California Proposition 56 (2004)

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Proposition 56 appeared on the California primary ballot on March 2, 2004. It failed to pass with 2,185,868 (34.3%) votes in favor and 4,183,188 (65.7%) against. It was intended to penalize politicians for every day that the state budget is overdue. The proposition would also have lowered the threshold required pass a budget and enact new budget-related taxes to 55% from the 2/3 vote currently required. The 2/3 supermajority was created with the passage of California Proposition 13 in 1978. Prop. 56 was officially known as the Budget Accountability Act.

Donations to pass the measure exceeded $15.8 million, while donations to defeat the measure were in the range of $9.4 million.

The primary financial supporters of Prop. 56 were SEIU/the California State Council of Service Employees at $9 million, and the California Teachers Association at $2.2 million. The California Republican Party gave $750,000 to defeat it.

Official summary

  • Permits Legislature to enact budget and budget-related tax and appropriation bills with 55% vote rather than 2/3 vote currently required.
  • Requires that Legislature, Governor permanently lose salary, expenses for each day budget is late.
  • Requires that Legislature stay in session until budget is passed.
  • Requires budget summary in state ballot pamphlet and link to Internet website with legislators' voting records on budget and related taxes.
  • Requires 25% of certain state revenue increases be deposited in reserve fund, which cannot be used to increase spending.

Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:

  • This measure would have varying state fiscal impacts from lowering the legislative vote requirement for budget-related spending and tax increases - including changes in spending and potentially significant increases in state tax revenues in some years. Fiscal impacts would depend primarily on the composition and actions of future Legislatures.

See also

External links

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