California Child Abuse Reporting (2008)

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Initiative 1246. (07-0014) or the Training for mandated reporters of Child Abuse and Neglect is an initiated constitutional amendment that would have required school districts and local offices of education to provide training for their employees who are legally mandated to report known or suspected instances of abuse or neglect. The California Secretary of State announced in early 2008 that the measure had failed or been withdrawn.

The measure further specified that training should include

  1. the duties of mandated reporters
  2. the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect
  3. materials and programs developed by the Department of Social Service's Office of Child Abuse Prevention and the State Department of Education.[1]

Fiscal impact

  • Cost to Schools. Potential one-time costs ranging from less than $1 million to $45 million and potential ongoing costs ranging from less than $1 million to $4 million.
  • Child Welfare and Foster Care Costs. Potential increased costs ranging from about $0.3 million to nearly $3 million for the state and ranging from about $0.2 million to about $2 million for counties.
  • Costs to State Courts and Local Law Enforcement. Potential increased costs of less than $1 million to state courts and local law enforcement agencies.[2]


Diana Evans.


  1. 1246. (07-0012) Initiative Language
  2. Fiscal Impact Statement
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