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Our mission

Ballotpedia cultivates thriving citizenship through the free and open sharing of information.

What we do

Ballotpedia is a free, collaborative, online encyclopedia about elections, ballot measures and access, petitions and ballot law, recalls, school and local ballot measures, and state legislatures.

Ballotpedia is a wiki, which means anyone can improve it. By adding your knowledge and fixing mistakes, the quality and depth of Ballotpedia's information improves over time.

Why we do it

We believe in the power of information to transform lives and politics, and we're committed to making the most knowledge available to the greatest number of people. That's why, in addition to Ballotpedia, the Sam Adams Alliance hosts Sunshine Review to promote transparency and Judgepedia to collect information on our judiciary. The more informed we are as voters, the better our government becomes.

Ballotpedia isn't a part of any political party and we don't support candidates. We're simply a community of users dedicated to fairness and openness in politics, on both sides of the aisle. Our users welcome responsible, knowledge-building contributions from anyone who wants to participate.

How it works

Ballotpedia was originally formed by the Citizens in Charge Foundation on May 30, 2007. In March of 2008, the Sam Adams Alliance became Ballotpedia's sponsor, continuing their mission of using online media to promote access to government. Sam Adams is a nonprofit 501c3 organization that helps keep things running with a small editorial staff and enough server power to meet the demands of our heavy traffic. Ballotpedia has 36,400 articles and 1,538 registered users.

Getting started

Interested in improving Ballotpedia? Click through the Ballotpedia Tutorial to learn how!

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