Michele Fornall told police detectives that the couple had been having sexual intercourse with all four girls every weekend for the past year. The woman said she had also been having sex with her son, and that Duane Fornall had participated.

Duane Fornall admitted having sex with two of the girls every weekend for the past year.

Incest carries a maximum penalty of 100 years in prison and a $50,000 fine, while sexual intercourse without consent carries a maximum penalty of 100 years or life.

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tim mickey wrote on May 13, 2009 6:41 AM:


JR wrote on May 13, 2009 8:14 AM:

" Lopping off their heads is too humane.
Naked on a red ant pile would be sufficient. "

GU wrote on May 13, 2009 9:43 AM:

" Give them the maximum! The hell with their justice, let them get raped repeatedly in prison. These kids are scarred for life. "

Les wrote on May 13, 2009 1:32 PM:

" EFFING SICK B@ST@RDS!!!! They ought to suffer horrendously for life. Jail would be waaay too kind a sentence for them. "

Lorrie wrote on May 13, 2009 2:17 PM:

" I blame the mother. What kind of woman would participate in such cruel behavior of anyone, let alone her own babies. There has to be a Hell. "

Jen wrote on May 13, 2009 2:53 PM:

" I think it's horrible that the names of the parents were printed in this story. Yes, I understand that it's relevant to the story but didn't anyone think far enough ahead to realize that the victims' identities could very easily be revealed by including the names of the parents? These poor children have been victimized enough, for only God knows how long. Now they're going to go to school and how many of their peers will know who they are based on the names of the parents?

If I'm way out of line here I'm sorry, but it's the first thing that came to my mind. "

ymdana wrote on May 13, 2009 7:42 PM:

" I agree with Jen, Those parents if you can call them are horrible and now the children are not protected from the public. I pray for those babies! "

ymdana wrote on May 13, 2009 7:42 PM:

" I agree with Jen, those parents if you can call them are evil and now the children are not protected from the public. I pray for those babies! "

Debbie Shepard wrote on May 13, 2009 11:02 PM:

" These parents need to be hung. They have taken away the most important parts of their own children's lives. They should be sentenced to death. Why should we feed and support them. "

WitchHunt wrote on May 13, 2009 11:06 PM:

" Jen,
Who cares about the feelings or welfare of the children when there is tantilizing story about sex to fill the pages.

And to the rest of the posters, notice the word "charged" is used in the article, not "convicted". But who cares - right.

These type of charges have a very poor history of ever turning out to be true.

Hitler and the Nazis had very little on the Child Protective Services in this town, you'd find that out very fast if you've ever know anyone that had an encounter with them.

Imagine if you ran an agency and at the end of the year you only had a couple of small fish to show for all your work, or put more blunty, for all the government funding you get, that doesn't bode well for your job security, couple that with the fact that you have a personal adjenda, and have been annonited with special legal powers and are here "to help the children". Then all you need is some teenage kid to say something about their parents, oh a teenage kid would never lie or be deveous. Well you should get the point, what you have is a receipe for disaster. I've seen this more than once. Our society should kleens itself immediately of the child protective services as if they were a Third Reich incarnation. "

Bravo wrote on May 13, 2009 11:18 PM:

" Bravo to poster WitchHunt.

Even if this story turns out to be true, which I doubt, that agency does need to be gutted and started over. Our kids deserve more than a bunch of hacks out on regular witchhunts parading as justice. Some of the stuff they've tried to pull is absolutely criminal, in total violation and an abomination of our freedoms here in america. What they've done to decent innocent people, people who's virtue far exceeds that of their accusers is dispicable to say the very least. "

SomthinNotRight wrote on May 13, 2009 11:24 PM:

" I see the parents admitted to this, but that doesn't mean it really happened, I've heard how they pressure and trick you into say that, and threaten to remove you kids if you don't cooperate by admitting it, and tell you if you do admit it they go easy on you, it's all very cohorsive and deveous. So there's really no telling what is really going on, when you hear about some of the tactics that these types of protecitve agencies use. So I wouldn't beleive any of this until it's all over and even then I'm not so sure I'd beleive it. "

Miranda wrote on May 14, 2009 8:23 AM:

" I can not believe you people saying that this story maybe made up by the kids. If it is not true there is something else going on in the home most kids don't just think humm.... maybe I should tell everyone that this is going on. Normal kids just don't think that way, there is something going on and for ALL of the kids saying this, it's based on some truth. And comments that have been wrote, is the reason why people don't come out and tell someone that something bad is happening to them. They think maybe they will not believe me. When children say a horrible thing like this is happening to them like this look into it they are trying to tell you something. LISTEN!!I can't believe someone would do this to their own babies! "

kathy wrote on May 14, 2009 8:27 AM:

" the saddest part of all this is now open to the public and anyone who knows this family and even those who didnt now know that these beautiful children have been violated and it leaves them open to so much more to have to endure from classmates and such and from others who are cruel and throw harsh words its really sad that the identities of these children were not protected because of the carelessness of the missoulian listing the parents names and anyone who knows this family knows that this has happened now and it does not protect the childrens identities at all since most who know the parents know they have or had these children in their home its rather sad that their identities were not protected in this and im appauled at the missoulian for lack of compassion in this matter by listing the parents names which makes it easy to know who they are referring to here and these children are all under age 14 from what i know so how is it that they are allowed to name these individuals in the news and not protect those who have been damaged/hurt by this more than anyone im so sorry that these kids have not been protected and i hope that the parents can and will be punished for their actions on these innocent children "

B wrote on May 14, 2009 11:45 AM:

" I hope if they did this, they pay heavily. I hope if the cops forced or coerced confessions they pay dearly.

Either way, there are a whole bunch of lives ruined. Please reserve judgement until this case is heard. "

AfewPoints wrote on May 14, 2009 12:28 PM:

" There seems to be alot of things we "just can't beleive" in this story.

1. That the parents did this.
2. That normal kids would make up such a story.
3. The justice system released the families name.
4. The Missoulian put the name in the paper.

Personly, I find 2,3, and 4 very easy to beleive.

Miranda Wrote
"Normal kids just don't think that way" - my dear Miranda you are naive beyond beleif. Besides not all kids are normal - an 11 year old kalispeel kid just shoot and killed his father the other day, kids do unbeivable stuff all the time, even in good homes with decent well intentioned parents.

Of course it is really sad if this story turns out to be true - but what is really reprehensible here is the behavior of the autorities and the newspaper for printing the names, they are either ignorant beyond beleif or simple don't give a crap about the kids as long as they get their job done, you pick which one you think. So they have already proved their worth (or worthlessness) in our society, but that of the parents is still to be determined as of yet they are only charged. The others have already convicted themselves when they released and printed the names. "

sick wrote on May 14, 2009 12:38 PM:

" to bravo, witchhunt, something not right,
Someone should check into your background and see what you have done to innocent children, if for one second you find this behavior ok, why would any kid make up a story like this and the parents admit to it, if it didnt happen, you are sick and should be punished just as much as them, "

Jesus wrote on May 14, 2009 4:47 PM:

" Let him who is without sin cast the first stone "

Jesus wrote on May 14, 2009 4:48 PM:

" Let him who is without sin cast the first stone... "

ToSicko wrote on May 14, 2009 7:06 PM:

" To 'sick' it's no surprise that you use that name.

you wrote in reference to me:
"for one second you find this behavior ok"

Did I say it was ok ? You need to check in with the nearest hospital immediately and tell them you are having delusions. Perhaps your medical mariquana doseage needs to be scaled back a bit, maybe cut the ponytail, lose a couple of that tatoos... Geez don't we get them all in Missoula, where do these people come from.

You wrote:
"why would any kid make up a story like this and the parents admit to it"
Mr Sick you are suffering from a common delusion, that being that if you can't understand something therefore it can't happen. Do you understand E = MC^2, probably not, so I guess that means your furnace shouldn't be working - you are a baffon, can you undertand that.
An 11 year old killed his father last week, can you explain that ? Whether you can or can't doesn't mean it did happen.

And lastly, a common practice of the Child Protective Services is to threaten and use coercive tactics to get statements out of parents. So these people admitting to it doesn't surprise me in the least.
Remember that they are still only 'charged'. Innocent until proven guilty. "

been there... wrote on May 15, 2009 1:59 PM:

" a similar situation happened in my family years ago. our stepfather was accused of sexually abusing my sisters and i and our community was agahast. he groomed us and threatened us so well that my mother was truly oblivious to what had been going on. we should have won oscars for our acting. the town ripped my mother apart saying that she should have known & how could such a cherished man (our stepfather) that came from such a cherished family in our community be responsible for such things...??!!
He served only 3 years in prison and is now out living his life with nothing more than to register as a sex offender.
my mother divorced him and was able, thank God, to keep all of us kids due to her honesty and cooperation with CFS in our town.
if it were not for the bravery of my older sister in stepping forward, who knows where we would be today? Each of my sisters and I deal with the past in our own way, but have done many years (cumulatively and individually) of counseling to be able to have "normal" lives. everyone in our town knew who we were and what happened to us based on our stepfather's name being printed in the paper.
i pray these children will not face the same shame our family did based on parental actions. may justice be served. "

Disgusted wrote on May 15, 2009 3:16 PM:

" Are you kidding me? What parent in their right mind would admit to having sexual intercourse with their children EVERY weekend for a year? And both parents said it, not just one. Mom didn't accuse stepdad. Nope, they both ADMIT to doing this to kids under age 14. Why admit it? Probably at their attorneys request in hopes to receive "mental help" rather than jail time. Quite self serving in my opinion. Next we will hear the devil made 'em do it or they were wacked out on drugs or something. Excuses excuses excuses.

Look, if their children (not one but ALL of them) are saying their parents molested them, and parents are saying yep we did that, people do need to perk up and listen. Yes, teens make up lies about their parents, we have had that very thing happen to us. And unequivocally, we have DENIED it because it was a LIE. Never did CPS or any other agency try to coerce us into saying we did something that we did NOT do. And by the way, the article said one of their girls told...we don't know the age of that child so let's not assume it was a teen huh?

Lastly, this has nothing to do with the boy who shot his father in Kalispell. How can any of you even try to compare the two? "

Jo wrote on May 15, 2009 3:46 PM:

" It's frightening that some would say this is unbelievable. This creates an atmosphere that distrusts claims of abuse and offers impunity to perps. We have a severe problem in this country with not believing victims and it does great harm to them & their families.

We used to have a problem with those claiming victims had false memories. Now it's false allegations. Anything to deny abuse.

I work in domestic violence. At least 3 women are killed a day. I would gladly give up my job (as would most of us in the abuse field) for there to be non-violence. "

WaitAndSee wrote on May 15, 2009 8:52 PM:

" To Disgusted - you complete missed the point being made about the 11 year old shooting his father.
Second, if this story was about some women killing her husband, people like you would be the first to say, let's wait and see what happens after the facts come out and what the jury says.
Unfortunately, there is nothing we love more in today's society then to have someone we can all come together over and hate with venom, in this case sex offenders - mostly because its a male crime, with the sightest hint of proof we're ready to shoot them, witnessed the post on here that have already convicted them.
Sorry but I've hear, WAY to many stories of abuse by the CPS, so much so that whenever they are involved in anything I immediately assume they are on another whichhunt. I saw first hand their heavy handed tatics here in Missoula - and have heard other horrors stories. More than a few groups have appealed to authorities to rein them in.
Are the people in this story guilty ? - We'll see, but I've read about too many of these trumped up cases, confessions not withstanding to make any assumptions anymore - but you feel free too.
My guess is that if you never hear anything about the final outcome - it's because they dropped the case. "

WaitAndSee wrote on May 15, 2009 9:06 PM:

" To "JO"
Your off on the deep end - twisting what previous posts have said. Let's hope you don't get picked for jury duty.
Good thing we don't live in the old south, you people appear the kind that would be dragging people out of the jail before the trial and string them up to the nearest tree.
You wanna find someone guilty - find the authorities and the paper for releasing those names. If things weren't bad enough for these poor kids, now they have to live with their names being thrown out into the public spotlight....that is criminal in my book and it should be in your's too.
Unfortunately the slobbering masses love their titilating sex stories, can't wait to string up another culprit, preferbably some white guy, and the press loves it....the childrens feelings be damned if it makes good press....and everyone goes around saying "the poor children" what a bunch of hypocrates.
You people need someone to hate so bad you can't wait for the next pervert to come along to release your venom in, whether their guilty or not. "

RealProof wrote on May 15, 2009 9:15 PM:

" Jo wrote:
"I work in domestic violence. At least 3 women are killed a day."

Well there you have it - proof, that makes these people guilty to. Yea so what women shoot their husbands everyday of the week too. What does that have to do with this story ?

Nobody ever said abuse didn't happen, or these people might not be guilty - did they ? You need to take a class to improve your cognitive skills and basic reading comprehension. "

Murphy wrote on May 16, 2009 9:39 AM:

" Here's some of what we've learned about child molestation over the years.
1.10% of victims will report the abuse.
2.5% of the accused will admit to the accusations
3.Child molesters are busy--15% of the adult population was molested as children--15% of the adult population of Missoula.
4. The average costs per child paid by society will be $250K in lost productivity and health care--according to the Department of Justice.
6. As for the media here: The Missoulian not only named the family, without noting it had the children's permission---but the reporter repeated the accuseds' description of the crimes as "having sex." "

2Cents wrote on May 16, 2009 12:35 PM:

" To Murphy:
Are those government numbers you are citing ? A person would be very naive in this day and age to put an truth what so ever in government numbers.

I'd love to know how they came up with this one -
"The average costs per child paid by society will be $250K in lost productivity and health care"

Anyone with any insight knows that there is a strong bias and incentive to exaggerate government study numbers for the benefit of contiuned and increased funding of their study. If you don't find a problem you simply don't get more funding and the bigger the problem, the more you get. Rarely does a study ever find nothing wrong - well I've never seen one.

Another flaw in your logic. if the children gave persmission to release names...the authorities and newpaper in this case should have enough sense to not print them, for obvious reasons. Do you think these kids are old enough to give 'consent' for certain acts, of course not, so I doubt they know the ramifications of releasing their names either - these poor children are getting exploited from everyside. "

Cold North Wind wrote on May 16, 2009 9:38 PM:

" Should be easy to "prove" -with forensics. I am inclined to believe it. Admitting means avoiding some court time- and- possibly- the evidence is already admitted-and they knew it.
I like the red ant hill idea - -or- Tim's - Maybe the names are already "fake"- and two of the children can stay now with their mother- with no law forced visits to a rapist - -maybe that mom and kids can move- fast.Couldn't the powers that be- help out with new names and moving costs ? relocation costs ? oh wait- that would be too logical - "


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