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Instructions from Senior GM
August 14-17, 2007

Thank you for offering to help out at Gen Con 2008. This year, as in the past, we are using the Consupport website ( to manage our game masters (GMs) and rewards. This website lets you see in real time (well close to it) the number of GMs we need in each slot. Using Consupport lets you sign-up for the exact schedule that you would like as well as request rewards for slots worked (such as free badges or a shared hotel room).

The Consupport website is now open to take GM schedules for Gen Con 2008. The earlier you sign-up, the more likely you are to get the schedule you want. Please realize the site indicates we need GMs until schedules are confirmed, so more people may sign up than are needed. If six people sign-up to GM a slot of Living Forgotten Realms where we only need three, the first three GMs to apply are granted the slot and the other three need to select another event. This situation normally only happens at the beginning of GM sign-up, so please be flexible. Please read all the documentation available to you as well as the notes on the sign-up screen. Following directions will greatly increase your chances of getting the schedule you want (as if your schedule is invalid then I just skip it and move on to others).

Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures will be handled by RPGA HQ management at Gen Con 2008.

Please take note of a few things.

One - There are two volunteer setup/breakdown slots that you can sign-up for in the Sign-Up/Volunteer menu. I need two people for each of these slots, and they count towards your slots to receive convention perks. The first is Wednesday 4-9 p.m. and the second is Sunday 1-5 p.m. These fill up VERY fast so do not be surprised if you sign-up to help and are not picked (check back on the website often to see if you are confirmed – do not assume you are okay). If you are not on the setup or breakdown crew then please do not hang around in the play area. I know you want to hangout and talk or wait for friends but the more people that mill around HQ during these times the longer it takes to get anything done. Go hangout in the lobby or hotel and people can meet you there later.

Two - Take time to familiarize yourself with the slot zero rules. These rules apply to all shows I run.

Three - My HQ workers are handpicked (Delve and RPGA HQ). Do not sign-up for these unless you talk to me first. I contact volunteers for mustering and appeals GM duty closer to the event. Same goes for D&D Delve HQ (running it is fine of course).

Four - Do not pick six different adventures to run in eight different slots. Pick two adventures, tops unless you have contacted me first. Focus on giving players a fantastic experience with a couple adventures instead of so-so experiences by spreading yourself to thin.

Five - If you want to GM the Living Forgotten Realms (Special), or the D&D Championship Semifinals or Finals then please focus on running only that event and you MUST contact me with what shows and specials you have run in the past (unless you have run one of them before). No offense to anybody, but we want our best GMs on these events as they are the cornerstone of our presence at the show. If you sign-up to GM one of these events without contacting me for approval your schedule will not be approved until it is corrected.

Six – Once I confirm your schedule on Consupport you will receive an invite to the Gencon 2008 GMs only list. If your schedule is confirmed in Consupport (if you cannot change it then it is confirmed) and do not get an invite then contact me at and I will fix that. All GMs must be on this list and are responsible for the information contained on it. Hotmail accounts will not accept invites from Yahoo! Groups (problem for about a year now). So please contact me directly at the above email for the link).

GM Perks

This year GMing one slot gets you entered for a daily drawing for one of two giant stacks of stuff. This stack contains four or five hardbacks and whatever else HQ gives us to handout. Sometimes we don’t receive enough to do stacks without cutting into the end of show GM perks. We play it by ear but will do our best to reward as many as possibly as fairly as possible.

GMing four or more slots gets you a badge to the show. This may or may not be activated in the Gen Con system to purchase pre-reg tickets. If there is something you REALLY want to play then buy a badge and buy a ticket in pre-reg. Once you have both badges onsite getting your refund is very easy. Due to our late start this year with pre-reg it is doubtful we will have badges live in time for pre-reg. I’ll do my best though.

GMing seven or more slots gets you a room at the show. This room is for four nights (Wednesday Night through Saturday Night) with 3 people to a room. If you are a couple you will need to contact me with whom you would like to share that third room spot. Our goal is 3 to a room. If we are forced to go to 4 to a room we will start with those who signed up last and worked backwards (so signing up early reduces the chances of having that fourth person in the room). Please include any special requirements or preferred roommates when signing up for seven or more slots.

Our current additional reward model is one perk point for every two slots worked. One perk point is worth one hardback book. Sometimes we have other things that might count as half a point (like the small soft-cover books). This is our goal, but I’m at the mercy of what pallets show up. So please consider these as bonus perks that we try our best to give but are not promised items.

All events played onsite must be paid for normally. Being a GM does not exempt you from paying like everybody else. Take advantage of slot zeros if you can.

Once schedules are confirmed, you will receive a link to a GM-only, Gen Con 2008 message group. Those doing the D&D Championship will get an invite to a special list as well. Access to this group helps us keep you informed as the show approaches. So, head on over to Consupport, take a look at the schedule, sign-up for what you want to play and lets makes this Gen Con the biggest and best one yet.

David Christ
Gen Con 2008 Senior GM

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