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Exciting News!

I've got a few things to talk about this time out...

New Products

While excitement about D&D 4th Edition reaches a fever pitch, I want to make sure that the cool products releasing right now don't get lost in process. These D&D products recently hit the shelves, and each of them helps you keep playing or thinking about D&D between now and the launch of 4th Edition.

The Grand History of the Realms presents a comprehensive timeline of the Forgotten Realms world starting in the distant past and moving into the unpredictable future. This is just a cool reference tool and a fun read for anyone who enjoys Faerun.

Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress uses a smart, humorous writing style to explore the D&D game experience from a woman's point of view. When Liz Schuh, Brand Director for D&D, suggested we do a product like this, I immediately began searching for the right author to pull it off. Shelly Mazzanoble's style, unique voice, and love of the game made her the natural choice, and I'm very proud of this Girl's Guide to D&D—a guide that's a must-read for everyone who loves D&D, knows someone who loves D&D, or wants to find out more about this whole D&D thing.

Dungeon Survival Guide, written by myself and Chris Perkins, features classic art and infamous dungeons. You won't find any rules in this lavish book. What you will find are tips, tricks, lore, and warnings designed to help you survive the most deadly dungeons of D&D legend—as well as descriptions of twenty of the greatest D&D dungeons of all time.

Rules Compendium encompasses the glory of 3rd Edition. I like to look at this product as a compilation, explanation, and celebration of the best of D&D 3rd Edition. It includes designer and developer commentaries that provide a rare view into the inner workings of my team, and I recommend this volume very highly.

The Orc King, by R.A. Salvatore, features the return of Drizzt Do'Urden to center stage and sets the stage for the 4th Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. If you read just one fantasy novel this year, it should be The Orc King!

A Practical Guide to Monsters follows up on the success of last year's A Practical Guide to Dragons, providing young readers and fantasy fans of all ages alike with all kinds of essential information regarding monsters from ankhegs to zombies.

You don't have to wait until 4th Edition to enjoy new D&D products. Check out these and other recent titles wherever you shop for your D&D needs.

D&D Insider Bug

Speaking of new products, watch for the "Get More At D&D Insider" bug on the back cover of many of our products releasing between now and the launch of 4th Edition. Any product featuring this bug will receive support and updates on our website after the launch so that you can continue to use them into 4th Edition. Buy these products now to use in your current games, and keep them on hand to continue to use them in your 4th Edition campaigns!

D&D Game Day

This year's D&D Game Day is only a couple of weeks away. On November 3, game stores around the world will open their doors to celebrate the game we all play and love. In addition to the special event kits sent to each of these locations by the RPGA (the kits contain player characters, miniatures, maps, and a brand-new adventure), we'll be posting additional events for the RPG and the Minis Game that can be run at these locations or anywhere else people play D&D. Watch for these new events to appear soon on this website.

Find a location or play at home—but let's all play and celebrate D&D on November 3! And ask your retailer about special promotional pricing that may be in effect on select D&D products that day.

4E Release Date

Finally, I wanted to share this last bit of exciting news with everyone. After conferring with our various trade partners, the Sales Team here at Wizards came back with word that they'd rather have the three core rulebooks release in the same month than over three consecutive months. As that's how we originally wanted to release them, Brand and R&D got together with our Production Team to see if we could accommodate the request.

The answer is YES! The new release schedule looks like this:

April: D&D Miniatures Game Starter and Dungeons of Dread boosters.

May: H1: Keep on the Shadowfell 4th Edition D&D adventure with Quick-Start Rules.

June 6: 4th Edition Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual.

We delay the original release date of the first book by a couple of weeks, but we put all three books on the shelves at the same time. Many of you asked us to do this, and I'm glad to report that we can make it happen. All the core rules will be available at the same time!

I've got a few more things to tell you about, but I'm all out of room for this column. I'll just have to catch up with you next time. 'Til then...

Keep playing!

--Bill Slavicsek

About the Author

Bill Slavicsek is the R&D Director for Roleplaying Games, Miniatures, and Book Publishing at Wizards of the Coast. All of the game designers, developers, editors, book editors, and D&D Insider content managers working on Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, and the WotC Publishing Group report into Bill's R&D team.

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