How To Search

To search for a phrase use double quotes "". "this that" treats this that as a single word rather than two.

You can use AND OR and NOT as operators between words like this AND that (find posts containing BOTH words), this OR that (find posts containing EITHER word), this NOT that (find posts containing this but NOT that) and NOT this NOT that (find posts containing NEITHER word).

You can group operations with parens (). this and (that or other) finds all posts matching that and that and this and other and this and that and other.

OR is inclusive not exclusive meaning one or both rather than one but not the other. To make and exclusive or (XOR) you'll need to create it long hand: (this not that) and (that not this).

user:, forum: and topic: all take a single word or phrase. user:"foo bar", user:foobar, user:(foo and bar). You can only use these operators once so user:(cthree or nate) but not user:cthree or user:nate.