{{ComicsCollabCandidate}} {{comicsproj}} ==Talk== America represents a modern mass culture unprecedented in history. A product of liberty, democracy, mass technology, pop culture, and paid-for-excellence, it has produced that thin elite of mass pop icons - Brando, Sinatra, Faulkner, Kirby, etc. Unequalled anywhere because no other country or part of earth has the unique core materials that make up America, specifically New York and Los Angeles. 10 years ago, all the anchor-announcers of radio/TV stations in Asia spoke with a British twang. Today no one does. Everyone speaks California talk. The youth speak rap. Not that it is good. Or bad. It just has impact. Now Kirby and Sinatra and Brando are like that. For Kirby specifically, someone should track the genesis of the Fantastic 4, and all the Marvel characters spawned by their success - their lines are linked to early Kirby characters, not to Lee. Lee is a marvelous talk-writer. But after Kirby, Lee has no spectacular character anymore. When he did the What If Series for DC on DC heroes, nothing stands out. But Kirby on his own at DC with his 4th World - that is true genuine originality. True, there was a decline in his latter years. But the motif was not there anymore, nor the spirit of youth. Some billionaire somewhere who had a comics-filled youth ought to put up a Kirby Kosmic Room - his own musuem. Dr. Ernesto Franco 30 Sandico St., BF Homes, Commonwealth Ave. Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines ---- Mark Evanier is very eloquent on the topic of Jack Kirby. Both Jack and his wife Roz were wonderful people. Sorry! Is the realname Kurtzberg or Kurtzburg ? Britannica says Kurtzberg. 17:24, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC) I'm a German Fixed the Jack FAQ link. --Kross 21:22, Apr 2, 2005 (UTC)